forum Soldier, Poet, King || Zelda RP!! || CLOSED, stalkers welcome!! || 3/3
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

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Zelda sighed softly and facepalmed again. "Great… so now I'm cursed too. Today's been great, hasn't it? Can one of you dumbasses help me up? I can't be sure, but I'm fairly certain that I can't currently walk, so…" She tried to run her fingers through her hair to fix it up a bit, but it was too tangled at the moment. "You two aren't forced to fight each other or anything, so just don't worry about it."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"So am I! It's so… disappointing to not have torn into your unsuspecting flesh yet." Ghiraham sighed some, pouting. Ganondorf sighed heavily, shaking his head slowly.
"These people are my friends. I'm not going to be trying to attack them. Or destroy the kingdom. I do think, perhaps this time around, we'll be able to break the cycle… Zelda and I have known each other for quite some time- I could never hurt her." Ganondorf looked to Link, chuckling a moment.
"I told you I knew Zelda through work," he said, smiling some. "Surprise." The gerudo turned to Zelda, offering his arm to her to help her.
"I'm going to have to agree with Zelda on this one. I really don't think we are going to end up fighting."


(Aaah, sorry for not responding for a while! I had a hockey tournament and then just…couldn't really come up with anything.)

"Right, yeah! We can totally bre–ow!" Link leapt to his feet, then immediately regretted it when the pain in his chest flared up suddenly. He bend forward, drawing in a sharp breath through gritted teeth and clutching the spot that was hurting. "Owowowowow…" he muttered, scrunching his eyes shut.

The Great Fairy leaned forward in her pool. "Oh dear, you're hurt as well? Hold on," she said. A small, bluish fairy floated over to Link and bumped against his chest, staying there for a minute before its light dimmed and it nearly fell on the ground. When Link reached out to grab it, he noticed that he didn't feel like he was getting stabbed anymore. "I…what happened there? And is the fairy gonna be okay?" he asked, cradling it in his hands gently.

"Well, little Phelre here just took care of your injury. She'll be alright after a moment, she just needs to rest. Now, what about you?" she asked, turning her attention to Ganondorf.


"You okay, Link?" Zelda asked as she accepted Ganondorf's arm and dragged herself to her feet. "What on earth did you do to yourself? Seems like something broke your ribs… that would require a lot of force. That must have happened after I'd already passed out, right? You didn't seem to be in pain while I was still conscious, anyway…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I back :0 Art commissions aren't ready yet but I've burnt myself out with my art for the moment and I need to take a break)

Ganondorf had moved forward when he saw how Link reacted to getting up so quickly. He stayed in place when Zelda accepted his arm, though, not moving much further.
"Link, you really gotta not do that," the gerudo chided softly. He was already used to the man's impusiveness, though, more worried for Link then anything. He looked up when the fairy addressed him.
"I wasn't hurt, thankfully. I managed to dodge the attacks… A good thing too, so we could all get here. Thank you for your help." Ganondorf dipped his head in respect and gratitude. He looked at Zelda a moment, letting out a soft breath.
"He was protecting us, but the man was powerful."


"I'll be okay, don't worry about me. Just… got a little hurt in the fight, that's all. It feels good as new now, though," Link assured his friends. Ganondorf was definitely right about Yuga's strength, and Link had a gut feeling that wouldn't be their last encounter with him. I'll have to get better with that sword… Next time will be different.

"Maste–apologies. This will take some adjusting. Link, Yuga said he was moving on to the 'next best source' of magic. That would be…" Fi tilted her head to the side for a moment, as if analyzing all of Hyrule's magical hotspots or something. "Hyrule Castle. If he drains it of its magical power as well, the consequences would be rather dire. Additionally, we have no reason to believe that he would stop there. As the Hero, you must stop him before he dooms Hyrule."

Link winced at those words. "No pressure, right?" he said. His grin looked more like a grimace.

"No, there is quite a lot of pressure," Fi said.

"…Anyways. I guess we should head back pretty quick, then. You can stay at my place until it's over, if you want," Link offered, hoping that Zelda wasn't planning on going with him to do whatever he was going to do. Ganondorf, either. He didn't want to see either of them hurt again and if they weren't involved, Yuga couldn't do anything to them.

(Again, sorry dskalvn for some reason I couldn't think of anything. Also would you guys be cool with me making a group dm to talk about plot stuff and other OOC? I have Stuff that I want to discuss and I feel like it'd be better to do that in dms or another thread, but if you guys don't want to do that then that's cool too.)


"Yeah… we should probably help though, shouldn't we?" Zelda asked, still clinging to Ganondorf's arm for support. "I'm sure there's something we can do. You're only in high school, after all. You shouldn't have to try and save the whole kingdom from whatever all by yourself." She stumbled a bit, still pretty dizzy and weak even though she'd been healed. "I want to help, Link. I'm sure I can get the guards to help or something, right?"

(A plot pm sounds fine to me ^^)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yeah, there's no way you're getting us to leave you while this is going on. From how I see it, we're a team now." Ganondorf carefully wrapped his arms around Zelda, making sure she didn't hurt herself again.
"But-!" Ghiraham tried to object.
"Eh eh, zip it," Ganondorf said sternly, pointing a finger at the man. "If you say one more word about how we're not supposed to be working together, I will personally strangle you."


"What if something happens? We already know he can do…that, and if he does it again, we won't be able to get help in time," Link protested. Hell, Zelda was barely in any shape to be walking, let alone fighting some crazy-ass wizard guy. The whole thing just screamed bad idea, even to him. "Maybe calling someone would help? Like someone who could send reinforcements in?"


