forum Soldier, Poet, King || Zelda RP!! || CLOSED, stalkers welcome!! || 3/3
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

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"Mhmm!" Zelda pulled out her phone and started texting one of her friends while she followed Link.
Hey! Link and I are going somewhere cool in the woods! You wanna come?
She slipped her phone back in her pocket after sending the message so she could focus on riding.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(hehe yeee, thank you, I had no idea how to insert myself, lol)

Ganondorf was relaxing in his home, relaxing with one of his many lovers by his side. She played with his hair a bit, and he in turn relaxed with her in his arms. He kissed her lightly, pulling back with a smile. He looked down when his phone buzzed, pulling it out. He couldn't help the smile when he saw it was from Zelda.
I'm in He smirked some, kissing his lover lightly.
"Perhaps another time," he said softly. He slipped away, kissing her hand once before leaving. He, unlike Link and Zelda, opted to take his car.
I'll be there soon princess~


Sounds good! See you soon~
Zelda put her phone away again as she and Link entered the forest. "Ooh, are we getting close, Link?" She asked curiously. "I dunno if I've been in this part of the forest before… it looks different. But I guess I could be imagining things." She shrugged.


"Nono, you're right! It's totally different!" Link exclaimed. He knew the woods like the back of his hand, considering how he had basically explored every nook and cranny of them both when he was younger and in recent times. "That's not the only thing that's weird, either! It was really quick, but I swear I saw a fairy around here!" Zelda was one of the very few people that Link talked to about the creatures he saw from time to time. Having said that, there had only been one other time that he'd ever actually seen a fairy before, and he was really only going off of a guess that that was what it was. But what else could a blue-green orb of light with wings possibly be?! The thought of seeing something else, or even another fairy, was an exciting one. Link was keeping his eyes peeled in hopes of another encounter.

(So I'm guessing you're not going the Gerudo King route with Ganondorf?)


"Ooh, really? We definitely have to investigate then!" Zelda picked up the pace and urged her horse to go on into the forest. "I'd love to see a fairy! What color was it?" She asked curiously. "Was it pretty?"


"Yeah! It was blueish-greenish, but I only saw it for a second before it disappeared," Link answered. He glanced around hopefully. No unusual creatures yet, just– "Hey!" Link pointed to the side, eyes wide with excitement. A fairy, pink this time, bounced in the air not very far from where they were riding. The teen looked over at Zelda with an expression similar to a child who just received a puppy for his birthday. "Let's get closer!!"


Zelda gasped in excitement as she looked at the fairy. "Ooooh, pretty~! Yeah, let's get closer!" She urged her horse onwards to get closer to the fairy, clearly intrigued. "I wonder how many of them are out here? Do you think we'll find more if we follow this one?" She asked.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Aaaa, so, this is a bit layered, but basically he's technically the king, but he's more of a figure head by this point? Like, it's a mix between what they have in Britain and the thing they had it Japan. He still has a say in what happens, but he usually just let's his mothers take charge and he's not planning on taking all the limited responsibilities he has until he's twenty, so he's just very relaxed and chill?? Like, you wouldn't really know he was king unless you know how Gerudos work n stuff. God I'm horrible at explaining this haha)

Ganondorf tapped the wheel of his car as he drove, humming a bit to his radio. He leaned back in his seat, one hand on the car door, smirking a bit to himself. He couldn't help but wonder what mischief they were going to get into this time around, chuckling softly to himself. He wasn't afraid to admit he often was the background influence when they got into a bit of trouble.
Ganondorf pulled up by the woods, not even bothering to try to drive in. He figured the others were going on horseback, but he did prefer walking. He liked taking his time, enjoying the scenery around him and seeing just how he could utilize it if worst came to worst. It was a strange hobby, but it was enjoyable.
He turned the car off, still humming the song that had last been playing as he started into the woods. He tilted his head a bit.
"Strange…" Things didn't seem normal to him, the trees, the layout, even the sounds he heard around him. Something seemed off, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
I'm on my way in, anything in particular I should know? He sent to Zelda, his way of saying he knew something was up.


Zelda glanced down at her phone when it buzzed and started typing out a reply.
We don't know much about it yet, but it kinda suddenly popped up.
We haven't seen it before
And we just saw a fairy, so it's super cool!
She slipped her phone back in her pocket and continued on, looking around for the fairy again.


Link followed suit, but noticed that Epona didn't seem to want to go in that direction. "Hey, it's alright, girl," he coaxed. Epona shook her head vigorously and snorted. Link noticed that her ears were slightly back as well. "Hey, Zelda? We might need to go on foot for this one, I think Epona's nervous about it for some reason," he said. There was a sturdy-looking low-hanging branch nearby that they could tie the horses to as well, so they didn't wander off and end up lost in the woods.


"Mm… alright." Zelda carefully slipped off of her horse. She tied it to the branch and started with Link once she was sure that it was secure enough. "Alright… uhm… let's get going, then!" She grinned and grabbed Link's hand to drag him off into the forest.


Zelda grabbing Link caught him a little off-guard, but he flashed the horses a quick thumbs-up and joined Zelda in following the fairy, who had started to fly off. It was certainly a lot slower than the fairy that Link had seen before, and almost seemed to stop and wait for them when it got far ahead.

