forum PJO OC RP for experienced RPers. (CLOSED) “Viva La Revolution, Biatch!”
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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Sierra swiftly stepped to the side, avoiding Nico's slash. She tried to focus on sparring the son of Hades, but her mind drifted to keeping Elke safely hidden in the Mist. Sierra let her guard down for a moment, and Nico had hit her hand with the flat if his blade. Her dagger went flying, dissolving in midair. Caught up in the moment, Suerra threw her other dagger. It sliced through Nico's black tee shirt, but he seemed unharmed.

"You're weaponless," Nico hissed. Oh, only if that was true, Sierra thought. "Why are you attacking me?"

"I'm the distraction," She cracked a smile. Nico looked back and gasped.

Nico ran to the bell to signal his teammates, but Sierra made a quick movement with her hands. The movement was similar to shaking water off of your hands. Six knives appeared, one between each of her knuckles on each hand. She threw them all. The knives pinned the death boy to a tree. Sierra ran for Black Wood.

Nikoli stepped out of the shadows after making sure the other two were on their way to their destination, a wide and somewhat crazed smile on their face. They would take care of whoever ran after Sierra and Elke. They shot a look to Nico and stuck out their tongue.

"How goes it, bone boy?" They tilted their head at the tree he was stuck too. "Sierra sure did a good job on those… Now, should I let you out to come fight me? Oh! We could use the shadows. Now, I can't shadow travel, but I can make you completely blind when you do it!"

They threw up one of their axes, watching it flip in the air before it landed back in their hand. They were giddy with adrenaline. What, they just loved a good fight.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra skidded to a stop. Dirt flew up around her as she turned towards the noise. She recognized Nikoli's laugh. The one they always laughed before a fight. Godsdamnit Nikoli, you have to be kidding me, She internally muttered and raced off towards where she pinned Nico to the tree. Nikoli was a crucial part to snatching the Ares banner and she couldn't have them distracted. All she hoped was that Elke got to the Black Woods alright, monsters were common to appear around there.

"Nikoli!" She cried when she got to the base. Nico was still pinned to the tree and Nikoli was standing near him, a hatchet in hand. "The Ares banner."

Nico's eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you worrying about the Ares banner?" He asked. The Italian boy struggled against the blades holding him in place, but the knives were in the tree deep. "You already have the Athena one…." He paused for a moment. His expression darkened. "You're getting both banners aren't you?"

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"I sent them ahead, don't worry!" Nikoli waved a hand as if to say 'it's fineeee, I thought of everything!' They then turned to Nico with a raised eyebrow. "Fucking duh, do you think I would come out here to fight without being on either team?" They scowled at the look on his face. "Rhetorical question, Da Vinci."

They took a step back and looked to Sierra. "Make a mist bannor, we'll take death boy as a hostage, I'll stay behind and fight!"

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra sighed. She snapped, the cold sound echoing once more through the clearing and a cool breeze chilling her neck. In her arms was a bundle of cloth, but if you looked close enough, you could see through the threads. She hung the Mist banner where Elke had taken the original. Nico watched Sierra's every move, as if she would turn into a Giant and smite them all. Even the son of Hades doesn't trust me, she thought. The Mist banner looked identical to the first. It was enough to fool even Annabeth Chase.

"Nikoli," She addressed her friend after she hung it. They were busy tormenting di Angelo. "Knock him out," Nikoli raised their ax with a crazed gleam in their eyes. "But not too hard. And we have to go help Mel and Raphael, I don't think that a son of a healing god and the child of the fear god will do much against Ares and Apollo Campers."

@larcenistarsonist group

(So Elke and Sierra went to get the Athena banner that Nico di Angelo was guarding. Nikoli sensed Nico and shadow-stepped over to Sierra who was fighting Nico. Elke was gone with the banner. Raphael and Mel were tasked to get the Ares banner I guess and Sierra is going over to help them.)

@Becfromthedead group

(Okay, okay, gotcha. I misread some of that.)
Raphael kept alongside Mel, making sure they were sticking close together enough so they could watch each others' backs.
"Can't fucking believe he dipped, especially after a told you guys…" he murmured to himself, keeping a tight grip over the hilt of his dagger.
He turned his head to Mel.
"Soooo, what's the plan to get the Ares flag? Do we even have one?"