Zelda rolled her eyes a bit. "You know I literally have access to the entire Hylian army, right? Whether or not I can walk, I can help in that regard. And I'm sure I'll be back to normal soon anyway." She stumbled a bit and leaned more into Ganondorf, allowing the other to support her weight.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"And I'm sure my people will be will to help as well," Ganondorf added. "It won't just be t the three of us against this threat." The massive Gerudo held Zelda close, practically carrying her by now.
"We'll be able to handle this, Link. Trust in it, okay?"


Link blinked. That…was true. Maybe with all the Link, you have to save the world! stuff, he'd forgotten that his friends were actual rulers with access to armed forces for a minute. "…Yeah. Yeah, you guys are right." He laughed, frankly a little embarrassed by his panic. "Guess that was pretty short-sighted, huh?"


"Link, how long will it take you to learn that I'm always right?" Zelda laughed softly, leaning into Ganondorf a bit as the other held her. "I'm less stupid than you give me credit for, you know. And I'm always happy to help you. You're not always on your own, Link."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"And you especially won't be in this," Ganondorf added. He looked between the two, smiling some. They were quite good friends, Zelda and Link.
"We'll be able to deal with this asshole, for sure." The Gerudo was sure it wouldn't be as hard as it had been earlier, not with two armies behind them.


"Definitely," Link said. He felt more confident about this. It wasn't just him, not by a long shot–though he couldn't help but feel like he was putting others in danger. He told himself that was stupid, they were soldiers, for crying out loud–putting themselves on the line was literally their job. Right?

Eventually, the trio made it to Ganondorf's car. They had decided to bring the horses out of the woods, but now was the question of whether to leave them or not… They couldn't really take them in Ganondorf's car, and that would be the faster way, plus everyone would be able to go. "I've got a friend who can watch them until we come back for them," Link suggested.


"Alright. That sounds good to me." Zelda allowed Ganondorf to help her into the car and buckled herself in, still seeming pretty drained and tired. "How long will it take to get here in this thing?" She asked after she'd done so.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf slid into the driver's seat once they arrived at his car, thinking a moment.
"It shouldn't be too long, this car is very reliable and relatively quick, of traffic permits we should be there in no time. And that's good, Link, hopefully the horses will be okay when we can come back for them." Ganondorf put the key into the ignition, starting the car with a hum.
"Ready you guys? Let's go save Hyrule, shall we?"

(Hnnnnn I'm not ded >:3)


"Aaalrighty," Link said, already typing. hey malon can i ask for a favor? zelda and i were out riding and smthn popped up can u just make sure the horses are ok

Malon didn't take very long to respond. Sure thing! Where were u at tho?

the woods tht we hung out in alot thanks mal ur a lifesaver

Link hit send and put his phone back in his pocket. "And we're set!" He opened the front passenger-side door and mock-bowed before flashing a playful grin at Zelda.

(ehehe Malon time, not a major character but I wanted her to at least make a cameo)


"Sounds good to me. Who did you enlist to watch our horses, hmm? Gotta make sure they're in good hands." Zelda laughed softly and ran her fingers through her hair to try and neaten it up a bit. It was pretty disheveled from the whole fiasco, and she did like to look her best whenever possible.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf waited patiently for the others to climb into his car, smiling a bit at the exchange.
"I'm sure they are, if Link trusts them." The Gerudo glanced at Ghirahim, whom he had unfortunately not figured out had a sword form yet, as the man waited impatiently for Zelda to get in before sliding in to take the middle seat. Ganondorf didn't trust Ghirahim to actually behave himself in this situation, but he didn't do anything for the moment.


"Oh, it was Malon," Link replied. His friend's parents owned a ranch just out of town that she visited any chance she could, and she spent most of her time with the horses. Really, she was the only person within a reasonable distance that he could think of that could actually work with horses.

Link hesitated to get in the car when Ghirahim slid in. This would be just great, it looked like it would probably be pretty cramped in there too…

"You appear to be uncomfortable. Are you alright, Link?" Fi asked. Link sighed.

"I'll be fine, but thanks for asking," he said. Fi's pupil-less gaze lingered on him for a moment, but she didn't press any further.

"Very well." She climbed into the front seat next to Ganondorf's, and Link got into the car. He gave Ghirahim a 'please don't make this awkward' look, unaware that the sword spirit absolutely thrived off of others' discomfort.


Zelda was plenty comfortable in the passenger seat of the car, mildly amused by the cramped area in the back. She was still pretty tired, but she figured she'd be fine anyway. "Comfortable, Link?" She asked sarcastically, smirking a bit to herself. "You've got all your closest friends in the backseat with you, so I'm sure you're all having a grand party."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(holds up sign guys look I'm not dead!! I'm back, I hate life aha)

Ghiraham, being the absolute hoar he is, folded his arms to rest atop Link's shoulder with an innocent 'what do you mean?' look.
"I must disagree, I think we're perfectly comfortable back here!"
Ganondorf's grip on the steering wheel tightened a moment as he looked at Ghiraham in particular.
"Let's keep the nonsense to a minimum back there. We're on a serious mission here, understood?" The Gerudo didn't wait for much of a response, pulling out of the spot he had parked in to begin the drive.


Link tried to lean away from Ghirahim when he put his arms on him. "Uh, can you… not?" he asked. Did sword spirits just have no concept of personal space or something? Fi certainly wasn't all over him like this, though. Didn't this guy also mention something about being disappointed about not killing him and Zelda yet? "Not sure if you're aware, but that's kind of a 'close friends, if anyone at all' type of thing."