forum Dust To Dust (Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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@Dragoncita group

((OOC: If you would like, I can create both -

Fire Fae
Normal height, slightly shorter than the average male, pair of fiery orange insect-like wings on his back
Quick and nimble, mainly focusing on ranged attacks
Incredibly weak to ice/water and easily over-powered by sheer muscle

Giant, humanoid creature
Nearly 10ft in height, blades attached to its arms, which are actually sharpened bone protrusions
Focuses primarily on melee attacks, overpowering prey with swift swipes from its dangerous 'wristblades', or simply charging and trampling over anything unfortunate enough to be in its way
Slow learner, takes it some time before it finally realizes a move before it did is no longer working on an opponent, not a quick turner so back is often left open to attacks))

@Dragoncita group

"Out of the cage mutt."
Medea lifted her head. One of her ears flicked upwards as her eyes laid upon blades pointed at her. The chimera never enjoyed the fights, having to often be forced out her cage and kicked into the arena. She wasn't raised to fight pointless fights…only to protect herself and her deceased master.
The creature crawled out, tail tucked between her legs. Her ears were laid flat back against her head. Medea paused to look around, though she was made to move again as a blade lightly poked her in the side. The chimera started forward again. She had noticed as the others went out, then came back in, all the same; heavy with the scent of blood. She tried to ready herself, her senses sparking to life again.
She came to a stop at the iron gate. Medea's tail was still tucked between her legs. Now though, her ears perked forward, listening to the world around her. This was a team fight…wasn't it? The chimera wasn't often put into team fights. Her nose twitched, sniffing the air. Medea was just left to wait while trying to scent on the opponents on the opposite side of the iron bars.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alene was pulled out of the room unceremoniously before she could do anything. She considered making them let go, but decided the pain later wouldn't be worth the reward. She let herself be carried out of the room, her eyes like shards of blue ice. She was pushed through a door, and it was locked behind her. A few feet before her was a creature like a werewolf, one of it's arms apparently cut off based on the wound. Alene's breath turned shallow. Was the thing there to kill her?


Dash looked up as some sort of monster wolf and the hungry girl from before came into the arena. They looked like they were about to face worse creatures than he and Kirisano had, he wished them luck.

@Dragoncita group

Medea's ear swiveled back, hearing the sound of movement behind her. The chimera turned her head to see a young girl suddenly shoved inside next to her. She tilted her head in a curious manner. What was such a youngling doing in a place like this? Her nose twitched a bit, the scent of fear in the air, though this scent was fresh, and coming from the girl next to her.
The creature laid her ears back, lowering herself closer to the girl's level. Her tail was still between her legs, though the tip of it was wagging a little bit. It gave her the appearance of a submissive dog, trying to please its owner. Her yellow eyes were a soft, gentle glow.
"O-oh…I'm sorry if I-I-I frightened you…"
Medea lifted her head back forward as the squeak of chains being moved sounded. The gate was starting to open, and their fight would soon begin.

