forum Dust To Dust (Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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@Dragoncita group

((OOC: Same world, just different parts and areas, as Yaguzul is more so from the deserts, and Medea is from mountainous terrain))

Yaguzul continued his strange song. It was…comforting, reminders of old times when he still had his family and life was good. Well, if you could call a life of stealing and killing just to stay alive a 'good life'. It had been his way of life, and he enjoyed every moment of it. Then they caught him, took away his family, and now Yaguzul was alone…
Yet he kept those thoughts back. He knew one day, the bastards would get what was coming to them. They would suffer for taking away his world. When that day came, Yaguzul would be there to see it, if not be the one to take everything from the ones who took from him.
A wicked smile appeared on his muzzle as he plotted. He always enjoyed thinking of how it would be done, and what he would do…

She whined, trying to shift in the tight cage. The creature's once kept and beautiful fur had become filthy and matted. Her tail was tucked between her legs, ears flat against her head. This creature was called Medea, a chimera who once was nothing more than a thought. Though with magic and a kind-hearted soul, was she created and brought into the world.
Medea lifted a paw-like hand, wiping away some grime from her muzzle. Looked at, she only did have one arm, the other having been severed off, leaving a stump. How this injury came about, that was a story indeed, one Medea didn't really like sharing as it always brought back sad memories. Though being in a cage and kept in such horrid conditions did not help her state.
Her head lifted as prisoners started to file out and into the waiting area. Medea was rather large when compared to the rest of the more human prisoners. Well, this was just her humanoid form. She did have her true chimera form, but the way she was raised, the creature only ever used it in dire situations. As she walked, her tail remained curled between her legs, head hung low. The creature wanted nothing to do with this place, she wanted to leave…to go home…Medea just wanted things to be back to the way they were…
"It's so cold…even with fur…" she muttered softly. Yet, despite the compliant she made, it actually really wasn't that cold.
Medea found a place amongst the other prisoners, though many gave her a wide space. Seemed without her friend and guide, she was once again simply seen as a 'monster'. Her yellow eyes looked around the place, noticing the empty space around her. The chimera lifted her single paw again, this time rubbing at her eyes a bit. She couldn't be sad, couldn't show weakness…
"You never prepared me for this…oh dear friend…what will I do?"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc glanced around the place looking for… he didn’t know what exactly until he saw the cage. Then all his previous thoughts sprang out of his mind. Inside was a strange creature. It looked rather wolfish and for some reason, it’s arm ended in a stump that was not quite healed. Interesring…
He scurried over to the cage, staying in the shadows to avoid detection. He finally stopped only a few feet away, the thing looked miserable. Karoc actually pitied the thing. It was like him. A broken monster. He gave a bitter smile at that.
He crept closer until he was sure it could see him.
“Why are you caged?” he whispered, careful not to be overheard by the guards.
“You need not be so, if you wish.”


The guard glanced down distractedly. "Hm? …Oh, you get food if you win a match. It's a little reward for a little murderess, don't you think?" He winked coldly. "Go play with your friends, child, another question will earn you your first match."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alene ducked her head and walked away as quickly as possible without running. It was going to be even more difficult than she had anticipated. She curled up, and put her head in her hands. "Please," she whispered, "I don't want to die."

@Dragoncita group

Medea had tried to sit down to the best of her ability. Even as she sat, her tail remained curled up between her legs. The humanoid creature brought her knees close to her chest, hugging her legs closer to her body with her single arm. She buried her head into knees. Medea didn't want them to see her tears.
A soft rustle suddenly brought her attention. The chimera sniffled, being quick to wipe away her face against the fur on her legs. She lifted her head, once flattened ears swiveled forward, listening to the area around her. Dull yellow eyes soon landed on what she took as a young human in the shadows nearby her. Despite her trying to wipe away the tears, the fur around her eyes were clearly wet, dirt smearing the whiteish fur around her muzzle.
She had almost spark of hope in her eyes at first when she heard the voice, but then seeing the figure wasn't familiar, that hope faded. Medea sensed how she probably looked, disappointment and sadness when the human who spoke to her was not at all someone she knew.
"O-oh…I-I think it is b-b-because…well…" the creature paused, wiping her muzzle a bit again, "I suppose t-t-these people see m-me as a monster…"
Despite her age, appearance, as well as species, Medea was completely lost without a 'guide'. She could be compared to a small, lost child. Having an innocent perspective of the world around her, but without any 'parents' to help her, Medea didn't know what to do. This other said something about her tight cage. Did he mean he could free her?
She was unsure…
"U-Um…maybe you s-s-shouldn't…these humans c-can be very unforgiving…nothing l-l-like back home…home…"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc tilted his head. "I think I shall. You do not deserve to be caged." He smiled at her, "I know that not all monsters are of evil."
He crept closer to the cage until he was only a few inches from the door. "I have yet to try such a thing." he said. He looked to be sure no one was watching as he cupped his hands on the keyhole. There was an inky darkness that filled whatever light was left in the small hole in the door. His face was screwed up in concentration. "But a moment more." he promised. There was a click and Karoc pulled the door open a few inches. "Your freedom." he said. "Not many creatures deserve your fate."


