forum Dust To Dust (Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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Zane remained in his spot, but now he was perfectly still, golden eyes alight with something that bordered on insanity. So the rumors were true, they were letting the greatest of the greats fight today. He had spotted the demon Yaguzul come off the car with the other prisoners. Finally. Finally, a damn challenge. Zane cracked each knuckle in his fingers, one by one, as he waited. A grin stretching across his mouth slowly, more a grimace of manic glee than a true smile. The roar of the crowd was his drug and he could feel the high starting already. His power grinding against the mental walls he kept it contained with. He straightened the tiniest bit, cracking the bones in his neck.


Dash turned his head slightly, observing a scarred player subtly prepare. How does he know when he will be playing? He stood slowly, licked his lips. A piece of plated metal sat atop a pile of armor, and he eyed it, but he couldn't quite do something with it when people where watching. He straightened to his full height and swung his arms carefully.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc raised his head, his eyes gleaming. Something was happening for sure. He scanned the room intently until his eyes sought out the tall, pale man. The swing of his arm was far too careless. He shrank back into the shadow to watch the mischief.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Kirisano struggled to find a place he could be without touching anyone. He had always preferred more open spaces. He recalled with fondness the bar and restaurant at Kytarr. There was always a good feeling in the air. And of course, a certain attractive barmaid helped the mood of the place. He frowned. Ever since everything had happened, people just made him a bit more… touchy.
He placed a hand on his nodachi to check it was still there, then headed to a darker part of the room where he hoped he might be able to sit down for a few minutes.
With disgust he noticed that all the good places were taken already. He sighed. It was far too early to attract attention to himself. His eyes glided across the room and landed on a dark youth, crouching in the shadows. He followed the boy’s gaze as he peered intently at something. He was looking at a pale humanoid. Taller than most, but in this place there wasn’t anything too remarkable about him. Why was the boy watching him then?

@Dragoncita group

The anubite continued to sit idly. His red eyes glowed, observing each and everyone present. His tongue flicked out, licking his muzzle. The creature's nose twitched, scenting the air. Many eyes glanced his way, but there was a particular pair recently that had landed upon him.
The guards around him remained vigilant…perhaps a bit too much. A grin crossed his muzzle as Yaguzul purposefully snapped his still unmuzzled jaw at the nearest one. The guard jumped, swinging his sword at the anubite.
"Bit jumpy arrre we," he sneered.
The other guards smirked at each other as they noticed the jumpy, probably newer guard. They all seemed to know Yaguzul's tricks, as well as knowing very well what he was capable of doing. The creature chuckled under his breath, wrists remaining bound together until his time came to be released. Another thing many of the older guards had grown cautious of; once Yaguzul was out of the gate, it was best to get out of the way, or one of them would land on the casualty list.
Though his attention was drawn towards the eyes upon him. A tall humanoid stood along the other side of the large room. Yaguzul's red eyes met with gold, almost having the same glint, except Yaguzul's red eyes held something entirely else, something dangerous. Both his long ears swiveled forward, alert. His nose twitched again, jaws slightly agape to allow for better scent collection. The other was young, but there was potential there. Though sometimes that supposed 'potential', was but a show to intimidate.
His lips curled back, muzzle turning into a wicked grin. The creature's voice was low as he muttered to himself, "Such a young challengerrrr…so eagerrr to get a taste of the blood…well then, we shall see how young pups do amongst jackals."

((OOC: lol, Yaguzul is no joke. He's cutthroat and will exploit every weakness and then some. He's been raised to steal and kill to survive. And thank you for the compliment ^^))


A breath slid out from between Zane's teeth, harsh and wild, as his manic grin grew and grew the more his eyes stayed locked on the anubites. His power gave a mighty thrum against his metal barriers, sending thin slices of pain through Zane's taunt body. Yes finally demon. You and I will meet on that field. Let the best beast win. He looked away with a final gleam, practically vibrating with excitement.
He went through and cracked his fingers again, before running them through his hair. He was going to have to force himself to calm or else he'd go into a berserk state once the game began. He never remembered anything of the game when that happened. Zane frowned. What was the point of fighting if you couldn't enjoy the mayhem you cause?
Zane started on his fingers for a third time, enjoying the bite of each crack. The pain zinging through him and clearing his manic thoughts. He met the gaze of the anubite again, pressing down on his knuckle until it broke. The pain seared, but he grinned again as the bone began to knit back together.