@Dragoncita group

The chimera gave the girl an honest, soft smile, "I would never hurt a child…my master taught me to protect the young and weak."
Medea opened her muzzle, getting ready to say something else, but suddenly went silent. Instead, she leapt towards the girl. Without a second thought, the creature wrapped her single arm around Alene. Along her back, a layer of ice suddenly appeared, creating a light plated armor. There was a hiss as heat met cold.
She had stepped in and shielded the girl from a sudden hurling ball of fire. Medea relaxed her grip on the person before her, looking back. Floating just outside further on the other side of the arena, hovered a fiery looking male with insect-like wings. Below, stood a brutish looking humanoid, cruel, bone blades growing from its wrists. The giant beast released a sudden bellow, charging forward, blades dragging on the ground.
The chimera stepped off to the side, yellow eyes glowing brightly. Medea no longer held the submissive demeanor of earlier. She was serious now, her master's words ringing clearly in her mind; 'Many believe the young and small are weak and helpless. Some seek to protect, others to neglect. Remember what I told you Medea, the little ones don't deserve to be forced to live such nightmares. Try to help those who you know can't make it on their own.'
Her lips curled back, showing sharp fangs. The chimera's breaths came out in white clouds, the air around her dropping, becoming even colder despite the warmth of the sun. Her tail started to lash, growing longer, becoming more reptilian. Spines erupted from her back, running along her spine. Atop Medea's head, a pair of antlers, each point ending in a sharp prong.
As the brutish opponent started to near, raising its fists to smash both the chimera and girl into the ground, but was stopped. Powerful paws wrapped around those giant fists, claws gripping downwards. Medea's body had grown larger, soon matching the size of the brute before her. The chimera released a loud growl, ice starting to form around her body. A sudden fireball came from behind the brute humanoid, singeing Medea's shoulder. However, the beast hardly noticed the heat as she stood struggling against the humanoid to keep it back.
Now it would be up to Alene to try and take out the fire fae hovering in the background giving ranged back up, or trying to help Medea. Medea was hoping the girl would go for the flying nuisance in the back, knowing she herself was the only one of the pair who would be able to take on the brute before them.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alene stared at the wolf creature in awe. She was terrifying. And she was amazing.
Her mind took over as a fire creature swooped down at her its wing buzzing. She dodged and a fireball narrowly missed her face. She ran and the thing chased her. She ran in a zigzag to avoid the fire streaking on either side of her. A red hot orb flew past and she screamed. Her sleeve burned, and the flesh on her arm bubbled and melted.
She ran blindly, her tears of pain obscuring her vision. Another ball of fire zoomed at her, barely missing her leg. She faltered and crumpled to the ground, rolling in the dust.
The creature came at her slowly. It's face was twisted into an expression of glee. "Your time is ended little one. Only one of us can survive. And it will not be you." It dove at her as she lay, its hands preparing one last blast of fire.
As it came down, Alene's senses came back to her. She rolled out of the way, letting a moan escape her clenched teeth. With one leg she hooked the creature, sending it down into the sand beside her. She threw herself down on the shocked Fae, noticing her armor start to melt away. "I have killed your kind before!" she hissed as a burning sensation began to seep into her limbs. She raised her small hands to its small neck, conscious of the rapidly melting ice. With a sudden twist she felt its neck crack. "Die Fey!" she cried as the fire caught up with her and she threw herself away from it. A shock, and she opened her eyes. The glowing eyes of the fairy were only a foot from hers. "What did you do?" it rasped.
"Nothing." she said numbly, as shock began to take her away from her body, "I just killed you." Her eyes closed. But not before she saw the light fade in her adversary's.

