forum Star Wars Rp? Can be a OxO or a small group of three
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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"its were us clones were made…" he answered hawkins question "and I know that were gonna head towards kamino…if we don't find answers" he yawned bored

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista wouldn't deny the relief she felt at Jado answering, what she felt, a personal question, and how easily Hawkin accepted the fact. As well as the information that ships could still get to Kamino after all… It gave her a small hope that, regardless of what they found here, they could still find answers there.
The good feeling didn't last long as she approached a door that felt like a dam about to burst. "It's this one." she said simply, taking a step back to let Hawkin open the lock and give herself a chance to more prepare for the darkness on the other side.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin cracked his knuckles and popped open the bottom of his bo rifle. He pulled out his slicer’s equipment and began working on the lock. He felt a presence, but he couldn’t make out what it was. He continued with the lock, and soon enough he heard a click. He looked back at Calista and smiled, and then he opened the door.
“See? I told you these types of locks are fairly easy to get into. For a supposed lord of the sith, you woulda thought he would have stronger-“
As he stood up and pushed the door, he lingered on the handle for too long. He was violently thrown into a dark memory, while his physical body fell forward and crashed to the floor inside the office. Everything was black.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista nearly dropped the comm when Hawkin fell and attempted to catch him but was also caught off guard at the strength of the Dark Side. She had expected it to be strong, sure, but not like this. It was a miasma of hate, rage, and greed… And power. She couldn't deny that. But she didn't let herself dwell on it. She needed to focus as she carefully moved beside Hawkin and gently rolled him over. I didn't think this through… Again. she sighed. I knew he was sensitive and gifted, yet I let him go into a literal Sith Pit first. she shook her head to clear it of those thoughts, planning to apologize to him once they were out of here, and reached out for him. She had no idea what she would see but she needed to break him out of this trance.


"what happened are you or hawkin hurt?…" he waited for an answer "calista are you or hawkin ok!?!?" he tried to pull her out of the trace she was in "if you don't answer me right now I'm coming down their right now"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Calista nearly dropped the comm when Hawkin fell and attempted to catch him but was also caught off guard at the strength of the Dark Side. She had expected it to be strong, sure, but not like this. It was a miasma of hate, rage, and greed… And power. She couldn't deny that. But she didn't let herself dwell on it. She needed to focus as she carefully moved beside Hawkin and gently rolled him over. I didn't think this through… Again. she sighed. I knew he was sensitive and gifted, yet I let him go into a literal Sith Pit first. she shook her head to clear it of those thoughts, planning to apologize to him once they were out of here, and reached out for him. She had no idea what she would see but she needed to break him out of this trance.

Hawkin was in a long metallic dream hallway. All he felt was unease. The memory began to shift, and it showed the office. There were two people in there, and a holo. Hawking knew he wasn’t supposed to be seeing this, but here he was. Living it again. He head a cackle. And then the last three words in the otherwise silent scene.
“Execute… Order… 66…”
and he watched as the holo faded and the other figure turned and marched out. The figure stopped as it passed Hawkin. It knew his presence was here. Hawkin jumped back in fear, and awoke to Calista peering over him.
He looked up at her with wide eyes.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Oh, thank the Force. You’re awake.” Calista sighed in heavy relief as Hawkin looked up at her. “We’re fine, Jado. Just a bit overwhelmed. Don't come down here.” she answered the armored figure on the comm. “Are you alright? Just take it easy.” she said as she helped Hawkin sit up. “I should have given you more warning.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin sat up and blinked really hard. He looked at Calista with glazed over eyes.
“Yeah. I’m okay. I’m starting to think that you’re right about it not being hyperfuel throwing me into these memories. I saw something. Something really bad happened in that office. An order was given. And I saw a man. With golden eyes and brown hair. He was marching off somewhere. But he saw me in a memory. Whoever he was or is, he’s not good and he is very powerful, Do you know who they are? I assume the first man giving the order is the emperor. I’ve never seen him before. But he was worse in a memory. Calista there’s more than memories in that office. No wonder it’s been locked for so long…”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

