forum Soldier, Poet, King || Zelda RP!! || CLOSED, stalkers welcome!! || 3/3
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

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Sorry I'm late!! Ran into some technical difficulties. Swim I like him! As long as you know where you want to go with him and we get a general ~vibe~ then it's great!!

So we're gonna start soon then! What do you guys want to do as far as the squad meeting? I have an idea which I'll just put out there again, and if you have suggestions or ideas feel free to throw them out there(for the entire story really, I have a loose outline planned out but it can always be changed! I don't want to just have total control over everything). You guys wanted Zelda and Ganondorf to be friends before this, right? My "they ditch a meeting" idea can work, and whether Zelda and/or Ganondorf knows Link beforehand or not is up to you. Also whether they try to meet up with him on purpose or not.


Link could be a friend of Zelda's from school or wherever we are beforehand? And like, he and Ganon become friends through Zelda dragging both of them along?


(Here we gooo!! Sorry it's a little late, guard practice happened lmao)

Link flopped down on his bed, relieved to finally be done with his homework. Thankfully, it wasn't too much, but it still. Homework sucked. Link grabbed his phone and opened his messenger app, MailMan, and shot a quick text to his dad.

finished w hw, gonna head into the woods

A message popped up shortly afterwards. Alright, have fun and don't stay out too late. Eleven at the latest.

cool ily dad, Link texted back. He swung his legs off of the side of the bed and started towards the door, grabbing his messenger bag as he went. As he descended the stairs, he texted Zelda as well. hey zelds im omw, be there soon. cant wait to show u the new spot i found!!


Zelda looked up when she heard her phone play a familiar tone. Oh, Link texted! She smiled and picked up her phone, tapping on the notification and reading over it a couple of times.
Can't wait! See you soon~
She sighed happily and rolled over onto her stomach, occupying herself with a puzzle game on her phone while she waited for Link to arrive. She began to hum a soft tune, seeming to be content for the time being.


(Yo, I don't think we clarified whether or not Zelda and Ganondorf are actually royalty or not? It's fine if you don't want them to be but I was just kind of confused lol)

The streets of Castle Town whizzed past Link as he made his way through the city. He waved at many people as he flew by: the infinitely irritable florist that had a soft spot for kittens, the kind owner of the bar his dad would visit occasionally, the toy store owner who gave off a vibe that Link couldn't quite place, the horse girl from school that was honestly really nice if you just got to know her. Occasionally, he'd hear the flap of large wings, just barely audible over the din of the city. Castle Town was just one of those places, big and extremely diverse but with very close communities.

Of course, the hustle and bustle of the city wasn't what Link was after right now. He certainly appreciated it most of the time, but he had something to do right now. A mission, if you will. He'd found a weird, almost destroyed structure back in the woods the other day. The strangest part? Link was almost positive that it hadn't been there before, and even though it was clearly very old, it didn't look like anyone had been there to investigate. Link knew Zelda would just be stoked to check out something like that.


(Guess they're not my characters, but I had set up the whole "Hyrule is a constitutional monarchy" thing so that Zelda would still be a princess and had kind of assumed that Ganondorf would be the Gerudo king. Again they're not my characters so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ but that had been my assumption. I realize I wasn't really super clear with it, my bad)


(We can stick with royalty lmao, I don't care)
Zelda eventually headed out into the front gardens to wait for Link after changing into something more comfortable. She lounged around on a fancy looking bench near a koi pond, tossing little bits of crackers to the fish with her hair cascading off of the bench. The tips of her blonde hair nearly brushed the ground from where she was laying.

Eventually, she heard the faint tapping of footsteps and looked up, her face brightening. She was familiar with that rhythm; the gait of a person she knew well. "Link! Is that you?" She called out. It was more of a rhetorical question than anything considering that she already knew the answer.


(Uhh drawing our antagonists and I'd just like to let y'all know that one of them literally wears plaid pants and yellow rainboots lmaooo)

Link grinned, one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, sorry I took a while. Traffic," he said. Link wasn't exactly uncomfortable in the fancy palace, but he always came feeling like he was a little out of place. "You ready to go check out the totally awesome place I found?"


"Yeah! Let's go!" Zelda grinned brightly as she got to her feet. "I've been so bored, honestly… I'm glad toe here." She wandered along at Link's side, humming contentedly to herself. "So… how far away is this mystery place?" She asked. "How cool is it? Or is this gonna be another dumb Link nerd thing?"


Link laughed. "Okay, so the last time didn't turn out to be that great. But this one's different! It's this weird… ruins site? Maybe? And I swear it wasn't there before a few days ago. I was out in the woods and then bam! It looked like nobody had been there with research stuff yet either. Is that cool enough for you?" He ended that with a mischievous grin. "As for how far it is… it's a little bit of a hike, but I promise it's definitely worth it!"


"Sounds awesome!" Zelda grinned brightly. "How do you wanna get there? Car? Horse? Foot?" She asked as she got to her feet. While the castle did have cars, of course, and Zelda had her own, she still liked to ride to places on horseback sometimes. "You could ride Epona~"


"Actually, going on horseback sounds really good right now. It wouldn't be, like, a hassle, would it?" Link asked. He did really want to ride, and it had been a while since he'd seen Epona… at the same time though, he didn't want to cause trouble. Even if it was a literal castle with paid servants, the idea of just ordering someone to do something was awkward to Link.


"Nah, it's no problem at all. We can go get them ourselves!" Zelda smiled brightly and grabbed Link's hand to drag him to the stables. Her own white mare was immaculately groomed and well trained, so getting it ready to ride took very little time. Epona whinnied when she saw Link come in, pawing at the ground a bit.


"Hey, girl!" Link greeted his horse relatively softly and reached out to scratch her behind her ear before getting to work. Before he started putting the riding gear on her, Link grabbed a comb and brush and quickly ran them through Epona's mane, tail, and coat. The castle's stables took excellent care of all the horses there, obviously, but Link liked to do a quick once-over anyways, to double check and in part just because he liked to. Then he moved onto the blankets that the saddle rested on. The ones he used were green and blue, with gold, brown, and white patterns on them. Next was the saddle, made of brown leather. It had been a birthday gift from Zelda, and even had the royal crest on it. Before putting it on Epona, Link made sure to see that the leather was in top condition–he'd never forgive himself if he let it get too dry and crack. The last step was the bridle and reins. "Aaand we're ready!"

(Ahaha horse girl brain go brrr)


(Aha I used to do horseback riding as well but I'm lazy-)
"Great! Let's get going, then!" Zelda grinned as she hopped up onto her mare and goaded it out of the stables. "I'll let you lead the way considering I don't know where I'm going." She laughed softly. She used to tease Link for how long it took him to get Epona ready since she was already so well taken care of, but she knew that he was just being careful and making sure that everything was in order anyway.


(Wait we're kind of leaving Swim in the dust oof, maybe we could wait and have Ganon be like "Yo where you goin? You son of a bitch I'm in" or something? Idk but I feel bad about just going on without them)