Out of the corner of his eye, Dash watched the scarred player and a kind of demon stare at each other. He really didn't like the demon. Scar was obviously dangerous, but what made the demon scarier was that Dashilan couldn't evaluate him. His fingers tightened.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alene was alone in a sea of people. It was a strange feeling. Frightening.
Yet somehow, for a second, she was safe. She looked at herself critically. You’re small. You’re weak. You don’t look like you’d last a minute in the arena. And for now. That means you’re safe. She shivered once more in the gloomy place. Some food would be nice. Do they even feed the prisoners? Alene realized that she hadn’t eaten in at least a day. That was bad. She had no chance if she couldn’t keep her strength up. The first choice were the guards of course. But who knew what they would do to her if she approached them. The prisoners? Where there was crime there would be a black market. And that meant food. And maybe. Just maybe, someone would take pity on her.

@Dragoncita group

((OOC: Not exactly, depending on the creature, etc. As for Yaguzul, no, he cannot be killed by normal means; stabbing, choking, etc.. However, it is he himself that holds his greatest enemy, the dual Khopesh he wields. There is a story behind the weapons, and the reason they alone can kill him, though the only way the blades can end is life is decapitation. Though good luck trying to get them))

Yaguzul's ears remained pointed forward, listening intently. His black skin stood out against barren place he sat. Nearby, a pair of what appeared to golden Khopesh were enclosed in a large case. The metal appeared to have etchings of some unknown origin. Dark leather straps were attached to the handles, seemingly moving ever so slightly despite there seemingly being no way a breeze could enter the case.
These weapons were his choice, and had been with the anubite since only his gods and goddesses knew when. Once again, it was a wild guess to his and the weapons age, or the reason behind either's existence. Though there was also a dark secret behind the blades, one his 'family' had known, and Yaguzul would keep until his own time would come. He did not know when that would happen, as being a creature from the sands, the anubite knew that the sands were constantly shifting, waiting and seemingly never resting. One day, he too would return to the sands from whence he came. Until then though, Yaguzul would continue to fight, for there was still his vow ever since his 'family' and himself had been captured…

Alas, those thoughts were for another time. His red eyes continued to glow, constantly scanning the rest of the people and creatures around him. His jaws remained slightly agape to allow for the better scent collection and sort the scents. More eyes watched him from the shadows.
"Kill by any means necessarrry, win by any means necessarrry, live by any means necessarrry, die by any means necessarrry," he seemed to hum this strange tune under his breath, "I am borrrrn to kill, slay, and win."

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alene looked around carefully for someone she could hope to beg some food from. Her eyes scanned the room until they fell upon the pale one she had stepped on earlier. There was no was in hell she could ask him for help. She turned to look elsewhere but a man not far from him caught her eye. He was tall, he had long gray hair, and his eyes looked kind. He was the one.
She started to move closer but froze. What if the scarred one saw her. She mentally scolded herself. You saw your chance, now go get it! she demanded. Her feet reluctantly obeyed, and she found herself at his feet.
“Please-“ she stuttered, “Please, is there anything you have I can… anything I can eat?” She mumbled incoherently, “I’m hungry.” she finally said.


Dash watched the speaker tensely. If there was one thing that had made it to his brain cells, it was to be suspicious. "Why?" Now that I think about it, it's been a long time since I ate…

@Dragoncita group

((OOC: If I may @Bandito, I would like to add a second character to the RP. If not, that's totally fine. Just like to get the skelly up if possible first before posting again to avoid double-posting. Thanks))


Zane had calmed the tiniest bit. Leaning against the wall again, eyes had tracked the girl who had stepped on his toes as she walked away. He wondered what she had done to get here. She barely looked a day past 13. No matter. She will die. The thought made him cringe. He didn't mind the bloodshed, but when children got involved? He had an issue. He snorted, noting that he was little more than a child as well.
Her voice could be heard under the noise of the room asking for food. Zane's own stomach grumbled in response, but he ignored it. Food was inconsequential when you could die in the next moments.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dash watched the speaker tensely. If there was one thing that had made it to his brain cells, it was to be suspicious. "Why?" Now that I think about it, it's been a long time since I ate…

“Sorry.” Alene mumbled. “I just need some food.”


