forum Soldier, Poet, King || Zelda RP!! || CLOSED, stalkers welcome!! || 3/3
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

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"But we have to find Link! What if he got himself hurt or something? We can't just leave him here!" Zelda continued on, using the flashlight on her phone to try and help herself to see in the dark ruins. She called out for Link again, just hoping that he could reply. She didn't like the energy in the place. It made her stomach churn and she felt very unsettled.


Link stiffened when he heard his name called out. They're still here! he thought with panic. He picked up the scabbard and stuck the sword in it, then ran back into the ruins, not even giving a second thought to the man who was slowly getting up. "Zelda! Ganondorf!" he shouted as he ran, slinging the weapon onto his back. "Guys! We gotta go!"

The man grumbled, getting up. It was looking perfect, then that stupid sword… "Ugh!" he exclaimed, snatching his staff off the ground and dusting himself off. The brat was fast, that was for sure. But maybe, if he played this right, he could still leave victorious… Yes, his prior strategy may have gone out the window, but he could turn things to his favor. Go ahead and find your friends, little hero, he thought with a chuckle. I'll be waiting.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank the goddess! Let's get going then, I-" Ganondorf faultered a moment.
"Link, why the hell are you going a sword?!" Ganondorf's eyes widened a moment. Still, he held tightly onto Zelda's hand, more than happy to turn tail and run.


"No time! You'd better tell us about that thing if we get out if here, though!" Zelda kept running, grabbing onto Link's free hand to drag him and Ganondorf along. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest and she seemed terrified, but the adrenaline coursing through her veins kept her going on.


Link kept pace with Zelda and Ganondorf surprisingly well, almost getting ahead a couple of times. He wasn't worried about himself, no, he had this magic sword that could apparently shoot gigantic blue beams. Ganondorf and Zelda? As far as he knew, they didn't have any weapons on them, magical or not. They had to get out of here, this was awful, come on they had to make it–

A cloud of black smoke erupted in front of the trio, clearing with a flourish. And of-fucking-course that guy had to be standing in the middle. "It'll take more than that to get rid of Yuga, hero!" the man exclaimed. He brought his staff back with a cackle and Link felt his heart physically drop into his stomach when he realized he couldn't stop this one.

"DUCK!!" he shouted, hitting the deck and attempting to pull Zelda down with him. He felt a chill from Yuga's attack as it sailed over him and prayed that it didn't hit Zelda or Ganondorf.

(In case you want your characters to get hit, it's a magic-draining attack and they would probably feel like they were getting the energy sucked out of them because they literally are)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Link what the fuck have you gotten us into?!" Ganondorf demanded when the man- Yuga?- appeared in front of them. Ganondorf didn't hesitate to drop to the ground doing his best to position himself so he could get up quickly.
"What did your do to piss this man off?!"


The attack hit Zelda square in the back and she collapsed, trembling violently. She seemed to be unable to move or speak at this point, or do much but quiver on the ground. She drew in a few quick, shaky breaths, trying to calm down, but she could scarcely keep her eyes anymore. It felt like she was slowly being emptied, and there was nothing she could do.


"ZELDA!!" Link exclaimed. Yuga's cackling only grew louder.He was at her side immediately, blue eyes bright with panic. "Nononono…" You weren't fast enough she's not gonna make it you failed–


Link's eyes darted to the sword, which seemed to be glowing under its sheath. The sword! Link was on his feet in an instant, grabbing the weapon and slicing through the air with a loud yell just in time to stop another blast. He placed himself between Zelda and Yuga, positively bristling. "Try it again, you bastard!" he challenged.

"With pleasure!" the man replied, readying another attack. Link didn't stand his ground this time, instead charging ahead and deflecting the beam into the side of the ruin. Something exploded, but Link didn't particularly care at the moment. He kept on going, lashing out at the arm that held the man's staff, but Yuga danced to the side. Link skidded to a stop and went in for a second blow, and missed again. The third time should have been the charge, except Yuga lashed out and smacked Link with his staff with more force than should have been possible, sending him tumbling backwards. The sword clattered across the stone. "Your turn, foolish little hero~" Yuga sang, looking positively giddy.

