forum Soldier, Poet, King || Zelda RP!! || CLOSED, stalkers welcome!! || 3/3
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf nodded a bit as the two spoke, looking around still.
"Well, this is all quite interesting indeed!" Still, when they got to the area, he couldn't help but let out a soft breath of appreciation when they finally came to the structure.
"Oh, wow…" Ganondorf looked around at all the creatures in the area, smiling to himself. Goodness…


Zelda squealed with excitement and let go of Link and Ganondorf's hands to run closer to all the fairies. "Ooooh, I was right! There's so many of them! Hold on…" She pulled out a little book and started sketching out a couple of fairies, scribbling some notes beneath them as well. "This is great! Ooh, it's so pretty~!"


(Aaah shit sorry got caught up in something)

Link looked at the place in wide-eyed wonder for a second. Sure, he'd already seen it before, but the forest had almost been still when that happened. He hadn't even seen a bird around, and now there were fairies here! "Isn't it cool?" he asked, eyes sparkling with excitement. "It looks really old, and I don't think anyone's been out here except us! Which means it's totally undisturbed!"


(It usually works better when you've got three or more people so that no one gets left behind aha. Also, a day isn't super long for most people, especially since we all have lives outside of Bueno and sometimes can't get on for a while. I'm on a ton, but not everybody is ^^)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I have returned!!)

Ganondorf had been silent, looking around the area.
"Oh goodness…" He walked up to one of the walls, placing a hand lightly on it. "It's so… peaceful here," he said softly. Even with the creatures around them, or perhaps because of them, and the music still playing in his ears, Ganondorf felt amazingly… calm.


Zelda stuck her notepad back in her pocket and kept wandering around with a bright smile on her face. "Where did this place come from, though? It's so lovely, but it came out of nowhere.. " She brushed her fingers along the trunks of the trees encircling the clearing.


Link walked closer to structure, feeling… oddly inspired. If he had to name the feeling the place gave him, it would have to be hope. Why standing in a crumbling ruin of something once important made him feel hopeful was beyond him, but the feeling was there. The frames of towering windows sat empty near a caved-in doorway, seeming to beckon to him.


…Nevermind. Something was literally saying his name. Link looked around for the source, but it didn't seem like Zelda had said it, and the voice seemed way too feminine to be Ganondorf. Some gut feeling told him to go inside the structure, that he'd find an answer if he did. "I'm gonna go in," he announced. Link entered through the window, climbing through the empty frame, thankful that there weren't any more shards of glass for him to avoid.

(To clarify, that's the Master Sword)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf looked over when Link spoke.
"Do you really think that's a good idea-?" Too late; Link was already through the window. Ganondorf glanced at Zelda, letting out a breath.
"Should we go with him?" he asked. "Like you said, this place just appeared out of no where- it could be dangerous."


"Link!" Zelda sighed when her friend went in through the window. "Yeah, we should probably follow him… it could be dangerous, like you said, and he can be kind of a dumbass sometimes." She headed towards the ruins and crawled into the window behind Link. "Liiiiiink~! Where did you go?" She called out once she was inside.


Link turned around when he heard Zelda call his name. "Huh? Zelda?" He peered around a tall, still-standing pillar. "Hey! Did you guys find something? Try not to trip, this place is worse than my bedroom!" Link joked, completely oblivious to the fact that Ganondorf and Zelda were concerned about him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf watched Zelda climb through the window, letting out a long sigh. How did they know this was a safe way to go in? Ganondorf would have preferred finding an actual entrance, but he let out another sigh as he climbed through the window. He straightened his jacket once he was inside, putting his sunglasses on his head with the change in lighting. He dusted himself off, stepping carefully as he followed after the two.
"Does he always dive in head first?" he asked quietly of Zelda.


Zelda sighed softly and placed her hands on her hips as she looked up at Ganondorf. "Yeah… this is pretty normal for him. Now let's get him out of here before he gets himself smited by fairies or something…" She continued on into the ruins, calling out Link's name again.


(You know what? Not what I was planning but I'll run with it. The plot is thickening!!)

