forum Dust To Dust (Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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The gorgon hissed, flashing up and attacking. Her claws gleaming in the light of the arena. Zane dodged enough to miss the dagger like claws coming for his face, but not enough to miss the tail that she swung at him from the other side. It collided with his ribs, launching him back towards the door they'd entered at. His breath left him in a whoosh, but he landed on his feet, carefully shaking off the hurt. So the tails first then, darling? He unsheathed a single sword, twirling it as his eyes tracked the movements of the gorgon's tails.
He darted forward at the same time she did. At this speed they would collide within a few second, but Zane used a bit of his earth power to create a springboard, so when they were inches from each other, the earth under his foot shoved upward, launching him into the air and over the gorgon. Flipping he landed on her left most tail, stabbing down in a flurry of movements. Blood sprayed as he hacked away, staying somewhat still, despite the gorgon bucking and screaming in pain. With a final yank of his blade, Zane rolled off of the creature, pulling back a bit to admire his handiwork.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The gryphon turned around. All the while waiting for him to make the first move.
He continued walking a little while longer, from the corner of his eye he spotted Zane using the earth to launch himself in the air. Interesting. His eyes flipped back to watch the gryphon’s eyes as it began to tense. It would soon loose patience with his games. He didn’t notice as the muscles beneath its skin contracted.
A wave of terror went through him as the beast pounced. The claws dug into his shoulders like daggers and the pain forced him to cry out. Without thinking, his hands flew to the creature’s throat and he felt the urge of power once again. This time he didn’t restrain it. The gryphon collapsed on top of him. Dead.

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Zane saw the gryphon fall from the corner of his eye. He cursed as the crowds screams intensified over the sudden ending to the fight beside him. Was this other guy trying to show him up? A fierce scowl transformed his features into something terrible as he attacked the gorgon again, going for a more outrageous display of power and might as he did so.
He darted around, using speed and his acrobatic ability to move too quickly for her to catch. Each time he moved, blood sprayed. Pausing for breath, he clenched a fist at his side, watching as the earth responded to his call, sucking the gorgon down into a chasm. He left her head exposed above ground. Zane eyed her gnashing teeth and flying venom with disgust. Her shrieks annoyed him to no end, so he palmed his sword and launched it at top speed towards her exposed face. It landed with a sickening crunch between her brows.
Zane grinned, not the fight he was expecting, but good enough for the crowd. The blood on his face felt like war paint, a feeling that seared him to his core.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc struggled to get out from under the animal that was on top of him. The weight pushed down on him, and the smell of it filled his nostrils. As he struggled, a stray claw snagged in the flesh of his arm. He removed it, wincing, and continued to wiggle his way out. He stood up and felt dizzy. The blood staining his shoulders a testament to what he had paid. He looked up in time for Zane to finish off the snake woman, and his heart was almost turned by the sight of the mangled female flesh. His stomach twisted and he came near to throwing up. Victory. he thought, This is what it is going to take to survive. He walked over to Zane as the crowd screamed with glee.

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Zane glanced at the other man as he approached. Taking in his wounds, he almost frowned. Only the screams of the crowd kept his wild smile in place. He had not been able to see what nasty power lingered beneath Karoc's skin, which upset him to no end. How would he know how to defeat him later on? He sighed. "I see you've managed to survive." Zane spoke casually to Karoc, swinging how sword low to the ground.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"Indeed sir." replied Karoc. "Though not without injury." he said ruefully
Under his face and behind his eyes Karoc studied Zane to be sure he did not suspect anything. So far he seemed not to have found out. Keeping his expression smooth, he gave himself the privilege of a small, inward smile.

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Zane scowled, turning towards Karoc with a grace that was deadly to behold. His sword still swung by his side. If he wanted to use it before the guards took it from him, it would have to be now. Patience, a voice whispered in his mind. Zane relaxed only slightly, giving the other man the same wild smile that he gave to the crowd. "Not bad for a first timer. Next time I wouldn't kill your opponent so fast. They–" he jerked his chin at the blood thirsty crowd. "–don't like that so much. Your life is in their hands, best remember that." His hand holding the sword twitched, ready to take his damn head off, but instead he jerked it to the guard coming towards them. With a final smile at Karoc, Zane strut off the field, cracking his knuckles one by one.

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Zane paused to look over his shoulder at the other man. "I have done nothing in which you should thank. So why do this?" The crack of his fingers ominous in the empty hall.

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Zane's brows shot up in surprise. He stopped cracking his knuckles to cross his arms as he stared at Karoc, fully turning around to block the man from walking the rest of the way down the hall. The guards griped, but a glare from Zane had them biting their tongues. "Friends." He deadpanned, completely emotionless.

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Zane cocked his head, staring down his nose at Karoc. "And within the arena we attempt to kill each other?" Still with that eerily emotionless voice. Then, finally, a smile. "Very well. Friends." He clapped Karoc on his injured shoulder as he spun on a heel back towards the holding room. The excitement making him snap his finger bones once again. It had been awhile since he had an ally.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc followed him, unsure of what had occurred. The man seemed dangerous. And yet he had refrained from killing him. He could be trusted. Yet his bleeding shoulder told him the opposite. He walked back into the large prison cell.
RATIONS FOR THE VICTORS!!! rang out a voice from in the chamber. A fraction of the prisoners yelled in triumph, celebrating their willingness to kill. For killing meant bread. And bread meant life. Karoc took his food handed to him, and made his way to Zane who had also received such a package. “I know not your name.” he said.
“Perhaps we may talk together if we are to be allies.”

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Zane made a sound of agreement around his mouthful bread, motioning for Karoc to be seated on the ledge he was quickly walking towards. He shoved several others out of the way, golden eyes flashing in the dim light. "I am Zane." He spoke after situating himself on the ledge comfortably. A scarred hand ran through his dark green tresses, making him look slightly more unhinged.

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Zane tilted his head thoughtfully as the memory overcame him. "Regicide." He intoned finally, something about the admission softening his features. "One could say I did it for fun." He took another bite of food absently. "Yourself?"

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Zane looked up, mildly interested in the other man. He was much more intriguing than that girl. "Why do you feel guilt? Death is death." He shrugged. "Obviously you hated your prey enough to kill them. Why succumb to pity and horror now?"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

“I did not want to kill. I did not want to be among the ranks of a murderer. I did it for the power.” Karoc looked at him, “I think you can understand that.”
“But now,” he shuddered, “I know I was wrong. Yet here I am.”

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"I did not kill my father for power." Zane said looking pensive. "I killed him to prove I could. I already knew I was powerful. What manner of power did you obtain?" He was honestly curious a this point. The fact that he had missed it during the fight irked him.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc was afraid to tell him the complete truth so he settled on a half lie. “Power to be victorious in battle. I wished to be as strong as the one who trained me. I needed to feel the power in my veins. Alas, I have yet to complete the ritual I started, else I would have no chance of defeat.”
He looked at Zane curiously. “Do you regret killing at all?”