There is a 95.7% chance that his attack will land.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf let out a low tell, but it was hard to make out what he had said. He rushed to Zelda's side as well. He looked up when link left their sides, gathering Zelda up in his arms.
"Zelda, Zelda, can you see me?" Ganondorf held Zelda carefully to himself, looking up at Link and Yuga fought. He stood, quickly getting himself and Zelda out of the range of fire, or so he assumed. He heard a cackle, but just assumed it to be Yuga.


"Nngh…" Zelda curled up in Ganondorf's arms, still shaking and looking dangerously close to passing out. Her energy was draining fast, and it was getting increasingly difficult to try and force herself to stay awake. After a few more seconds, she groaned softly and just went limp, falling unconscious.


At the last possible second, Link rolled out of the way, grabbing the sword and charging again, this time aiming for the actual staff. Yuga seemed to be slowing down considerably, probably due to the fact that he had stopped a sword with his arm. A quick movement, likely some kind of spell, stopped Link's blow with a bang and sent him skidding backwards. He bounced across the room like a stone on water, hearing more than one crack come from inside of him somewhere. Wonderful. Yuga landed just about as gracefully, sliding backwards on his ass and at one point completely flipping over. He winced as he got up, leaning heavily on his staff. "Tch. It's not as much as I had hoped, but I got something. I suppose I'd best move onto the next best source," he announced with a venomous glare, then proceeded to vanish in another cloud of black smoke.

Link groaned as he got up, propping himself up with the sword. Goddess, his chest hurt. "Ganondorf?" he said, then winced when he took another breath, which just made the pain worse. "Fuck…Are you okay? How's Zelda?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"She's out cold." Ganondorf stood, making his way over to Link.
"You obviously aren't doing too hot either. Just… What the hell just happened?" Ganondorf offered an arm to Link, holding Zelda close to his side. He could see he was the only one not injured by the encounter, and he was more than willing to help the two back to civilization. He heard a cackle again, head wiping around. Yuga had already left, hadn't he?!


Zelda groaned weakly when Ganondorf shifted her around, still out cold. It didn't seem like she would wake up for a while, and she was steadily growing weaker and weaker. Whatever Yuga had shot at her was clearly still in effect.


"Thanks." Link took Ganondorf up on his offer, leaning on him with his face scrunched up. "…I don't know. When I found the sword, that guy attacked me. Then I heard Zelda call my name and went 'oh shit, they're still here' and freaked out, and then…that happened." Link looked over at Zelda. She'd gotten hurt because of him. He hadn't been able to protect her from Yuga. She'd followed him in here because she was worried for him, and look where that had gotten her? Hell, none of them would have even been in that situation if Link hadn't brought her out here! After a moment, Link's gaze dropped to the floor. He'd really screwed up, hadn't he?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf carefully wrapped his arms around Link when the other man leaned into him, picking him up just as gently as he held Zelda. He didn't think he could go very fast like this, and he definitely couldn't carry anything else, but right now he needed to take care of the two injured Hylians in his arms. He was still weary, looking around. Where had the laugh come from, he didn't know, but he didn't like any of this at all.
"Well, you did good," Ganondorf said, already turning to leave. "You protected us, after all." Ganondorf froze, though.
"Oh, master, it's been so long!" A man stood there, skin grey as ash. "And you've defeated them already!!" Ganondorf stiffened, holding Zelda and Link closer to himself.
"Who the fuck are you?! And what do you mean, defeated? These are my friends."


(Gonna just reply since Zelda's like. Out.)

Link said nothing when Ganondorf complimented him. Right, he'd done a great job. Totally. When the other man made himself known, he tensed. The sword seemed to pulse in his grip, as if reacting to the newcomer. The guy gave off a bad vibe anyway, but Link didn't like his 'defeated' comment any more than Ganondorf did.


