forum Star Wars Rp? Can be a OxO or a small group of three
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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He woke up and looked around "what?…huh" he got up and opened his com hearing the constant buzzing of it


"that good…what the info say?…" he asked Calista "wait really?! Dang that's awesome" he said when Hawkin piped in "who did you talk to and how did it happen?…."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Considering who he talked to and how he managed, I'm more inclined to say that it was very risky than awesome.” Calista said, not quite sure if she should tell Jado about the source being a Force Echo of the Emperor. “As for the information… assuming it's accurate and not a trap, it seems like the information we were looking for may not be here after all but the ghost told us it's on Kamino.”


"hmmm….alright ill check on my arc-170 to see if those mechanics actually got it working…" he got up and walked to go check it "I'm leaving the barc speeder for yall I'm guessing you know how to use that hawkin?… also I think its awesome don't understand how hawkin did it but he got the info so i think its awesome" he walked to the ship yard he left it at

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I have.” Calista assured her new Padawan. “I can take us to the shipyard but we actually have to talk about the ship, Jado.” she remembered. “Neither Hawkin nor I know how to fly an ARC-170 and our understanding is that it needs three pilots, right?”


"yeah i just use droids for the blaster cannons but I pilot it cant trust droids with that normally I don't trust droids with my whole ship but I go to use them cause damn pirates are always around big planets" he answered "yall can use the blaster cannons but I can use the blaster cannons if you want to fly" he joked as he hadn't heard calista say that they didn't know how to fly it

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I know how to pilot… general ships outside of an atmosphere, including how to land and take off, but the only copilot I ever had was my Master.” Calista admitted. “But it sounds like the ARC-170 is a special class of ship.”


"not really it is a old ship at least older than those x-wings but I prefer the ships I'm use to" he said explaining the ship to her "the blasters will be easy to operate if not we have a com like in the ship to communicate"

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hawkin spoke into the comm.
"I can do whatever. Fly it, fix it, or man the cannons. I know enough about the ARC-170s to know the basics. However, I have never actually physically flown an ARC-170, so that's probably off the table. The blasters sound cool though."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I thought you said there wasn’t much room on that kind of a ship. That it was all cockpit?” Calista smirked at Hawkin, somewhere between teasing and genuinely wanting his opinion. “Otherwise, it sounds like we should be able to manage it.” she smiled as she turned back to Jado’s image on the comm.


he had muted his com as he had to start to argue with the people who fixed his ship find out they did nothing but calista could see him arguing with them "What do you mean you didn't fix my ship?!?! yall should have done it by now I was gone for almost a full day!!!!"
"well for a hyper drive to be repaired we need a bit more credits than what you gave us"
he sighed "never mind ill just go to a better place because I don't have to pay extra for a repair you should have already done" he walked to his arc 170 and unmuted his comm "Hawkin wheres your shop and how much will it cost to fix my hyperdrive and how quick can you get it done safely" he added as he knew calista was quite fond of him and he instantly put it together that she wanted hawkin as her padawan

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

"I've been in worse situations to get by without a kitchen or a bed." Calista smirked a little at Hawkin's banter, as she saw Jado's helmet looking away from the comm. Even though he had muted himself, she got the distinct impression that things hadn't gone so well with his ship… only to sigh at the confirmation when he asked Hawkin about repairs. She didn't want to interrupt before her Padawan could answer, but she was fairly sure she could get a good ship for a 'special mission as a Jedi of the New Republic'.