forum Dust To Dust (Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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Zane snorted, looking back down at his scarred hands. Most of them were self inflicted, from his psychotic habit of breaking his own fingers, but many told the story of his years here. "You have a great deal of morals for a murderer." A sharp crack punctuated his statement, Zane's left index finger at an odd angle. "No." He lied stiffly. "I regret nothing. I am here because I want to be."

Deleted user

Zane arched a single deep green brow at Karoc. "In this game, I would not be here talking with you had I not." There was a strange sarcastic lit to his voice, almost as if he wasn't used to making jokes anymore.


(Not with you? Okay, let's give Dragoncita a chance to do something with his characters…Dragoncita, do you want to do someting with Medea or Yaguzul?)


(Possibly, or you could wait and have Karoc do something with her in the next fight since they already met and Karoc just fought)


(Okay, let's wait for Dragoncita) (If not, Chameleon - if she's still active - and my character could do something.)

@Dragoncita group

Medea had started walking around, when once again she was caught. The guards, as per usual, treated her like the monster they thought she was…
"What are you doing out of your cage mutt! Get back in there!"
The chimera released a yelp as she was hit with a club. Her tail curled up between her legs as she quickly scampered back to the tight bars waiting for her. Medea crawled in, her fur catching on the edges, ripping tufts out from her form. The humanoid creature flattened herself on her stomach on the floor of her prison. She tucked her single arm close to her side, ears laid flat against her skull. Despite the title of 'monster' given to her, Medea more so had the appearance of a beaten dog. Her body was trembling uncontrollably, eyes shining, holding back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Yaguzul, on your feet."
The anubite's ears perked up in an instant. The creature's lips curled back, fangs showing in a cruel smile. He stood up, red eyes glowing brightly. His claws clicked on the floor as he made his way to the gate. The humanoid's eyes were gazing straight ahead of him, the grin still on his muzzle.
The screaming of the crowd outside was obnoxiously loud, least to Yaguzul. He cared not for their cheers, their excitement meant nothing to him. They were but a nuisance and possible distraction. On either side of him, were the heavily armed guards. The anubite's nose twitched, jaws partially open allowing better scent collection. Fear; a scent he knew all too well, as it was always heavy in this place, as was it out in arena.
"Do you fearrr death human?"
One of the guards jolted to attention. The man turned his head, looking towards the tall, nearly black beast next to him. He looked about ready to answer, when another guard told him to shut his mouth.
Yaguzul continued to grin, "Do not fearrr young one, forrr yourrrr fearrrr simply fuels those of us who do not know 'fearrr'."
Time seemed to slow down to a crawl. The door opened in what felt like a slow motion action. The young guard's eyes looked towards the anubite, but nothing could've stopped it. As soon as the shackles were removed from his wrists, Yaguzul lashed outwards, claws catching the guard's throat. A streak of crimson sprayed the walls and floor, the other guards quickly moving in to pull their fallen comrade away.
But there was nothing that could've been done, as Yaguzul was now out and in free roam. Before him, were a bunch of humans clad in armor and weapons. The anubite growled, so these were his opponents?
"Hmph, pathetic wastes of life."

@Dragoncita group

Yaguzul swept forward. The sand around him swirled, rising and falling. Yes, this was the fools own damn fault to use what he called his domain. He may not have been given his favored weapons, but he would make do with what was around him. His red eyes glowed even brighter, black skin like obsidian against the light colored sand.
The humanoid continued to run forward, the sand rising behind him in a wave. His feet did not falter as the humans before him rose their shields, creating a wall. Yaguzul took note of the spears rising just behind, waiting to pierce only those who did not know any better. He continued to grin, thoughts running through his mind.
~A strategy, but one only useful for mounted enemies~.
There may have only been one of Yaguzul, but that was all that was needed. He had his own ways, ways that struck fear into even the bravest of hearts. As the anubite seemed ready to collide with the shields and spears, his form instead started to crumble. The creature's form became nothing more than particles of the sand, swirling with the wave he created behind him. The sand wall slammed into the shields, denting several of the metallic plates, causing men to stumble backwards against the force.
Several moments and the wall of sand fell back to the ground, leaving the humans covered in a layer of the fine dirt. The humans stared before them, unsure, unknowing. It was exactly what he wanted, he wanted them to lower their guards, feel insecure…
The only sound to interrupt the silence was a choking noise. Heads slowly turned behind, seeing the dark shadow of a menacing beast behind them. In his hands, were a pair of swords, dripping with blood. Before him, stood 2 headless corpses that slowly slumped to the ground. His red eyes flashed, fangs grinning.
"I can smell you arrre acting so fearrrfully…Prrray to yourrr false gods…forrr they will not save you…no one will save you…"
Almost instantly the once stoic stances of the opponents turned into disarray, confusion, and above all, fear. The group scattered as the sand started to rise once again, making walls to cover and suffocate. Those who were not caught in the sand, were dealt quickly with by cold steel and wickedly curved claws.


Dash stared silently at the mass destruction occurring. Please, please, please, please, please don't make me fight him. Don't let a demon win.
He remembered what his grandfather had told him about demons when he was four: "No monster belongs to life, no evil thing is immortal."
Today, it is.

Deleted user

Zane's face stayed passive. The tick in his left eye was the only sign of his displeasure at the performance of the sand demon. Well well. A formidable enemy indeed.

@Dragoncita group

Screams and yells were muffled by sand and torn out throats. Amidst the sprays of blood and pillars of spiraling sand, stood the dark shadow of the anubite. His black skin seemed to glisten, scarlet red spattering his form. Red eyes glowed as bloodied fangs shimmered.
Ah, their piercing screams were music to his ears. The desperate pleas, the sobbing wails begging to be spared…but he would not let a single one survive. He knew the penalty of allowing an enemy, even just one, to survive. Yaguzul knew that if one were to survive, they would learn from this experience, and with that new knowledge, a new strategy would be born to try and take him down. Sure, others were allowed to watch, but they were not living the nightmare.
His head slowly turned, seeing a figure trying to limp away in the shadows, the last one. The humanoid's form seemed to once again crumble, becoming apart of the sands. A small tornado spiraled upwards, swirling forwards, racing across the floor. Amongst the wicked sand, were those cold red eyes with fangs glimmering through the flying particles.
The last of the survivors saw the swirling mass approaching swiftly. In a weak attempt to try and run, the human only ended up tripping over himself. He rolled over onto his back, only to be met with a pair of claws at his throat, and a muzzle full of dripping red fangs in his face.
"The crrrowd may want you alive…but I have neverrr been one to…allow such rrrequests."
With a single movement, with the one clawed hand around the survivor's throat, there was an audible snap as Yaguzul single-handily broke the last one's neck. Even the entire crowd had grown quiet at the bloodbath before them created by the anubite. The creature tossed aside the lifeless body, red eyes turning as a mass of guards appeared from one of the doors, most likely ready to herd him out.
"Pity," he scoffed under his breath, "And I was just beginning to trrruly enjoy myself again."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alene shrank back as the demon crouched as it entered the doorway. It's head swiveled around the crowded room, relishing the fear that was rising from the prisoners. Before she could hide, the beast turned it's glowing red eyes on hers. "Hello little one." he whispered, before stalking back to it's cell.