forum Dust To Dust (Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Name: Kirisano Adiachi
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6,1
Weight: 175 lb
Looks: Black hair, chocolate colored eyes.
Other: Looks like he’s Japanese.
Notes: He goes from friendly to vengeful and brooding. His weapon is a nodachi.
Crime: Conspiring against the government.


(Now we have four males and one female. Males definitely exist, lol. If needed I can make another character, but I think we're ready to start.)

The huge cage rattled as it ascended. Dash tried not to look down at the ground miles below. I wish it wasn't so damn hot here. He tapped his fingers nervously, but his pointer missed the floor when the cage shook again, this time harder. In a corner, an older centaur woman started to cry.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc glanced around at all the prisoners around him. If only I hadn’t… But no. He was going to need all he could get if he planned on surviving… You wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t done it. He forced the thought away uncomfortably.

@Dragoncita group

Red eyes glowed in the darkness of the cage, long ears swiveling forward. He was nearly invisible in the dark. The only thing giving him away was those blood red eyes. The creature's lips twitched, showing sharp fangs, a low growl coming from his throat. The place was ripe with unpleasant scents, but one seemed to overpower the rest, the scent of fear.
"Such sad excuses…theirrr fearrr is nothing but fuel forrr the strrrong," a growl came from the creature's throat.
He paused, lifting a hand, examining sharp claws, "I will enjoy spilling such weak blood."
A dark chuckle came from him as the thoughts of ripping apart challengers came to him. It wasn't the first time he had been thrown in the Arenas, nor would it be the last. The creature knew, he knew nearly everything there was to know. Well, it was to be expected when one had survived so long. Even his captors had now clue of his actual age.
The creature had come into the world fighting just to survive. Ever since he was born, he had known nothing but thievery and murder. It all came down to that primal nature and instinct; the will to survive.
His red eyes shifted, once again looking around the area. These were all potential challengers, each one was potential prey. One of his ears remained forward, the other swiveling back, listening intently to the world around him. He continued to seemingly growl under his breath. The creature was already calculating, thinking, observing. It was always best to get an edge on an opponent, before they could get the jump on you first.


Dashilan swallowed hard. Don't let me be sick here, he thought miserably, although there were already several piles in the cage. He tried to stand, but the fell face first again when the cage finally docked. He wouldn't have been able to straighten anyway, the cage was too small.
A masked figure unlocked the door and quickly stepped back, revealing a small tunnel. He coughed out something in another language. The criminals surged forward, and Dash was forced to move with them.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Kirisano was swept forwards along with all the others. He kept a tight hold on his sword. Besides his clothes it was the only thing they had let him keep. It was lucky he packed light. Thankfully he had kept something else from them. It was his only chance of staying alive.


Through the tunnel, Dash could easily hear people screaming, laughing, sobbing, complaining, making random noises. If he could find a corner, he would be alright, but there was only a large pile of armor to hide behind. He made his way toward it, ignoring the players who got in his way. Once there, he stared at his feet and relied on his other senses to get a feel for the place.
'The place' was huge, but it seemed tiny and cluttered with people, armor, weapons, and other unknown items. The two longer sides were filled with doors, one for incoming players and one for survivors to be escorted to the match rooms. It was lit with warm, torch-like strips high on the ceiling. The whole place was hot, filthy, and crowded, and Dashilan hated it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Karoc watched as Dash hid behind the spare set of armor curiously. He would have liked to talk to someone else here. He was scared. He hated to admit it. But there was no way he could have friends here. But maybe he could try…


Zane seemed to the be the only calm one within the holding area. The only one smirking that's for sure. He'd been here too long to feel genuine fear anymore. Now all that was left was the grim determination, the zing of power rushing through his blood, and the chant of the spectators urging him forward. To kill. To win.
Zane shifted slightly from his perch against a wall to avoid a newbie's rather violent sickness. It was hard to believe they were all criminals by the way they all trembled and looked around pitifully for someone to help them. He sighed, marking easy targets. Was there not a single competitor that would bring a little thrill?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alene was pushed forward, helplessly shoved against the person in front of her. He was a humanoid, covered in old battle scars. She let out a terrified squeak and attempted to disappear but the crowd pushed her even closer. She prayed vainly that he would not notice her.

