forum PJO OC RP for experienced RPers. (CLOSED) “Viva La Revolution, Biatch!”
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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Elke head popped out from around a corner, a mischievous grin on her face. She had followed the voices to where the people were, and was definitely in. "Hhm, this would be a lot of fun, andddddddd" She said, her grin growing more and more, "The odds seem to be in our favor." She said with a chuckle, mirth playing in her eyes, "I do think that things would work out rather well." She said quietly, falling silent.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Mel startled when he got the hug, but happily hugged back, because he was too touch starved at the moment to judge. “Yes, yes we are. We’re gonna wreck their idea of what we are.”

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"Elke! Yes! We're gonna screw them over and it'll be wonderful!" Nikoli released Mel and yeeted themselves at Elke to hug her as well. Once again, nothing warranted the giant hug, but once again, Nikoli was a wildcard.


Elke yelped, not expecting the hug from him. "A-alright." She said softly, patting the Nik's back, she wasn't too much of a hugger to begin with, and even though she was sort of used to his hugs, Elke was still a bit awkward when it came to his hugs.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra watched the sudden exchange of hugs with wide eyes. She felt a pang of jealousy as they laughed and embraced each other, she felt alone. Sierra quickly shook away the feelings and began to brew a plan. "I don't think I can get close to the Ares Camp. They're heavier on offense than defense, but they're expecting Hecate campers to manipulate the Mist so they have Mist-detecting devices that Hephaestus Cabin made them. Nikoli, you and Mel get in close to take the flag. I'll be with Elke going to Athena camp. They wont be expecting a Mist diversion and I'm better at hand-to-hand combat than most of them. Elke, I'll need you as backup. And Nikoli," she sighed. "Don't kill anyone."

"Any objections?" Sierra asked, her voice firm.

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Nikoli giggled and pulled another axe from the shadows and threw it up in the air, catching the handle a second later. "I won't do anything a little ambrosia can't fix." They clicked their tongue. "Anyone relying on stealth, I can probably cloak you in a light shadow, it won't be the best, but it should hold up for a bit." After they spoke, they jumped up to hug Sierra really quickly before grabbing Mel's arm. "Ready to shadow walk?"


Elke shrugged, not having anything against the plan. It seemed to be a good idea, and it seemed to be a possibility, "It will work, but I can't guarantee our safety, I'm not sure who, but someone might get hurt." She said with a shrug, "But I think that it would be fun to do, but the other campers will probably be furious. But it'd be funny."

@Becfromthedead group

"Wait!" Raphael called, from where he'd been listening in the whole time, "I could tag along too, if that's alright. No use in a fight, but I can help if things get messy."
He chuckled to himself.
"They thought it'd be funny to send me to do the dirty work in these woods, but I'd rather not play along."

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra glanced at Raphael. "Go with Nikoli and Mel, Raphael. I have a feeling that you'll need to help some of the people that get in Nikoli's way." She turned to Elke. "Come on," She muttered, grabbing her hand. "I have a feeling we'll need a lot of time." She dragged Elke towards the Athena end of the camp. She snapped, and the air immediately became colder. The sound echoed in the forest, bouncing off of trees and rocks. Sierra looked at her arms. They appeared to be dark green and leafy, the perfect disguise. Sierra made sure Elke was behind her and walked into the Athena base.

Sierra cursed as she looked at who was defending the flag. None other than Nico di Angelo himself.

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Nikoli smiled and waved before lurching over to grab Raphael's elbow. "Let's go! Now, you will feel very cold, a bit wet, and probably like there are lots and lots of things crawling all over your body. Welp, those are the side effect, hold your breath for the first few seconds!" And then, they pulled Mel and Raphael into the shadows and began to stalk through the forest, the glowing half moon in their eyes being the only source of light.

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(I fell like if Nikoli and Nico fought, it would just be a lot of fighting in the shadows. Like seriously, Nico's controlling of the dead vs Nikoli's controlling of the night, match made in hell.)

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(Also quick question, what's the policy on swearing in this RP?)

(Go absolutely fucking wild)

@Becfromthedead group

(asdfajk okay lmao)
"Ah, okay, thanks for the warn-"
Raphael was cut off by Nikoli dragging him into the shadows. He held his breath, hard-hit by an odd feeling of apprehension at first. He found his hands tightening around Nikoli's arm as he looked for something to hold onto through the darkness. A sharp shudder passed through his body.

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"You should be able to take a breath now, it'll feel kinda like heavy air, but it's fine to breathe in." Nikoli whispered, smiling wide. The faint light of their eyes glinted off their teeth for a moment, making them look very sharp. "Time passes slower in the shadows, so when we pop out into the light it'll be like only a minute had passed."


