forum Soldier, Poet, King || Zelda RP!! || CLOSED, stalkers welcome!! || 3/3
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

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Ty! I started thinking about what I would want modern!Link to be like and just went off of that. The whole "his dad owns a corner store" thing was entirely inspired by Spiderman: Homecoming btw. I liked the vibe of the little store/sandwich shop


Lmao nice
Now we just need Swim's Ganon and we can start! Are we already a thing or no? I feel like it would be kinda fun if they like, knew each other but weren't dating yet 👉👈


Maybe? I could totally see Zelda and Ganon knowing each other if they're both royalty, but unless Zelda's like "yeah I casually sneak out of the castle to hang out with this guy"(which I could totally see her doing lmao) then idk how we'd be able to swing them knowing Link. Maybe we could do that tho? Maybe Zelda and Ganon straight-up ditch some diplomatic meeting or something and hang out with Link lmao then shenanigans start


Lmao sounds good to me
We can consult with Swim to see what we wanna do, but I'm cool with Ganon and Zelda knowing each other ^^
Childhood friends, maybe? :0


Sure! My idea is that the squad goes out into the woods(either with Link and he wants to show them "this super cool place" or separately and they're all kind of drawn to one location). They end up in the Lost Woods/ultra-ruined Temple of Time–which I'm combining into one here bc that sounds like an ~aesthetic~ if I've ever heard of one–and you thought the ToT was destroyed in BoTW? It's way more than that now. Anyways, Link notices the sword kind of calling him to it but ignores it for a bit bc he's busy rambling to his(new?) friends. Then this sorcerer person that I haven't really planned much out other than their motivations and backstory for shows up and tries to attack them. Link grabs the sword and the trio fight them. The mystery person says something like "if I can't have your power then I'll just take from the next greatest source" and warps away, leaving the group super confused until this magic-looking(yeah it's magic) wall appears around Castle Town(guessing that's gonna be the name of it. It's pretty big but they call it Castle Town bc it's historic and they don't want to change the name I guess). They rush to investigate only to find that they can't enter and have to find a way to destroy the wall to get in and stop this mystery figure.

Gonna talk more about "mystery person" real quick, spoilered tho in case you don't want to be spoiled about the antagonist.


Yo, Swim? Idk when you're gonna get on but could you post a form? Sorry if I'm sounding rude ;-;

Also!! It sounds like I should be able to RP this week! Probably not Wednesday/Thursday, but we're staying at a hotel at one point which means!! Wifi!! And RP!! The reason I won't be able to RP Wednesday or Thursday is bc we're flying out on Wednesday and we're staying at my grandparents' house on Thursday(and I'm not sure how great their wifi is considering they live way out in the countryside). But it's something!! Don't expect super frequent responses bc I'll be doing stuff with family but I'll do my best!! ^^


Yo! So this airport has wifi and apparently I'll be able to connect at my grandparents' house once I get there, so I'll be able to reply at least a little consistently. I'll be hanging out with family a lot though, so don't expect a ton. But again, I'll do my best. ^^


That's alright! It doesn't really have to be super detailed so don't stress over that! I should be online for a while longer tonight but it sounds like tomorrow I'll be spending a good portion of the day trying to get to the hotel we'll be staying at for the next few days.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Name: Ganondorf Dragmire
Gender: male
Age: 18 because I'm special
Sexuality: Bi-polysexual
Romance?: of course

Personality: Ganondorf is… a flirt. He is completely open with his sexuality, and he isn't afraid to admit he sleeps around. He's pretty relaxed, and does his best to be a nice person to hang around with. He is physically strong, yes, but his true strength lies in his ability to turn a situation in his favor. He loves to strategrize for fights, setting traps and double crosses.
Other: I finally did it : )