forum Star Wars Rp? Can be a OxO or a small group of three
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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"alright just tell me where to bring the ship" he powered it up flipping a few switches and deactivating the droids as they were useless at the moment "and please let me pay you this feels wrong for a repair like this just name the price I have the credits for the repair as long as its not stupid expensive"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin laughed.
"Nah Jado, I don't need your credits. I'm just excited that I'm getting off of the cityscape of a planet. Calista, where's the nearest New Republic hangar? I can fix Jado's ship, and we can all decide where to go from there. Does that sound like a good plan?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Sounds good to me.” Calista nodded before giving Jado directions to the hanger. “We’ll meet you there. Then you boys can haggle over pricing.” she teased before ending the transmission and leading Hawkin to the transport that she and Jado had used earlier.


he eased the controls and went towards the hanger taking his helmet off when the comm transmission went off to look around the area to take it in "its better without a helmet on but the creed doesn't allow it…" he sighed and put it back on when he got close to the hanger (if starwars credits can be digital the part after this will count but if not ignore it) "i know he didnt want my credits but ill just send the normal credit pay for a hyperdrive repair" he sent said credits he was talking to himself about

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(I’m fine with digital credits)

“Some might.” Calista nodded. “Of course, it depends on who might be traveling right now.” she added as she climbed on the bike. “Be sure to hold on. These things can go pretty fast.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“This is a standard model so… fast enough that I don't want my first Padawan to go flying off the back without knowing how to control your fall.” Calista smirked. “Besides, I've seen some that were modified to go faster than this one. Just hang on to me and you'll be fine.” she assured.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin laughed.
“I know they can go faster, I’ve nodded them out before for customers. I just don’t know how fast the base model goes. I never asked questions, I just did the work.”
He grabbed onto Calista’s robes and waited for her to start the engine.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Well, as my Padawan, you can ask me questions about almost anything. Especially about what I'm going to be teaching you.” Calista assured before she started driving to the hanger to meet up with Jado.


he was checking the blaster energy capacity and changing them out if they were too low for his comfort but he left the hyperdrive to Hawkins hands as he didn't trust himself to do it. He hopped in the cockpit and waited for the speeder bike and played some digital chess with some ai to distract him and also because it helped him with remembering tactics he could use

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin enjoyed the ride and once the reached the hanger, he slung his bo rifle off of his shoulder and made his way to Jado’s Arc fighter. He waved at Jade in the cockpit and immediately went to looking at the hyperdrive. He laughed.
“Aw now this isn’t too bad. I can fix this in about an hour tops. Maybe less. Just some crossed wires and some shoddy repair work. I’ll get ya up and running soon Jado.”

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista dropped off the speeder bike with one of the hanger employees and followed Hawkin over to Jado’s ship. “Well, I’m glad it's an easy fix for you to handle.” she smiled at her Padawan’s assessment of the repairs and stepped back so as to not interfere. But she still kept an eye on him just in case he had another echo to deal with.


"like the look of the ship hawkin?…" he looked over at hawkin then at calista "you think you will be comfy?… in the ship cause i can buy a small transport shuttle and take up their on me of course"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

He head Jado call down to him.
"Yeah the ship is pretty nice. The hyperdrive should be close to being fixed. I'm going to run a few small tests, but everything seems to be in working order now. A transport shuttle would be nice too. If you don't mind. Calista, what do you say?"


"alright" he looked at hawkin and nodded "just tell me if its good to fly or if I should leave it here and get a transport shuttle" he then started to play digital chess again waiting for the answer

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Calista sighed softly, relieved that Hawkin didn't have any… problems as he worked, and nodded the questions. “I’m sure I’ll be fine with either. I've been in some pretty uncomfortable transports for long periods of time before so, either one works for me.” she admitted with a casual shrug. “But if either of you want a transport shuttle, I shouldn't have any trouble arranging that.”

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin finished his repairs with the hyperdrive.
"I know I'll be fine in a cockpit for a little while. However, I think a little transport shuttle with enough space for me to sleep and move around would be good. I've never had interplanetary travel, besides coming from Kiffu the first time I came to Coruscant. I don't know how I'll react."
He looked at Calista.
"I know you had to be worried that I was going to see something touching this Arc fighter. Trust me, I was too. But I moved fast enough. Everything is in tip top shape."


he opened the cockpit to let them in "back seat is the large blaster controls and the middle is the copilot/small blaster control" he glanced at calista and hawkin "I will also cut of the view from my cockpit as I fly better without this helmet it will help when space pirates attack"