forum Dust To Dust (Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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Only if your character is literally about to die, the doctors claim to be low on supplies and you will be punished if they have to waste their time on a twisted ankle. SweetBlackErisTea go ahead and make a template :)


You can have up to three characters if you really want to, but I'm probably just going to stick with this guy.

Username: Bandito
Name: Dashilan Victor
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Staen, a humanoid tribe living in the arctic wastelands of Askeu's planet.
Powers/Abilities: All Staen can conjure and manipulate any type of metal or use it to shield themselves; Dashilan is the seventh generation, which seems to have developed an ability to shapeshift slightly, though not completely(as in, claws, fangs, tail, height, strength, facial features, etc.).
Weapons: Dashilan can make any metal weapon, but he prefers long whips, a blade as one hand, or a longbow.
Reason for entering Arena: Living in the wastelands has taught him to do anything to survive.
Crime committed: Dashilan was desperate, and one day the metal took over and he killed three people for food.
Bio/History: Dashilan survived in the wastelands with his father and older sister until they both died of starvation, he killed three people in an attempt to get them food but it was too late.
Personality: Despite his generally harsh life, Dashilan is a quiet, gentle person. He is shy and does not normally like to talk much. He hates fighting and killing, although he is skilled with weapons, because his metal half is constantly fighting to take over. If this happens, he will start to lose circulation after too long, his thoughts will become fuzzy, and eventually he will die. Dashilan will help people and try to avoid making enemies, therefore he was viewed as submissive by the Staen tribe. However, if he is convinced and someone is strongly opposing him, Dash can act vicious if his challenger doesn't get out of his face.
Appearance: Tall and pale, Dash has downturned(sad) eyes and brows. He has very pale eyes, but if using his powers they will darken to scarlet. Dash has very straight silvery stone gray hair which reaches just past his shoulders. He is about half a head taller than most people and is strong but very thin.
With metal:


If they don't look too powerful. If it's a sword or pistol, it's allowed. If it glows, has engravings on it, or just looks important, it will be taken and replaced with something more equal. Once the matches are over, all weapons will be taken and only given back in the next match the next day.

@Dragoncita group

Username: Dragoncita
Name: Yaguzul
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Anubite
Powers/Abilities: As an anubite, he is able to control the sand, creating powerful sandstorms and even seemingly disappearing or becoming the sand
He has a little control over shadows and darkness, such as shadow teleport, however the shadow teleport only works when there are shadows present
Weapons: Yaguzul wields a pair of Khopesh, he keeps these by his side at all times. However, he is also proficient using spears, axes, or maces
Crimes: Theft and murder
Bio/History: Yaguzul has lived a cutthroat life since day one. Being part of a group of thieves, it was bound to happen. His particular 'family' were all anubites who made a living stealing and killing in order to survive. For them, it was 'Survival of the Fittest'.
As time passed, Yaguzul climbed his way to the top and soon became leader of his 'family'. He was strong, intelligent, and downright vicious. The anubite knew how to trick and then kill whoever was in his way. Yaguzul was the one to make their family grow, but course this came to an end.
Yaguzul and his 'family' were finally stopped and captured. Their days of crime and murder had finally been put to a stop. Now, Yaguzul is the only one left of his 'family', and vows that one day, he will be free, and when that day comes, those who captured him…better watch their backs…


(You can just call me Eris :D)

Username: SweetBlackErisTea
Name: Zane Ptolemy
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Aes (humaniod race from the wild forests of the mountains)
Powers/Abilities: Aes are extremely skilled acrobats and fighters. They are able to manipulate the nature elements ie: plants and earth along with a deep connection to the animal kingdom. Some Aes even obtaining the ability to shapeshift into animals. But Zane just has strong nature manipulation.
Weapons: Two long thin katana like swords
Reason for entering Arena: Kind of a thrill seeker, Zane thought it would be more fun to die in battle than to die in a cell.
Crime committed: Confessed to regicide, but no one knows for sure if he actually did it or even how he did it.
Bio/History: Raised as the youngest in a large royal family, Zane was told he'd have to do something amazing to rise above his powerful siblings. So he did. With his unshakable power, he committed the worst crime his people had ever seen. Now his name will never be forgotten.
Personality: Zane can be incredibly arrogant and harsh. He's not a people person in the slightest but is an incessant flirt. He's quick to anger and will take on any challenge that will get his blood pumping. He's an adrenaline junkie that loves a good fight. The self doubt that filled his as a child still makes him wild and insane enough to be a gladiator for the people. The way they chant his name makes him fill with the pride that he is indeed better than anyone else in his family.
Appearance: Tall, tanned, and built like a warrior. Zane has dark gold eyes and a shock of deep green curls. He's covered in scars that he is very proud of.

Deleted user

I need to make my form… But I don't wanna, but I dooooooooooooooooooooooo

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Name: Karoc
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5,8
Weight: 140 lb
Looks: Dark hair, dark eyes.
Other: Wears a dark hooded cloak. (Regular, not Sith.)
Notes: He is friendly to most who don’t get in his way.
Crime: Murder