@Dragoncita group

As most prisoners were filed out, he remained in his cage. Unlike many, he was one of few that were kept in 'solitary confinement' so to speak. They always took away his dual Khopesh, they had learned long ago the mistake of letting him keep his weapons. A smirk appeared on his muzzle as several of the masked guards appeared.
"Hands out Yaguzul."
The creature curled his lips back, showing his sharp fangs. His voice was a mocking as he responded, "Oh, how nice, you called me by my name. I feel prrriveleged. Most often you usually call me murrderrrerrrr, mutt, and a varrriety of otherrr colorrrful names."
There was a sigh from the guards, one walking into the cage, and forcefully tying the humanoid's wrists together, then proceeding to yank him out. A chuckle came from the thing known as Yaguzul. These guards had learned long ago the mistake of trying to be 'nice' to him. Any little slack given to him, the creature would use it to his complete advantage.
Either way, he was led down the tunnel, being one of the last brought into the room. Once again, unlike many of the prisoners, Yaguzul had a group of guards constantly keeping an eye on him. He was forced to sit against a wall, waiting for the time to be released into the arena.
The male's eyes glowed, constantly looking and scanning the massive room with the rest of the challengers. His large, pointed ears were constantly swiveling back and forth, listening intently.


"You're stepping on my toe." Zane said blandly to the girl before him. He placed both his hands on her shoulders and moved her out of the way of the crowd, not exactly gently, but not unkind.


Dash glanced back up as he saw one of the kids from the cage approach. He remained silent but not unfriendly. Glancing around, he saw more new people flooding in through the doors.
Dash jumped, but no one was looking at him. Everyone's eyes were pointed at fifteen players, who also jumped, their faces twisting with dread. None of them were hurt or scarred so they must have been new, but they were herded through one of the doors on Dash's left.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alene sat still in shock for a moment. The hall was filled with a cold she could feel in her bones and she began to shiver. He didn’t hurt me. She was rather surprised at that. She knew she looked like an easy target. She almost was. If she was hurt badly, there was no way any amount of power could save her. ”MATCH NINE EIGHT NINE” rang out through the large speakers above. She watched the players as their faces drained of blood as they were herded away. I’m next. she thought, terrified.


Dash's eyes lingered on the last player to stumble out the door. She was a nine year old girl, but she looked far braver than the people in front of her. She wasn't even crying. Shincef. I'm sorry. Maybe if he fought hard enough, she would help him make his way to the top.
Then again, looking around, he'd probably turn into a corpse before his feet even touched the dust of the Arena.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

There is fear in the air. though Karoc. He let his senses go out between all the bodies, soaking it in. The fear was his friend. The fear was the reason he was still alive. Not the only reason… said his mind. He quickly shoved it away.
The past is past. I cannot change it. Besides, he thought bitterly,
Zol would never forgive me for what I have done.
He crouched down and huddled in a shadowed corner. He felt, not safe, but safer there. The darkness was his friend too.

@Dragoncita group

"Is it time?"
The beast's voice, unlike many, actually sounded excited. While others trembled in terror and fear, Yaguzul was anticipating the event. His ears swiveled forward, red eyes turning over to see as a group was heading out into the sun. Though seeming them go instead of him, made the creature lay his ears back.
"Tsk, these matches take too damn long when new blood is pitted against new blood. They eitherrr know little to nothing on fighting, so they instead spend theirrr time fumbling with weapons. Time is of the essence, the grrrains of sand arrre forrreverrrr falling, time waits forrr no one."
His head turned, taking note of several other challengers further away. The humanoid's eyes narrowed, ears remaining laid flat back against his head. Yaguzul's lips twitched, flashing his fangs now and then. He shifted his sitting position, clearly impatient. He wanted to get out there, he wanted to tear anyone in his path apart, to feel the precious life ebb slowly away from his victims. There was a certain thrill, every time when he watched the shower of blood. The crimson rain he created had a terrifying beauty about it. It was an art, to fight, to kill, and to come out on top as the ultimate predator.
Though that was the way Yaguzul saw it.


(Dragoncita, I think I'm scared of you)

Dash had no idea what time it was outside, but it was impossible to be tired here. He caught a whiff of blood from the door the girl had went through. The metal curled around his fingers, pretending to comfort him, but it only enhanced the chills.
It had barely been a minute, but the speaker's voice resounded again. "MATCH ONE ZERO ZERO SIX, STARTING."