@Dragoncita group

Medea's single arm was being grabbed on either side by the brutish humanoid. The creature gnashed its fangs at the chimera, but she kept it at bay. She curled her lips back, the light ice armor plating her back stretched outwards, covering her arms and legs. Her tail suddenly whipped around, wrapping around one of the creature's legs, jerking its feet from out under it.
The Yaksha fell with a heavy 'thud', but quickly rolled over again. It looked around, red eyes glowing. Medea continued to stand on the opposite side, lips curled back, showing her own fangs. The brute bellowed again, using the same tactic as before, storming forward with little to no strategy.
The chimera, who now stood the same height as the humanoid, watched. Her eyes narrowed, pupils thin slits in the yellow glow of her gaze. The humanoid started to swipe furiously in her direction with bone blades becoming blurs at its speed. Yet Medea somehow managed to dodge each blow, twisting her body back and forth. The most she suffered from the flurry of blows was a cut below her left eye. Her ice armor did only cover and protect so much.
Medea's ears swiveled forward as she heard the ragged breathing of the Yaksha. Yes, that was what she wanted, she was just wearing the beast down. She knew letting it flail the way it was, it would eventually tire, giving her an edge as it seemed to take little of her energy to dodge the attacks.
The humanoid paused, raising both its giant fists towards the sky. It bellowed bringing all its force downwards, aiming to crush Medea. A loud smash, followed by a cloud of sand rose into the air. As the dust cleared, Medea was nowhere in sight. The Yaksha gave a confused grunt, looking to where it had thought the opponent had been. The creature suddenly released a roar, tumbling forward onto its hands and knees.
Behind, stood the chimera, the spines along her serpentine tail glistening dark purple from the unnaturally colored blood. She had used the cover of the rising sand, slipping behind the brute, then lashing out with her tail. The Yaksha twirled around, eyes glowing in a fiery rage. It suddenly swung outwards, grabbing hold of the tail that had attacked.
The chimera's eyes widened as she was suddenly yanked off of her feet, then swung around several times. Medea was slammed into the ground again and again. The beating lasted a few more moments, then she was tossed to the side and into a wall. The ice armor that had once lightly covered her body cracked, falling and melting away into the ground. She lay there, stunned. Medea's ears twitched a bit, trying to recollect herself, then was roughly yanked off the ground.
A giant hand wrapped around her throat, red eyes glowing as the Yaksha glared. It seemingly gave a devilish grin as it raised its other arm, the blades waiting to plunge into her chest. Medea gave a hiss, trying to find breath. As the bone blades suddenly swung forward, her own tail snaked back around.
There was a silence settled between the two opponents. The silence broke as the Yaksha sputtered, blood pouring from its mouth. The chimera had pierced through the beast's chest, impaling it. Though she herself suffered from wounds. Medea's quick thinking as well as the will to survive made a sheet of ice to cover her chest quickly. With a combination of her thick fur, the scales underneath the fur, then add the layer of ice, it was the only things keeping her from being impaled herself.
Medea released a growl, swinging her tail, dislodging the foe from herself. The ice covering her chest seemingly melted, revealing the wounds underneath where the bone blade had punctured through, leaving two blood holes. As the crowd roared, the chimera made not a sound.
She instead hung her head low, limping forward to where they were waiting to cage her again. Behind her as she went, a thin trail of blood followed.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alene's eyes flickered open just as the wolf creature passed through the gates. Her head ached and her arm… the burning came back to her with the force of a bonfire. She squeezed her eyes shut and took slow, shuddering breaths until the pain was bearable. She opened her eyes again to see a pair of dead orange eyes staring back at her. A scream nearly jumped out of her throat and her heart raced. Quiet. she said to herself. This isn't the first fey you've killed. It is going to be okay. Her breathing started to even, and from her position on the ground, she glanced around the large circular expanse of sand.
There were four men, dressed like the guards inside the prisoner quarters. Of course. she thought, The bodies.
Three broke off to take care of the big bone-blade creature. They each took a part and dragged it away towards a black door that she had previously not noticed. An incinerator maybe. She shuddered as she thought of the flames consuming her. Licking hungrily at her body until it was nothing but a pile of ash and blackened bones as the fire stole her flesh and her fat sizzled away. The thought made her sick.
One of the four broke away from the others and came in her direction. As his boots came closer she panicked. Without thinking, she closed her eyes and lay as still as the dead fairy beside her.
A shadow leaned over her. There was a pause, then she felt a small, cold, round piece of metal being place between her collar bones. She could feel her heartbeat pounding on the metal.
There was a shock and her body spasmed. Her eyes flew open and a man with cold gray eyes was staring into them. "Get up." he said unsympathetically, "The arena isn't done with you yet." He grabbed her under her shoulder -the uninjured arm thankfully- and raised her up roughly.
"Move. Back to where you came from."
She nodded and she took small steps away from the man. He lifted the body of the fire creature, it's limbs flopping feebly as he hoisted it over his back. She trudged back to the cell, the safety of its walls an impossible distance away. The bright sunlight pushed on her heavily, the heat on her arm making it burn fiercer than ever. The ravaged flesh shone back red and raw, the protective layers of skin completely removed.
She let out a breath in relief as she came into the cool room. The dark walls and shadows protecting her from the savage heat outside.
She used her teeth to rip into the shoulder of her good sleeve. She used her sore arm to tear it the rest of the way, and managed to tie it around her injury. The chances of infection were high. Her piece of cloth wouldn't do much to protect her. She turned to a guard that seemed to be a leader of sorts.
"Please," she asked, holding out her arm, "is there a way I can get this treated?"
He turned to her and she shuddered. The arena isn't done with you yet.