(Hey Swim, if you don't know how to put Ganondorf in, maybe have him just walk into the woods and see Link and Zelda run off, then follow them/say "hey it's me" or something? Idk)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yeeee, I've got idea!)
Ganondorf read quietly, looking up as he put his phone away. Well, then, things could be interesting indeed. Something was up, of course. He smiled softly to himself, making his way into the woods. He ran his fingers through his hair, laughing a bit. Oh dear, this was going to be interesting indeed. He fell silent again as he moved through the trees, a smirk still on his lips. He caught a glimpse of pink, knowing exactly who it was. He passed by the horses, pausing just a moment to offer each of them a sugarcube before hurrying off.
"Hey!" He called out, going a bit faster. "I'm here!"


"Oh, you made it!" Zelda smiled brightly as she looked up at Ganondorf, still holding onto Link's hand. "Now be quiet! We don't wanna scare the fairies!" She grabbed his hand as well and started dragging both boys behind her to keep following the fairy. "I think we're getting closer!"


(BRUHHHH somehow I missed BOTH of your posts? I have no idea how but they literally did not show up??? Also I thought Zelda and Ganon knew each other but not Link and Ganon lol)

Link turned around to be greeted by a rather…intimidatingly large figure. His eyes widened and he stepped back a half-step without thinking,. The guy didn't look like he was dangerous, other than being much too big and buff-looking which was honestly kind of attractive to be able to take on alone. He seemed friendly, even, with his greeting. Link was jerked forward when Zelda started running after the fairy again, yelping a little in surprise. "Uh… who are you?" he asked as they were dragged along, with the odd feeling that he should at least know his name from somewhere.

Meanwhile, the fairy had stopped to wait for the group and had picked up the pace once more. The trees had started to thin out a little bit. Pieces of stone structures, barely rubble at this point, peeked out from where nature had long ago reclaimed the area. Occasionally, a soft, colored light would flit by in the bushes or trees. There appeared to be more wild animals in this part of the woods. Even a strange little blue creature with glowing yellow eyes and oddly-shaped horns bounced across their path.

(Link: You seem familiar… but who are you??
Ganondorf, the literal leader of a powerful kingdom: )


(Aight we're back. Also can I mention that writing any hint of "oh boi they're hot" is really awkward and I have no idea how allosexual people think so if I come off weird I'm sorry? I'm just a very confused asexual trying my best)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(And don't worry, I think you're doing good so far!)

Ganondorf chuckled softly when Zelda took his hand, doing as she said for a moment and keeping his voice down. He looked over at Link, one eyebrow going up.
"I'm Ganondorf," he introduced. He found it a bit amusing that this man didn't seem to know who he was, so if he didn't know who that Ganondorf was a king, then he'd play along with it as long as he could.
"I'm a friend of Zelda's. We met through work." He chuckled softly, looking around as they continued on. He registered the changes, humming a bit in thought. This was very interesting indeed…


"Oh, right! Sorry, forgot to introduce you guys. You're doing great, though!" Zelda grinned, continuing to drag them along after the fairy. "Now where did that little thing go… oh! There it is!" She picked up the pace, practically running at this point. Although, Ganondorf was so much taller that it was probably a pretty comfortable pace for him. "I think we're getting closer! It's almost like the forest is singing to me~" She hummed happily to herself along to some tune; presumably the one she claimed to hear.


"Met through… work?" This didn't really make sense to him, considering Zelda was, y'know, a princess, but if he thought about it, maybe Ganondorf was some kind of advisor or something? That would make sense, right? "I'm Kayden, but most people call me Link. 'Cause my last name's Lincoln, and Link's shorter than both of them. Zelda and I met at school." He smiled at Ganondorf. "It's nice to meet you!" When Zelda commented on the music, Link gasped, noticing the melody for the first time. "Yeah, I hear it too! That definitely didn't happen before. Where's this fairy taking us?" he asked nobody in particular.

(Aggressively yells Lost Woods theme)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Link." Ganondorf didn't have a hard time keeping up with Zelda, holding her hand securely in his own as he kept in step, right next to her. He tilted his head some at the mention of music. He'd been too caught up with the generic ear worm pop song he'd had stuck in his head since he got out of his car to notice, but he couldn't help but smile a bit as he noticed the new music too.
"I'd assume some kind of ruin," Ganondorf said, pointing to the stone rumble pieces they occasionally ran by. "But I don't remember every hearing about any kind of structures out here before."


"Yeah, Link said it seemed to basically come out of nowhere! He's been all over these woods and they've never been here before!" Zelda grinned pushing through the underbrush to get closer to the music, which seemed to be growing louder and louder. "I wonder what all's in here?" She wondered aloud, panting a bit from all the running.


"It did! I came a few days ago, and the woods were all different for some reason–y'know, a lot like they are now–and there's this…I don't even know what it is, but it looks super old and it definitely wasn't there before," Link said. The fairy ducked through a bush ahead of them, and when the group followed suit, they emerged into a large clearing. A once-grand structure lay in moss-and-ivy-covered ruins before them. Several koroks waved at the trio, and Link even saw a few minish. And the fairies! Zelda had definitely been right about there being more where the pink one was taking them. Fairies of almost every color of the rainbow danced around the clearing, adding a bell-like background noise to the melody that was now as loud as if someone was playing it on their car radio. "This is it! This is the place!" Link exclaimed, though it was probably pretty obvious.