forum PJO OC RP for experienced RPers. (CLOSED) “Viva La Revolution, Biatch!”
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(Who's gonna do Rachel, becuase I am so bad at playin cannon characters)

@larcenistarsonist group

(I tweaked the prophecy just a little bit)

Sierra stared and the ripped banners on the ground, a devilish smile creeping onto her face. In the dark night, the shadows made her look inhuman, like a monster that had just crawled its way out of Tartarus. The Hecate cabin looked away from her, ashamed they were related to her. For once, Sierra didn't care. She had her group. They were all outcasts, misfits, treated terrible because of their lineage.

The camp stared in silence at the kids who had stolen both flags. The only sound was the wind rustling the leaves on the trees. The sound of footsteps suddenly filled the air, and Rachel Dare, the red-headed oracle burst through the forest. Her green eyes were wide as she bent over, catching her breath. Annabeth darted over to her friend, asking what was wrong.

Rachel's body shook, and then sprung straight up. The green smoke seeped from her body, coating the ground. Annabeth stood back to give her space. Out of Rachel's mouth spoke the raspy voice of the Oracle.

"To prove their worth
Move past the circumstances of their birth
Five demigods shall travel west
Pluck a feather from the highest nest
Three days they must climb
Lift the veil over the eyes
And only then they will survive
Most of them shall return alive"

Rachel collapsed and Annabeth rushed to catch her. Sierra's smile faltered. "What was that?" One of the campers called from the crowd.

"I believe," Chiron stroked his beard. "We have a quest to accomplish."

@Becfromthedead group

"Sounds like someone's gonna maybe die on that quest, so uh, good luck with that," Raphael said, looking around to the rest of the campers.
Most likely someone from a more major cabin would take it. That's how it usually was anyhow.

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Nikoli's smile soon flashed to a frown. They were outshined, but mostly, there was a new prophecy which meant that's all the people would talk about. They leaned down to whisper in Sierra's ear. "Who will take it, you think?"

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra shrugged. "Probably Annabeth, Nico, Piper, Will, and Leo. They're the ones who usually get handed this type of stuff." She nudged Nikoli's shoulder and gestured towards Solace who was still holding di Angelo. Piper and Leo were standing near him, glaring at the Misfits. Annabeth had helped Rachel up. The Oracle looked like trash, with sunken eyes and hollow cheeks.

Chiron trotted over towards the Misfits. Sierra glanced at Nikoli worridly. "You five," Chiron said firmly. "Come with me to the Big House."

"Wait," Sierra glared at the centaur. "Why us?"

Chiron sighed and stared the girl down. "You are the five in the prophecy."


Elke wasn't the most interested in the quest, especially when she learned that someone might die, Good gods. She thought to herself, shaking her head, Well, at least it isn't going to be me, I wouldn't be too useful on one of those, and I'd probably be the one who dies. She didn't bother looking at her predictions to see who might be, or at least get an idea since she really didn't care, as long as it wouldn't be her, she'd be fine. But then she heard what Chiron said, and she nearly passed out, "Uhm, well, shit." She mumbled, not wanting anything to do with this.

@Becfromthedead group

"Hah, you're joking, right?" Raphael chuckled nervously, "What makes you believe we're the ones supposed to go on this quest?"
He crossed his arms and kept his stance closed, then glanced to the other campers.
"Or is this punishment for our stunt back there?"

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"Oh no, absolutely not. I'm okay here, actually." Nikoli protested, hands up, the banner falling to the ground with a flutter. "Sierra tell him I'm not going. For one, I am not going on some quest, for two, there is no way in hell I'm letting you guys go in there, it's not safe." They forgot to add that the last time they were alone with someone in a room, they killed them. They didn't want any of their new friends dead.

@larcenistarsonist group

"This isn't a punishment Raphael," Chiron sighed, the worry lines in his face seemed deeper today and he had more gray streaks in his hair than usual. "Though your little stunt won't go without consequence."

Sierra rolled her eyes. "Forget it Chiron, we're not going on your quest."

Chiron shook his head and interlocked his fingers in front of him. "It doesn't work like that, Sierra. You five were prophesied to go on this quest, you can't deny a prophecy. It simply cannot be done."

Sierra linked her arm with Nikoli's. "Well there's a first time for everything, and we're not going," She stated stubbornly.

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(So tempted to have Nikoli just,,, tell their mum. Like "MY MOTHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS)

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Nikoli looked like they were grasping at straws before they landed on their last resort. "I- I'll tell my Mat. She said I was safer here!" They objected, moving their hands to deathgrip Sierra's arms. "She said they wouldn't try and make me go!"

@Becfromthedead group

Raphael exhaled.
"I trust your judgment usually, but… how do you know it's us?" he asked Chiron.
He tilted his head a bit. Fuck. He respected Chiron a good bit, since he and Raphael's dad were teacher and student, and had a close relationship. Yet, he wanted to deny this.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra glanced at Nikoli and saw the fear in their eyes. She was pretty sure Mel wasn't using his magic this time. Nikoli death gripped her arm and she instinctively wrapped the other arm around them. She didn't know their past, she just knew the traumatic effect it had on them.

Chiron looked over at Raphael. "I know it's you five because you are the only five who aren't at peace with your heritage in the camp." Some Hermes kid yelled "losers!" and Sierra shot a death glare their way. "Now come with me, it's best we send you on this quest as soon as possible."

