forum PJO OC RP for experienced RPers. (CLOSED) “Viva La Revolution, Biatch!”
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra tightened her grip around Nikoli's arm. Shadow-stepping wasn't anything new to her, but she still couldn't shake away the feeling of not being able to breathe, the feeling of something always on you. She got lost in the shadows once, but she refused to speak about it. "They should all be gathered by the stream, y'know the one where Percy Jackson was claimed." Sierra pointed through the trees, where Clarisse, Annabeth, and Chiron were still trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

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Nikoli hummed and told everyone to link arms and that they could unlink when they were right in front of them. They flashed the group a wide smiled before pulling them into the moist shadows, leading them through the mazes of darkness. "And here we are!" They exclaimed quietly, unlinking their own arms. They hoisted up Nico and yeeted him out of the shadows.

@larcenistarsonist group

The camp went silent, staring at an unconscious Nico. "Nico!" Will Solace was immediately at his side, checking his pulse and looking for any injuries. "I told you no more of that Underworld stuff," He sighed.

Sierra emerged from the shadows, her arm still linked with Nikoli's and the Athena banner around her shoulders. Annabeth stared her down with those startling gray eyes. "WHAT THE HELL?" Clarisse yelled. The daughter of Ares attempted to charge at the group, but Chiron held her back. Will grabbed Nico bridal style and moved away from the daughter of Hecate and the child of Nyx.

Sierra smirked. "I guess this means we win?"

@Becfromthedead group

Raphael followed along as they all went back into the shadows. It wasn't as scary as the first time, but it still sent a shiver down his spine.
"Gods, did you guys really have to get that rough with him?" he muttered, "I mean he's fine, but still…"
After this, he emerged from the shadows behind his teammates. It left him feeling exposed, so he found himself mostly just hiding behind Sierra and Nikoli, who seemed happy to take charge.

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"I think it means we win, Sierra. After all, we went above and beyond, took two whole banners with just a few of us." Nikoli tilted their head, eyes unblinking and teeth still sharp from being in the shadows. They smiled widely, showing said teeth off. "Oh, and Solace? Shadows aren't really an Underworld thing it's more of a… shadow thing. Point is, we won and the only reason we even got our little team together is because you all are pretty shitty people who see someone who's done some bad things with good intentions or who's just the kid of a scary god."

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra realized she was still linking arms with Nikoli and quickly slipped it out of theirs. "I guess this just goes to show what a little power can do." Sierra removed the Athena banner from her shoulders. She summoned a dagger, another painful pulling sensation went through her abdomen. Sierra sliced the Athena banner clean in half, letting the two halves fall to the ground. "Don't mess with us Camp Half-Blood, you really don't want to see what we can really do."

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Nikoli simply held one end of the Ares banner between their teeth and the other in their hand as they tore the banner in half with their teeth. "You know, for Athena kids, I thought they would be smarter with this, same for Ares kids, aren't you all about strategy. Yet, you let a few campers render your defenses useless?"

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra laughed. The Hecate campers looked at each other, for this was the first time they had seen their sister laugh. "And who leaves one boy to guard an entire banner? I thought you guys were the kids of the Wisdom Goddess." The dagger disentrated in her hand.

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Nikoli hummed in agreement. "He may be a good swordsman, but you should've at least given him a few other people to help guard the banner." They were enjoying taunting the campers much more than usual, but hey, they finally found friends and had something to taunt the demigods with.

@Becfromthedead group

(Yeah, idk, Raphael yelling at the other campers seems ooc lmao. He's kind of a dick sometimes but he's more quiet about it. My man's just there for moral support.)

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(Sierra and Nikoli: Taunting the campers to hell and back)
(The rest of camp misfit: Yeah… I have a feeling this will happen a lot…)

@Becfromthedead group

(Raphael has not, so that's gonna be a fun lil plot point later :) He just doesn't really see a point, yknow? And it kind of goes against his nature qnd heritage to be violent.)