forum Soldier, Poet, King || Zelda RP!! || CLOSED, stalkers welcome!! || 3/3
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(got it! I'll be sure to try to give Zelda something to do)

"Aww, don't be so moody," Ghirahim hummed, leaning toward Link even more. "And we've known each other for millennia! I'd say we're more than friends after all that time…" The sword spirit's mouth was still open, the tip of his tongue dangerously close to Link's cheek to show just what he thought 'more than friends' could mean. Then he did, actually, run his tongue along the side of Link's cheek.
Ganondorf had returned his attention to the road, looking like he was ready to murder a certain someone in the back without even knowing the full context of what was happening.
"Can I please get some help with that Jack ass?" The Gerudo said through gritted teeth, more towards Ghirahim than Zelda.


"Hey!" Zelda glared back at Ghirahim and huffed a bit. "Leave Link alone, you creep! Or I'll shove my foot so far up your ass that your vertebrae will pop out of your mouth one by one, you hear me?" She kept her eyes firmly on the strange man, obviously not afraid of him. "If you touch me or any of my friends again you'll have the whole of the royal army on your ass and you'll be in the prisons in no time, so you'd better start behaving!"


"Wh–" Link didn't even know how to respond to that. Did… did he really just lick him?! The hero attempted to push Ghirahim off of himself and practically pressed himself against the side car door. "What the fuck? Look, if you knew my past… whatevers, that's cool and great and all, but I don't know you! That's… not okay, dude!"

Fi kicked the other sword spirit. "Get off of him, Ghirahim. You are only raising the tension."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I have a new favorite threat, thank you)

Ghirahim looked at Zelda with mild distain on his face, not intending to listen to her at all.
"Oh come now, since when had anything I've ever done been okay?" The only thing that seemed to actually affect the spirit was Fi's actions. He pushed off of Link, going to drape his arms around Fi's neck.
"Oh, you abuse me! If they're going to be 'getting along' this time around, shan't we as well?" Ghirahim smirked some, his chin on her shoulder.

Ganondorf looked to Zelda a moment, letting himself smile a bit. He'd always loved how… Spunky she was. Then, his attention was turned to Link in the mirror.
"You okay?" The king asked, still ready to defend his friend.


"Tch…" Zelda scoffed a bit and turned her eyes back to the front after Ghirahim left Link alone. She crossed her arms for a bit, obviously annoyed, but continued running her fingers through her hair to smooth it out after a while. "Will we be there soon?" She asked Ganondorf in a dry voice.


(Aah, sorry! I got busy and forgot for a while, my bad!)

Link nodded at Ganondorf's question. "Y-yeah, that was just… Yeah." He wiped the side of his face with his sleeve and settled back in his seat, still as far away from Ghirahim as he could be but not gluing himself to the side of the car. "Thanks."

Fi, meanwhile, didn't even blink. "Yes. And we should make an effort to get along with our Masters as well. If you are actively harassing Link, I will not hesitate to make you stop." She made no effort to get Ghirahim off of her, but her words seemed to carry a little bit of a threat in their monotone.

"Fi, are you–?"

"I will be fine, Link. Thank you for your concern."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"We will be," Ganondorf promised Zelda. He looked back to Link, offering a smile of encouragement with the news. He'd be able to get away from Ghirahim soon enough.
"Fine, fine!" The sword spirit whined. He tucked his head against Fi, letting out a hum.
"And besides, you were only able to stop my master and I because of that damn goddess. She cheated!" Ghirahim looked to Zelda a moment, glaring.


"Goddess?" Zelda raised an eyebrow. "Considering how weird you two are, I'm not entirely sure if you're being genuine or if you're attempting flattery to make me less pissed off. Ugh, whatever… I don't have to talk to you anyway." She huffed a bit, refusing to look back at Ghirahim. At least they'd all be able to get out of the cramped car soon enough.