(Y'all can skip me if you want lol, Zelda isn't gonna wake up any time soon so my reply would likely be short and boring)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(don worry I'll try to keep this short so we can get you back in this)

The man's eye brows furrowed at Ganondorf's words, lips pursed.
"Master, they're our-"
"No, no, stop right there. What's with the master crap? While I'm all for kinks like that, you do you, I've never met you before in my life." Ganondorf scowled just a bit.
"And these two people are my friends, end of discussion." The man looked like he wanted to say more, but he folded his arms instead, making his way over.
"Master, it's me." He leaned right up into Ganondorf's face, cocky. "Giraham. It's been… Lifetimes since we last saw each other."


Link did not like Girahim being this close to him. He cringed away and inhaled sharply through gritted teeth. His body definitely didn't appreciate all this moving around in the chest area. "Dude–"

"Girahim, it would appear that my master wishes for you to respect his personal space." A lithe woman, completely blue, literally glided from behind Link and Ganondorf. There were several off-putting things about her, aside from her calling him "master", such as the fact that she had no pupils and her face seemed to show no emotion. She looked at Ganondorf. "I do not trust you," she sad flatly. "However, Zelda's energy is fading at an accelerated rate. If you truly do care about her and my master, then follow me." And as if that was that, she glided ahead of them, gaze lingering on Girahim for a moment. If there was an emotion behind that look, Link couldn't decipher it.

"What even…?" Link shook his head. After running, then fighting, then running and fighting again, he was far too exhausted to process this much. It didn't seem like this woman had anything against Link or Zelda, but didn't like Ganondorf for some reason. And Girahim almost acted smitten with Ganondorf, but wanted him to fight them?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ghirahim turned, smirking some when he saw the woman.
"Long time no see." He stayed right in front of Ganondorf, not backing down.
Things were starting to be too crazy for Ganondorf. First, Ghirahim is getting too close. Then, there's the blue woman who's calling Link master. All in all, this was too crazy for one day. He took a step away from the man in front of him, turning to follow the woman.
"M-Master!" Ghirahim protested.
"Oh, would you shut up? I don't care what you think, these are my friends." The man fell silent as Ganondorf followed after the woman, begrudgingly doing the same.


Link cleared his throat. "So… do you have a name, Miss Blue Lady?" he asked. One of many questions he had, but maybe it would be best to start simple.

"Of course, master. The name I was given is Fi."

"Okay… uh, why are you calling me that?"

"Calling you what, master?" Fi queried.

"That. 'Master'. It's… I'm with Ganondorf on that, I mean I don't know you and it's kind of weird?"

Fi paused. "…I see, so you don't remember." Was that… sadness in her voice? Link only heard it for half a moment, but he could have sworn she had sounded slightly less… emotionless than before. "I am the spirit of the sword you hold. The Master Sword. As its wielder and the current incarnation of the Hero's Spirit, you are my master."

Link blinked. "What. You know what, can we discuss this later? For now, please just call me Link."

"As you wish."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Things were just getting weirder and weirder.
"Great, that's all cleared up now, so can we please focus on the problem at hand?" He could feel Zelda fading in his arm, and he wasn't going to let them let her die just to clear up a few minor details. Okay, maybe not minor, but they were in comparision to Zelda's life. He was going as fast as he could with the two in his arms.
"I could carry her, master," Ghiraham offered with a sly smile.
"First off, I don't trust you as far as I can kick you at the moment, and second off, same as them, I don't want you calling me master."


"If it'll help, I think I'll be able to walk by myself…Not very fast, but probably faster than this." Link thought of asking if Girahim could support him, but he did not want to be any closer to the man than he needed to. "I think it's something in my chest? Not my legs. Whatever's wrong, I mean." He coughed and winced. Shit, that hurt.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf pursed his lips some.
"Are you sure?" He didn't want Link hurting himelf more than he already was.
"We could get to the horses, and then none of us would have to walk." He glanced at the woman leading them through the woods, Fi, then back to Link. He was pointedly ignoring Ghirahim, definetly not liking the man.