Alene ducked her head and walked away as quickly as possible without running. It was going to be even more difficult than she had anticipated. She curled up, and put her head in her hands. "Please," she whispered, "I don't want to die."

Zane glanced down at the child that had plopped herself, yet again, at his feet. "Crying is not going to get you anywhere." He said, unsure why he spoke at all. Chances were he would kill her himself and yet here he was, opening himself up for a conversation. "Enough tears, child. Weakness will not win your battles, nor victories. No one will help you aside from yourself. So if you want to live…win."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

She turned to him, her face stained with tears, "I-" she stopped, realizing who it was before continuing. "I have never killed anyone." She took a deep breath that shook a little.
"I have killed things before," she admitted, "But I have never killed a person before, and… I don't know what to do."
She didn't know why she was confiding in him. You can't trust him, she thought angrily, if you trust anyone you're dead.
"I want to live," she whispered, "but I don't think I can kill."


Zane sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Why am I doing this? He leaned down, gold eyes hard and brutal. "Listen, no one thinks they can do it until they are face to face with death. Your heart will harden into a blackness that you cannot turn from, but you will live. Fight, or else I can kill you right now and be done with it." Despite his harsh features and words, his voice was somewhat gentle.


Startled by her question, Zane flumped to the ground beside her. He considered for a moment, searching his dark soul for any semblance of regret. "No." He lied, turning away from her. Damn this child.

@Dragoncita group

The chimera watched the human as he continued to approach. Her ears remained pointed forward, the dull appearance of her eyes seemed to light up just a bit again. Medea tried to stand, her legs stiff, having been forced to remain in a curled up position for most of the time due to the cramped spaces.
She watched as the male leaned closer to the lock. Her nose twitched a bit, scenting the air. There was some kind of magic happening. What kind, Medea wasn't really sure. She had grown up around all sorts of magic, each unique to its user. Her own master had mastered the craft of creation, summoning, and herbalism. Medea had been taught mostly about herbalism. Though she remembered traveling with her guide to the coven where other witches met and gathered. The chimera had met plenty of magic users, understanding and recognizing them with ease.
Though being caged and having your mind in a depressed state for some time, her senses were rusty on picking up the type of magic that was happening around her. The most certain thing that did stay with Medea, was that keen sense of herbalism.
As the door slowly swung open, freedom was in her sight. Cautiously, Medea took a step forward, head looking back and forth, alert for any sudden danger. As she fully removed herself from the cage, the chimera was allowed to stand to her full height. At this, Medea easily towered over the one who had freed her.
Now then, once again being the way she was raised, it felt natural for her to lower herself to her knees, bowing deeply to the boy in gratitude.
"T-t-thank you…oh t-thank you…"
The chimera lifted her head, gazing into his eyes. The yellow glow seemed to return, showing a bit more life than had once been there while caged. With her single paw-like hand, she reached out, lightly gripping the boy's own. Once again, this was probably frowned upon by others, but to Medea, this was right, this was how she had been raised.
"Please…p-please I'll do a-anything you need…I will h-happily help you w-w-with anything."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Who is he? Kirisano wondered. And why did he give away his food to the girl? He walked over to where he had seen him last. The man, if he was a man, was pale, and taller then him. He was sleeping, breathing softly. He sighed but did not touch him. It would be a great pity to wake him before the matches. They might all be dead soon enough. Now was as good as any time for sleeping, he supposed. And they all needed to save their strength if they were to have any hope of surviving, let alone winning. He sat down beside him. He would wait.


Dash was, for once, not awoken by the sense of his skin being cut, but by the sound of the 1017th match being announced. And this time, the guards were looking at him.
No. Dash lunged upward, banging his head on the ceiling. He froze stiffly, and through wide-awake eyes he scanned the surrounding area. His lips were already wet from his own teeth biting into his lip, but he licked them anyway. It was his time. His time had come. Time was running out. It was a race against time. Time. He hated the word already.
The guards were moving impassively towards all the others he had seen earlier. So they are watching closely where we look and who we talk to. They were the criminals here, and the fact wasn't forgotten. What was there to do? Fight? Run and hide? Who and where? I am a survivor. Bone, blood and ash. Dash repeated the thought, and he remained as hard and still as ice or metal as the guards approached.


(This is a three on three match, and we have seven characters, so please pick two of yours(The Althalosian) to fight in this first one. They need to pick a position against or for each other some time, and the first match will teach them who to watch out for. And speed anything else along. So all of us are involved in this match. :))