"This just seems like an attempt to get rid of us," Sierra muttered under her breath.

@Becfromthedead group

"Openly, maybe, but- are you… are you sure you're sure?" Raphael pressed, "I dunno, I'm kind of grasping at straws here because I don't want to go on this quest. Like at all. Though, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the best healers in the camp, so if it's that dangerous…"
He glanced to the side, clearly worried above all.

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"I am Very comfortable in my heritage, me and Mat talk every week." Their voice raised in pitch, eyes wide. Their mother said they would stay here because it was safe, they weren't supposed to leave unless it was with her.

@Becfromthedead group

"Yeah, uh… same, actually," Raphael agreed, "I just don't like being called 'discount Apollo kid,' all the time. Really, we should have an anti-bullying policy in this camp. Ever considered that?"


Elke mumbled some curses under her breath, "Exactly, it's not that I'm unhappy with who my dad is, it's that other people seem to dissaprove of it, and that's not my problem, that's their's. And you can't make me go on a quest, you can't make any of us go on a quest. Sure, prophecy might say it, but I don't care, I'm not going and risking my life for a stupid prophecy." That was the most that Elke had really said to really anyone at the camp for a while, and she surprised herself by sort of fighting back.

@larcenistarsonist group

Chiron pinched the bridge of his nose, a migraine forming behind his eyes. "I know that you five are prophesied and you MUST go on this quest!"

Sierra inflated her cheeks irritably. "I'm pretty okay with my heritage too. Chiron how bout you get some kids worthy of a quest on this random journey."

A kid in the back yelled "yeah!" and Chiron shot them a look that said not the time. Sierra looked at the other Misfits behind her, all of them stood still, staring unblinkingly at Chiron. "What the hell?" She cursed as white fog drifted its way into the clearing. Sierra frantically looked around to see if anybody else could sense this. The Hecate kids shot each other confused looks before freezing. Soon, everything was still.

Three forms slowly walked towards Sierra. One coming from in front of her, one from her left and the last from her right. The silhouettes flickered and merged together. A goddess with golden hair and solid black eyes now stared at her. Sierra's breath caught in her throat. "M-mother," She stammered. Hecate nodded and studied her daughter. They didn't look alike, but they had the same glare in their eyes, the same smirk, the same strong posture.

Hecate nodded. Her silence unnerved Sierra. "Hello, Sierra," She said at last. Her voice seemed to be distant, as if she was speaking from across the forest than two feet in front of her. "I haven't seen you since you were an infant."

Sierra felt like screaming. This was the first contact she had ever had with her mother. Her great-grandmothers visited her sometimes in dreams, telling her to get revenge and to win at all costs. She never told anyone of this, not even Nikoli. "What do you want?" Sierra asked sharply.

Hecate tsked and delicately stroked Sierra's cheek with a finger. "Demigods, always thinking that the gods need something from them."

"Because they always do!"

"Hush child," Hecate waved her hand and a piece of Mist circled her head, before turning solid over her mouth, preventing Sierra from speaking. "I don't have long."

Sierra death-glared her mother and attempted to pry off the muzzle. "All I can tell you is that it is vital for you to accept this quest."

The Mist Muzzle evaporated. "What do you know, Hecate?!"

The goddess of magic glared at her daughter. "I know that if you don't take this quest, another goddess will fade. She is being forgotten, and Hades is very upset that his daughter will fade. Macaria-"

"Goddess of Blessed Death," Sierra interrupted. "Why is she fading?"

Hecate sighed. "Alas, not enough heroes are good enough for Elysium anymore. The Judges of the Underworld are becoming harsher. The Field of Asphodel has never been fuller."

"Why do we need to save her? Doesn't Hades have demigod children who-"

"Nico di Angelo has had enough quests for a lifetime, and Hazel Levesque cannot do this. She is a daughter of Pluto and there is no Roman form for Macaria. You must go with your band of friends."

Sierra paused and looked at the four friends who helped her pull of the double-flag-capture. "And if I don't?"

"Macaria will fade. Melinoe and Zagreus will not be happy to see their sister die, and I'm sure Hades and Persephone won't be pleased. Heroes will stop going to Elysium. Thanatos also cares deeply for Macaria, and I'm sure you won't want Death to be angry, will you? Go, Sierra." Hecate split into three forms once more and was gone, the Mist going with her. The demigods around the forest unfroze and acted like nothing had happened.

"We have to go on this quest," Sierra stated gravely.


((My brain is not functioning right today, this is what I get for pulling an all nighter, but the rest of the crew couldn't see or hear what happened, right? You can tell me if I'm just being dumb, okay?))


((Cool beans, and I'm sorry if that was just a dumb question, as I said I'm just sort of dead))

Elke groaned, crossing her arms and glaring at Sierra, "Whatever it is, it seems like something that you need to do, not me. I'm out." She said crossing her arms, "I wouldn't be helpful in this sort of thing, and I really don't want to die, especially since the odds are in my favor, due to the fact that I suck at fighting, or just using weapons in general, actually, to be frank, I'm one of the worst at the camp when it comes to that sort of stuff." Which reminds me, I need to figure out why the hell they have kids learning to fight at a place like this, sure we might be demi-gods, but still.

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Nikoli started to retreat into the shadows, urging for their body to become one with the shadows and revert from it's solid form. They were trying to edge away from the people, almost unconsciously. All they wanted to do was vanish into the shadows and stare at the stars long enough for their Mat to come in and check in on them.