forum Dust To Dust (Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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The horns fell off the minotaur's head just as he bellowed in pain. It seemed Kirisano had injured him badly, so Dash could focus on the hunter for now. He dropped into a crouch and approached slowly. He summoned his armor, but kept it away from his face, wanting to keep the element of surprise. The hunter lifted his bow suddenly and shot two arrows, but Dash blocked them with his hand. The hunter frowned and smiled at the same time as he unsheathed a broad knife, also dropping into a crouch.


Dash glanced back. The minotaur was dead. Now that his attention wasn't divided, he lunged forward and swept the hunter's legs out from under him. The hunter lifted his knife immediately to take advantage of Dash's back, but again, it bounced off him. Dash slashed at the man wildly, more for show than practicality. The hunter dropped his knife and swung his fist toward Dash's head as they rolled around.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The hunter let out a shriek as blood shot from his body. The red fountain splashed onto Kirisano's front. He forced himself from vomiting. He pulled out his nodachi. "Let us end this." he told Dashilan.


Dashilan stood stiffly as the crowd murmured. His face was red, but it wasn't from shame; that would come later. He watched the bodies as they were quickly taken away, along with him and Kirisano. The doors shut behind them quietly and left them standing in the big room again. Of course they don't really care. Pointless.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It was silent as they approached the gates. But as the doors closed behind them the crowd roared.
They were filled with the power of bloodlust. They reveled in it. "More!" they chanted, "More!"
Kirisano shuddered. There would be more.
"MATCH FOUR NINE EIGHT FOUR!!" the speakers boomed.


Dash licked his lips and sat down in the place he had been before. Two others were approached by the guards now, the scarred man and the girl who had asked for food earlier.
Dash finally looked back at Kirisano. "So what does your sword do exactly?"

Deleted user

Zane shook himself out of the guards grip. "Yes I know it is my fight. I will walk myself, you mongrel." He strutted over to the door, once again brimming with that wild energy. He went through cracking his knuckles, stretching out his shoulders and grinning. The roar of the crowd was slicking his bloodlust. He was ready.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Kirisano looked at him, trying to decide to be open or not. "It's not the sword." he said finally.
"I probably shouldn't tell you this since we might kill each other later. But I have fought with you."
He said this slowly, as if considering the words as he said them.
"It is me the power comes from. On my planet, -we don't know how- we have discovered that our race can harness energy from inside of us. Emotional energy. Fear is used often. But anger works best. There are those that say love could bring about works of healing instead of destruction. But no one knows that for sure…"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc slunk from his place in the shadows. He tried to look unconcerned as he was escorted through the doors of the prison. But inside, he was shaking.
If only I- If I hadn’t… But it was too late.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(Well… you won't get as much characterization time. Or screen time. But if you don't try to take over or anything like that, and if Bandito is cool with it I'd love to have you. It's a huge arena after all.)

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Username: Chameleon The Slitherpuff and Slytherpuff
Name: Melanthea
Age: Appears to be in her early to mid teen's
Actual age - Somewhere in her 200's
Gender: Female
Species: Half demon, half mortal
Powers/Abilities: Can summon fire at any time and one hellbeast every hour. Shapeshifts and can grow wings.
Weapons: A dagger, she likes to be close to who she's killing.
Bio/History: Lucifer's youngest daughter, when coming to this world she had to hide this fact for two years before she murdered an annoying Tavern owner.
Appearance: Red skin when in demon form, greyish skin in human form.