"Just breathe." Calista reminded at the sight of his still dazed expression. But she listened carefully as Hawkin explained. "It's called a Force Echo or retrocognition. And I'm not surprised you saw something bad involving the Emperor." she admitted, furrowing her brow thoughtfully at the information of the other man. "If that man saw you in this memory then he must have been strong in the Force as well… the description sounds… vaguely familiar but, I can't put my finger on it. I'm sorry"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin rubbed his eyes.
“A force echo eh? Well it sure forced me to go through an echo of a memory. As for the man, with the golden eyes and the brown hair, I had the sense that he was going to kill a lot of people. He saw me in a memory and I knew he was going to destroy something important. Something big. If he could see me in the future, in a memory, he had to be some sort of space angel or like the chosen one or something. But this office, this place, holds so much more than just one memory. I’m concerned if I get too curious and start wanting to touch things I’ll just get thrown right back into remembering. Everything in this room seems to be calling to me to touch it. I’m going to be completely real, I think we opened more than just one door. And the second door was me and then I was just slammed really hard and I rattled on my hinges.”
He touched his temples and winced.
“Being pulled into a memory doesn’t hurt. It’s the headache I get afterwards that does. Granted it’s short, but ugh. It feels like my brain is being put into place again.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista swallowed hard at the mention of a “chosen one”… She had never had much interest in prophecies or things like that but she knew about them and that they existed. The words kept bouncing around her head. It had to mean something at least. But the fact that the man Hawkin saw was on his way to kill a lot of people… “Well, there was a war at the time.” she mumbled, knowing it was a weak excuse and doubted the young man would be fooled. She shook her head and focused on Hawkin for now. “I won't stop you from touching something if you feel you really should touch it but… I want to teach you something first. I don't know if it will stop these visions for everything or not but it should help you have some choice whether or not you see something, as well as turn off the “call” you hear.” she informed him, moving into a traditional meditative position. “It may even help with the aftereffects you mentioned.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin shrugged and mimicked Calista’s position.
“It couldn’t hurt. I’ll give it a shot. I do want to know about the man, and what he caused or became. Hopefully this does help with the headaches, because I want to know the memories of this place. So much happened here over the course of a few years and all of it was significant. Everything here in this office has some significance.”
He cracked a goofy smile.
“I know what I saw was terrifying, but I want to know more. Curiosity killed the Loth-cat am I right? The headaches might be worth it after a while.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista smiled softly, touched as Hawkin copied her. “I don't blame you. I’m curious about who he is as well. But I have to warn you, this place belonged to a Sith for many years. Someone strong in the Dark Side of the Force and that in itself is worrying. I don't want you to be influenced by any of that.” she admitted out of concern. She had learned so many cliche warnings about the Dark Side from her Master and, of course, she trusted her but she didn't want to scare or annoy Hawkin with them right now. “Which is why I'm going to teach you how to shield your mind. It's a fairly simple but effective technique.” she started to explain.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin rolled his eyes and laughed.
"I'm not a Jedi. How could the dark side really influence me? All it has brought me right now is headaches.. Now I am curious about how shielding your mind works. It sounds weird. I know physically, there's nothing happening on the outside. But does my little mental self get a shield or something? It's such a foreign concept to me. Should we check in on Jado? He's probably worried. I have so many questions. But not nearly enough answers. Everything is so complicated but so simple now…"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“You’re still a Force-sensitive. The Dark Side can still affect you.” Calista told him firmly. “It is corruptive, parasitic… it's not like messing around with a blaster or a lightsaber. It doesn't let go.” she warned. But she sighed at the mention of the third member of their group. “The comms are still active. He can still hear us… he might just not be sure what we’re talking about.” she chuckled lightly, not making fun of him but understanding the confusion that many people seemed to have whenever the Force was brought up. “As for the shields… you’re right nothing physically happens. It takes practice to make it strong and maintain it but, in my experience, the easiest way is to simply imagine the strongest material you can think of forming a barrier around your mind. I know it sounds strange but it has worked for me.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin looked at Calista like she was crazy.
"So you're fully telling me, besides me being special, that I am very much indeed a force sensitive being? And the dark side can like suck out my soul or something? Do I have some kind of little force sensitive friends swimming in my blood or something? As for the mental shield, I'll try. What really could go wrong? I pass out again? Pffffttttt. That'll be alright."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista dropped her head slightly, bringing her hand up to her forehead. “I'm saying that between you being able to see, and possibly interact with, Force Echoes and the fact that someone in one of those Echoes sensed you… it's highly likely. As far as I'm aware, you can't have the ability you have and be Force null.” she explained, trying to keep her voice calm. Though she barely held back a snort at Hawkin’s comment about friends. “Not quite. If I remember correctly, it's something called a midi-chlorian count. Which is something in your blood but I wouldn't call them friends.” she admitted. “As for sucking your soul out… I don't think so, not literally. But I know that it changes you. My Master knew someone named Yan when they were both young but he Fell and she couldn't recognize the man he became anymore.”
“I doubt you’ll pass out from just setting up your mental shield.” Calista smirked slightly. “Just close your eyes and concentrate.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin laughed.
“So I’m Force positive and I have the blood friends. Got it. As for passing out with a mental shield, at this point I don’t know what will or won’t make me go to temporary unwilling sleep. As for falling to the dark side, did it change your master’s friend physically or mentally or all of it?”
Hawkin fidgeted and tried to sit still. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate.
“Let’s let the blood friends help me out here. I’m gonna try to make a mental block.”
He leaned back and pushed his arms out forward as if he was stretching. And then he crossed them. And waited for Calista’s next instruction.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista tried to stay serious but Hawkin constantly coming up with his own words for things almost made her laugh again. "She didn't… I don't think it was a physical change." she said clearing her throat. "She didn't like to talk about it but there was always a feeling that it was a mental change and maybe even a change in how he felt. Jedi and other Force-sensitives can feel another's presence, which makes it very hard for someone to sneak up on them but, if we're familiar enough with someone, we can even identify who that person is before we see them." she explained, hoping that Hawkin would understand.
"Are you concentrating?" she asked, raising a brow at his little display.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin still had his eyes closed and arms crossed.
“Sound weird. It’s kind of like how I identify guys at the shop by their footsteps. If one of them changed up the type of shoe they wear and threw me off, I’d be mildly upset. And yes, I am trying to concentrate. I’m going to have a very hardy mental block that will eventually block out all of my problems.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“That's as good a comparison as any.” Calista nodded thoughtfully. “But a mental shield wouldn't block out all of your problems. It should still help with the Echoes and keep other Force-sensitives out of your head.” she added as she used the Force to poke at Hawkin’s mind and test his shields.


Calista swallowed hard at the mention of a “chosen one”… She had never had much interest in prophecies or things like that but she knew about them and that they existed. The words kept bouncing around her head. It had to mean something at least. But the fact that the man Hawkin saw was on his way to kill a lot of people… “Well, there was a war at the time.” she mumbled, knowing it was a weak excuse and doubted the young man would be fooled. She shook her head and focused on Hawkin for now. “I won't stop you from touching something if you feel you really should touch it but… I want to teach you something first. I don't know if it will stop these visions for everything or not but it should help you have some choice whether or not you see something, as well as turn off the “call” you hear.” she informed him, moving into a traditional meditative position. “It may even help with the aftereffects you mentioned.”

("you were the chosen one you were supposed to destroy the sith not join them"(sorry had to) )