forum Soldier, Poet, King || Zelda RP!! || CLOSED, stalkers welcome!! || 3/3
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf thought quietly, lips pursed in aggravation over their situation.
"If we do need to go on a quest," he started, shaking his head, "Where will start? We don't have any idea what's going on, and there's not anywhere we could turn to for us to figure out what to do either."

Ghiraham finally moved off of Fi's lap, stepping over to wrap his arms around Ganondorf's.
"You know, we could always team up with-" Ganondorf's found his hand on Ghiraham's mouth, stopping him from speaking.
"Another word and I'm going to toss you into that barrier to see what happens."


Zelda glared at Ghirahim. She obviously wasn't at all in the mood for his antics. "We don't have time to go on a life changing quest. We have lives here, you know. Link and I aren't even legally adults. Why don't you go and find someone who's a little more qualified to deal with potentially dangerous magical barriers?"


Fi followed Ghirahim out of the car and stood next to Link. "Your Highness, if I may, the three of you may be the most qualified people in the world to deal with this, if not the only qualified people," she said. "Between the Goddess's blood that you carry and Link's spirit of the Hero, you were practically born for an occurrence such as this. Not to mention the power of the Triforce that lies in each of you."

Link's frown dipped a little more. He was willing to do what needed to be done to save his home, but the thought that he was only around for something like that left a feeling in his chest that he did not like. "Wait, what does the… nevermind." No time to get sidetracked now. He could ask about that later. "If we're the only ones who can do it, where do we start?" he asked.

"It would be wise to speak with a Sheikah elder. I would recommend going to Kakariko Village first," Fi replied. "Though, they may be hostile towards Ganondorf."

A Sheikah elder…? Link had a history teacher a couple of years ago that had retired and returned to his hometown. Maybe they could search him out? "I think I might know a guy… maybe? If we can find him, that is."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf couldn't help but note Fi didn't list what made him qualified to help in this mission. From what he could gather, he was the occurrence the others were usually born to deal with. If it really was all true, which the Gerudo was still unsure of, it felt… ostracizing. Like it wasn't his place to be good, that he wasn't allowed to be.
The Gerudo King lowered his hand from Ghiraham's mouth, who thankfully understood to keep it shut for the time being.
"I'm to take it no one will trust me through any of this?" Ganondorf asked, letting out a sigh.


"I don't care what the weirdos think, Ganon. I still trust you." Zelda crossed her arms and huffed indignantly. "This is preposterous. Even if I've got… got goddess blood or something, that doesn't make me qualified! I don't have any formal training or anything! I don't know how to fight or do stuff like that! I'm only seventeen!"


"Yeah," Link said, heartily agreeing with Zelda's first statement, "And maybe we can convince them that you're not, I don't know, trying to kill us or whatever they think you're trying to do? You pretty much saved Zelda's life back there, if that's not worth something then I'm going to riot." He offered a grin in an attempt to cheer his friend up. The second thing Zelda said caused his expression to falter, though. She had a point, none of them really knew what they were doing. Hell, Link had an actual fucking sword that he had no idea whatsoever how to wield! "So we learn, right? And we make sure to cover each other so that if we do mess up, we're there for each other." He wondered for a second if Fi had any means of teaching them, but… well, she didn't exactly have arms to demonstrate much of anything with. And Ghirahim probably knew how to fight, but there was no way that Link was asking him for anything unless he was completely out of other options.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Where's Time when you need him–)

"Thanks, you guys." Ganondorf offered a semblance of a smile. At least his friends still trusted him, then, even if no one else would.
"And Link's right, we've got to learn if we're going to do something about this. Plus, if all three of us work together, we'll be stronger in the end."


Zelda reluctantly nodded, figuring there was no way out of this. "Fine. I'm not sure who's going to teach us unless these two have any idea how to fight." She huffed a bit, keeping her arms crossed. "That could take months, anyway, and we really don't have that kind of time from what I can tell. What are we supposed to do about it?"