If Link had been looking at the sword spirits when it happened, perhaps he would have caught Fi's stoic expression soften a bit, just for a fraction of a second, when Ghirahim tucked his head into her. Instead, he occupied himself by looking out the window as Castle Town rolled by. They were approaching the castle pretty quickly. A few more minutes and they'd be there and stop that Yuga creep from doing whatever the hell it was that he was planning.

Well, that had been the plan, anyways. But, unfortunately, the old saying rang true: if you want to hear the Goddesses laugh, tell them your plans. Some sort of multicolored barrier, probably magic, shot up mere meters in front of them–Ganondorf would need to swerve to avoid crashing into it. The barrier kept expanding upwards until it formed a dome of shifting colors, jarringly combined with jagged shards of black.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Wouldn't you like to know, Hylian girl," Ghirahim shot back, smirking some. Still, the sword spirit found himself falling silent, keeping close to Fi. It'd been a long, long time since they'd been around each other, and even longer since they weren't opposing each other. The spirit shifted some, pressing just slightly closer. He kept his hair covering one eye, strangely conscious of the fact- he might be hiding something, then, after all.

"Shit!" Ganondorf swerved, turning the car away from the barrier and bringing it to a stop.
"Well… fuck." The king hit the top of the wheel, scowling some. "This is bad…"


"Ow!" Zelda winced from the whiplash of swerving so sharply, looking up at the barrier accusingly. "What the hell?? That definitely wasn't there before… what's going on?" She huffed a bit, turning to glare at Ghirahim as though he were the cause of all of their troubles. "Do you have something to do with this? Huh?"


When the car swerved, Link was jerked to the side. He almost flew into Fi and Ghirahim, but his seatbelt saved him from that disaster. "Whoa!" he shouted. Once the car had stopped, he looked around. "Is everyone okay? What was that?"

"It would appear to be Yuga's doing," Fi answered, "And we are alright. This does pose a rather immediate problem, though."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Don't blame me!" Ghiraham said quickly when he was accused. He sat up when the car had stopped moving, taking his arms from Fi to hold up in defense of himself.

Ganondorf cursed softly to himself, unbuckling and getting out.
"This is a problem indeed," the Gerudo said, hand going to his hips as he looked at the barrier.
"Think there's any way to break it?"


"Hmph." Zelda got out of the car as well and placed her hands firmly on her hips as she looked up at the barrier. "I have no idea. I'm sure only equally strong or stronger magic is likely the only way, but there may be another way I'm not thinking of. Oh, Hylia… this is not what I was planning on doing today." She groaned softly in frustration.


(dksavnl I am. SO sorry)

Link got out too. He looked up at the barrier and crossed his arms. What an absolute coward, he thought. Yuga must have known they had him beat, so he just blocked him out like that. "Probably," he agreed. "…So what do we do now? How are we gonna break that thing down?"

(not having Fi come out yet because I'm assuming Ghirahim's still sitting on her lmao)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(It's fine aha, no worries! Trust me, I'm not one to judge for slow replies)

"You're probably going to have to go on some grand quest to unlock the powers within you, or something like that. It seems to be a pattern with you especially, Link." Ghiraham didn't move off of Fi, letting out a sigh.
"Because of course they need to."

Ganondorf let out a breath, running his hand through his hair.
"What the hell would it even be? We're in the middle of the city, I don't think there's very much we could do on a quest."


"Yeah, what he said!" Zelda jerked a thumb in Ganondorf's direction. "This is ridiculous. We don't have time for this." She sighed in exasperation and started pacing. "You expect us to just go on some dramatic, life-changing, magical quest out of nowhere? Sure! I'll just pack up my entire life here and leave with no warning, because that won't be weird at all! I'll never be allowed to leave home again if I try that."


"It… might be the only choice we have if we want to stop Yuga," Link said hesitantly. "I mean, it's not the best situation, not by a long shot, but if it's our only option then it's our only option." He fiddled with the edge of his jacket as questions raced through his mind. What was going on in the castle right now? What would happen if Yuga accomplished his goal? Where were his friends and family, and were they okay?