Link frowned. "Zeldaaa! Ganondooorf!! I'm right here!!" Link shouted. Could they not see him or something? An unpleasant new feeling, like something cold pressing hard between his shoulder blades and sliding down his spine, made itself known. Something was wrong. And yet that other feeling from before, the one drawing him in a certain direction, only got stronger in the presence of this new one. Link glanced at his friends and hesitated, then turned to walk to wherever this feeling was guiding him. Maybe it'd work out?

A figure watched, cloaked and invisible to all parties present. He smirked. A simple concealing spell was all it took. The man gripped his staff. Divide, conquer, then repeat again…Her Highness hadn't told him this would be so easy! He could practically taste his imminent victory.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf looked around, eyes narrowing a bit.
"Link?" He was getting concerned now. He moved a bit closer to Zelda.
"I don't like this," he said softly. "Something's off." Ganondorf didn't like this, not at all.
"Zelda, I don't think we should have come here." Not if the smaller man just… disappeared like that.


Zelda shivered a bit, her face growing pale as she looked around. "M-Maybe you're right, but… we can't just leave Link here. C'mon." She grabbed Ganondorf's hand so she wouldn't lose him and kept walking. "Liiiiink!"


(Just gonna yeet a pic of my boye here because I want to share…

Now back to RP!!)

Link came into what used to be a room, now barely more than a few crumbled walls. Fairies of all hues bobbed about. In the middle of the structure, surrounded by ivy and a few wildflowers, was a pedestal. A sword was jammed into it blade-first, its winged-looking azure hilt reflecting the sunlight with a wink. A gold and blue scabbard lay propped up against the pedestal, but it was not what Link was concerned with.


As the young man made his way across to the sword, it felt less like he was walking and more like he was gliding just above the ground. The voice was louder than ever now, almost all he could hear. Almost without thinking about it, he reached out and grabbed the sword by its handle and pulled.

Images flashed by rapid-fire: the inside of a temple, a lush forest, a great tree that appeared to have a man's face, and many more almost blurring together. They stopped as abruptly as they came, and Link staggered backwards. He shook his head and looked down at the sword he held in his left hand. "…Did you do that?" he asked, intending it to be rhetorical.

The sword pulsed a bright blue as if in response.

Clapping sounded behind him, prompting Link to whirl around. "Bravo, bravo," a pale, red-haired man said, a sneer on his face. He didn't seem to have any sense of fashion, what with his blue-and-purple plaid pants, crimson shirt, black trenchcoat, and purple scarf. A golden upside-down Triforce pin was stuck in his scarf, and he wore a headpiece almost similar to Ganondorf's. The icy, uncomfortable feeling from before came rushing back with ten times the force. "And I thought I was dramatic. What a dazzling performance!"

"Who are you?!" Link demanded, brandishing the sword out in front of him. "And what the hell are you wearing? Your Triforce is upside-down, by the way."

The man spluttered. "Only the peak of fashion! No, yours is upside-down, peasant! Pah!" He slammed his staff against the ground. "I suppose it doesn't matter. You'll be out of the way shortly. Now, sit still, boy!" The end of the man's staff glowed multiple colors and he drew it back like he was going to throw it at him. Link twisted his foot to steady himself and swung the sword with all his might, hoping to meet whatever the weirdo was going to throw at him head-on. A blinding blue beam shot out of the blade, throwing the man backwards. His staff clattered to the floor next to him, glowing dimly. "Damn it, that stupid Master Sword… broke my spell…" he muttered.

Link looked down at the sword in awe and confusion. Did he really just do that? More importantly… the Master Sword? Like in the stories?

(ah, fuck, that was long. I just wanted to set it up so that your characters could come in as quickly as possible! ^^')


(bumppp, sorry I'm just super excited for what's happening and also kind of anxious bc I have Stuff planned–loosely ofc, it's a rp so nothing's concrete–and I don't want it to go to waste)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ganondorf was growing more and more concerned as time went on.
"Zelda," he said, eyes widening a bit. "Zelda, something changed. Can you feel it..?" Things just seemed to keep getting worse and worse. Ganondorf could still hear the music from before, but there was nothing calming or peaceful about it to him now. They couldn't find Link, and not the entire atmosphere of the place seemed to have shifted.
"Zelda, I think we need to leave. Now."