(Dragoncita, post a template and we'll see - I don't want too many demons in one RP :))

No twitching or fidgeting, good eye contact, no blank face. Dash eventually took out some kind of muddy bread gave half to the girl. "Don't eat it now, save it for when you actually need it." It had to have been at least an hour since he had come to the place. Chances were he wouldn't fight today.

@Dragoncita group

((OOC: Don't worry, she isn't a demon. She's actually a giant sweetheart really

Username: Dragoncita
Name: Medea (Also called 'Moony')
Age: Somewhere in her 200's
Gender: Female
Species: Chimera (Mix of a wolf, dragon, unknown creature)
Powers/Abilities: She has a humanoid and then her true chimera form
Ice Breath - Medea breaths a powerful blast of frosty air, direct hits can freeze opponents as where if not directly hit, can slow the target down
Ice Armor - Creates a light plating of ice 'armor' around her body
Minor Regeneration - She has the ability to heal minor wounds on her body such as cuts and small puncture wounds. Major wounds, such as broken bones, deep slashes, her regeneration is unable to keep up with. The minor regeneration will tire her out if she uses it excessively
Herbalism - Not really a power or ability, but she excels with finding herbs and making potions to help when needed
Weapons: All natural; claws, fangs, horns, etc.
Crimes: Found practicing forbidden magic, grave robbing, black market trading
Bio/History: Once upon a time, Medea actually was nothing more than a thought. That was until a witch found a way to create the creature, the chimera she called 'Medea'. As a chimera, she is a combination of several creatures, specifically a wolf, a dragon, and an unknown creature.
Now then, Medea was a faithful servant and friend to the witch that brought her into the world. She lived with this witch, happily working and building a friendship. The chimera was at peace, doing whatever was asked of her. When others called her a 'monster', the witch would comfort Medea, telling her she was special, and that the people simply didn't understand and feared her.
Though, sadly, the witch's life ended when she tried a spell that backfired. Distraught and in grief, Medea's only family and friend died in her arms. The creature, in her distraught state, was swift to look through her master's books, until finding the one she remembered being forbidden to read. It was in this book, Medea found a spell that would bring back her friend…
In her broken mind, she thought she was doing what was right. She didn't know any better at the time…not realizing that this very spell was forbidden in the witch world her friend came from; necromancy.
Medea did everything she could. She snuck out at night to the graveyard, finding fresh corpses as parts were needed for the ritual. Then gathering certain herbs, as well as finding ingredients from the black market. Once Medea had everything, did she return to her home with the witch's corpse, in hopes of bringing her back.
The innocent Medea, however, was caught just as she was in the middle of the ritual. Part of the ritual demanded a 'sacrifice' from the one performing it, so the chimera cut off one of her arms. It was then armed guards banged through the door, taking hold and stopping her before she could finish. Medea howled and tried to fight, screaming it was the only way, that she wanted the witch, her only friend, to come back to her.
Now the chimera found herself thrown into a cage and forced to fight in the arenas…something she is very reluctant to do
Humanoid -
Chimera -

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc watched the silver haired man in disappointment. He had been about to do something. He was certain of it. Then the beggar girl had to spoil it all. He sighed. Why could not she have waited but for one moment more? He hissed in frustration. There might not be another chance to find out the strengths of his opponents.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Kirisano Adiachi watched the girl with pity. The world was a cruel place. He knew that. All his new life had been built around that fact. Well… that and revenge. His eyes smoldered. It was a pity that he could not complete his mission. That was unbearable. No. He would win. He had to. Only then, could he fulfill his quest.
The girl walked away from the man. The world was a cruel place. He knew that.
But it was at its cruelest when children had to fight.


(Dragoncita awesome!! Is she from the same world as Yaguzul?)

Dash narrowed his eyes at Karoc just slightly. Then he moved a little farther away from the pile of metal armors, fearing the hollowness and sense of dread they radiated, and lay down. He was never really tired, but he knew he should take whatever chance he got. They would run out soon. He closed his eyes but opened his ears, keeping a hand pressed tightly to his throat. If the metal started to creep out, the claws would wake him up.