@Becfromthedead group

(They've started executing the plan to get the flag, Nikoli used the not-shadow-travel-thing to send Mel and Raphael in the direction of the Ares flag and went to help the others get the Athena flag, which was guarded by Nico di Angelo. And since our characters are hanging out atm, you can respond to my last thing.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Mel looked like a deer caught in the headlights at that question. “Well, I was gonna subtly send out just enough fear to the people guarding it to get them to wander away and then grab it. Do you wanna do that or…?”

@Becfromthedead group

Raphael gave a shrug.
"Sounds pretty good, actually. Sneaky. I like it. At least it's better than what I have," he replied, "which is absolutely nothing."
He relaxed a bit at the notion, even, moving his hand from his dagger entirely.
"Wonder how the others are doing…?"

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Mel shrugged. “They better be doing as good as we are…. Now hold tight for a moment and get behind me so I don’t accidentally get you in the crossfire.” He stepped slightly forward of Raphael, still in the shadows and breathed deeply, closing his eyes and bringing his cupped hands to his mouth and blowing into them, a deep indigo mist coming out of his mouth and nostrils, catching it in his hands before crouching and blowing the mist from his palms across the forest floor, spreading it out in tiny tendrils that as they snakes up the guards legs, they started getting antsy and fidgety, slowly shuffling away subconsciously.

@Becfromthedead group

"Hah, yeah… Don't have to ask me twice," Raphael said, taking refuge behind the other.
He drew out his bow.
"If you need me to shoot anywhere as a distraction, just say the word. I'm keeping an eye on these guys as well."
When the indigo cloud appeared, Raphael felt himself start to freeze up. He went completely silent, both mesmerized and terrified by what Mel was doing. And to think he wasn't even in the crossfire. There was no telling what was happening in the minds of the campers Mel targeted.
Raphael tried to clear his mind, and decided to stand with his back to the other so he could watch out behind them.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Mel hated his powers…. but…. this was useful. The guards were slowly moving away. “Raphael, I need you to shoot wherever you think will make the loudest sound. They’re scared enough now that they’ll all bolt.” He said softly, not revealing their position. “But once they’re out of my range, which will only be a couple minutes run, we need to bolt in there and grab it. I can keep them away from us with minimal fear after that, but it’ll be tricky. Ready? Now.”

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Nikoli moved their axe to their other hand before reaching out and hitting Nico right in a pressure point, wincing as he flinched away from their touch. "He's out! I'll grab him and catch up to Mel Mel and Angel boy!" They pried the daggers out of his clothes and picked him up, throwing him over their shoulder with ease. "I'll see you in a bit, oh! Or do you want to grab him and I can catch up to them quicker?" Nikoli took Nico off their shoulder and offered them to Sierra, holding the small male by the armpits.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra looked through the woods. She saw Apollo campers climbing up trees. They hadn't spotted Sierra or Nikoli yet, but it was only a matter of time. She saw Will Solace among the Apollo campers. He would not be happy to see Nikoli holding his unconscious boyfriend. "Let's split." Sierra summoned a dagger and tried not to wince as she felt a strong pulling in her stomach. This usually happened whenever she summoned multiple daggers in a short time. Nico stirred in his sleep and she saw Will pause halfway up the large trunk. The blonde medic scanned the clearing. His blue eyes widened when he spotted the banner. The Mist one that is. She grabbed Nikoli's arm and Nico's t-shirt as Nikoli merged into the shadows.

@Becfromthedead group

"Great, great," Raphael muttered, nocking the bow and looking for a place to aim, "How about… there?"
He spotted a tree, not so far from the flag, where a few birds were perched, and he aimed for the branch so that when the arrow lodged itself in the bark, it shook the tree's boughs. With frenzied cawing, the birds took off.

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Nikoli thrust Nico into Sierra's arms and pushed her out of a shadow a few yards away form the Apollo campers. They stayed in the clearing's shadows for just long enough to let out a long, and quite frankly creepy, giggle that startled a few campers. After that, they bolted, sprinting through the shadows with practiced ease and coming out next to Raphael and Mel. "Sorry about the delay folks, had to kidnap someone."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

The guards around the Ares flag took off running and yelling, their eyes wide with fear. Mel burst out laughing, which only scared them more as his voice, after the mist clogged his throat, became deep and rather feral sounding, like a monster. He quickly clapped his hands over his mouth and shot a glance at Raphael, afraid he had scared him.

@Becfromthedead group

Between Mel's unexpected display of power and Nikoli's sudden reappearance, Raphael was startled. He jumped and kind of backed away, but once he regained himself, he was able to quickly catch Nikoli up on the situation.
"…so you came for the easy part," he concluded, "We should probably hurry before anyone catches on, though."