Sierra glanced at Raphael. "Go with Nikoli and Mel, Raphael. I have a feeling that you'll need to help some of the people that get in Nikoli's way." She turned to Elke. "Come on," She muttered, grabbing her hand. "I have a feeling we'll need a lot of time." She dragged Elke towards the Athena end of the camp. She snapped, and the air immediately became colder. The sound echoed in the forest, bouncing off of trees and rocks. Sierra looked at her arms. They appeared to be dark green and leafy, the perfect disguise. Sierra made sure Elke was behind her and walked into the Athena base.

Sierra cursed as she looked at who was defending the flag. None other than Nico di Angelo himself.

Elke followed behind her, trying to keep up, "Good grief, we ought to have at least enough time to not be running." BUt once they got to the camp, she paused not ready to enter, but when Sierra began to head into it, she followed behind, not wanting to be left behind. But when she saw who was guarding it she let out a sigh of annoyance. Quickly, she began to run all possible outcomes of what could happen, and sighed with relief to know that they would be safe, things would work out, at least for the two of them.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra looked back at Elke- well she looked at a large bush, but Sierra knew Elke was there. "Nico will be able to sense me," She whispered. "I'll cause a distraction while you grab the flag. I'll keep the Mist going strong around you, just run back to Black Wood."

Before Elke could object, Sierra released the Mist around her. Nico looked over and arched a dark eyebrow. "Aren't the Hecate kids supposed to be on the front lines?" He asked. His hand rested on his Stygian Iron sword. Nico was better than pretty much every kid at camp (except Percy Jackson) when it came to hand-to-hand combat. Sierra definitely wasn't expecting the son of Hades to be there. She assumed he would be on the Ares side with the Apollo Cabin.

"There was a change in plans," Sierra stated.

"Annabeth didn't tell me-" He stopped talking when he saw Sierra conjure two gleaming black blades. He unsheathed his sword. And that's when all hell broke loose.


((She is pretty dope, not going to lie))

Elke was terrified, this was not her type of scene. She was just wanting to help give an idea, and that be it. But when Sierra sort of just forced her to run, she started running to the target. She just hoped that she wouldn't be noticed. She wasn't one to fight, like at all, so if Nico noticed her she'd be a goner. There would be no way that she would be able to protect herself from him.

Elke rushed towards the target, grabbing it and then running as fast she could to the Black Woods. She hadn't been spotted, and she didn't think she would be. So clutching the target in her hands she watched the two battle.

@Becfromthedead group

"You should be able to take a breath now, it'll feel kinda like heavy air, but it's fine to breathe in." Nikoli whispered, smiling wide. The faint light of their eyes glinted off their teeth for a moment, making them look very sharp. "Time passes slower in the shadows, so when we pop out into the light it'll be like only a minute had passed."

Raphael took in a deep breath through pursed lips. While a little surprised at how heavy the air actually was, he wasn't too frightened by the sensation.
He gave a faint nod to acknowledge what Nikoli had said.

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They paused, stopping in their tracts. They had forgotten they had someone with them for a moment. "Hold up, I need to look out." They whispered. "You two, stay right there and I'll come get you in a second." Then, Nikoli pried their hands off of themself and vanished. Without the little light of their eyes, the two demigods were left in complete darkness.

Nikoli pulled a cover of darkness over their body before stepping out of the shadows to peak at what was going on. Nico and Sierra were battling, Sierra could probably take him- Oh shit. I forgot he could control the shadows as well. He can feel me like I can feel his pressence. They raced back into the shadows and pushed Raphael and Mel to their destination, using some of their power to make the shadows move them along. They would stay and give Sierra some help, there was no use bringing suspicion to their teammates.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra swiftly stepped to the side, avoiding Nico's slash. She tried to focus on sparring the son of Hades, but her mind drifted to keeping Elke safely hidden in the Mist. Sierra let her guard down for a moment, and Nico had hit her hand with the flat if his blade. Her dagger went flying, dissolving in midair. Caught up in the moment, Suerra threw her other dagger. It sliced through Nico's black tee shirt, but he seemed unharmed.

"You're weaponless," Nico hissed. Oh, only if that was true, Sierra thought. "Why are you attacking me?"

"I'm the distraction," She cracked a smile. Nico looked back and gasped.

Nico ran to the bell to signal his teammates, but Sierra made a quick movement with her hands. The movement was similar to shaking water off of your hands. Six knives appeared, one between each of her knuckles on each hand. She threw them all. The knives pinned the death boy to a tree. Sierra ran for Black Wood.

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(Oh, and do you want me to delete my last response? I don't think you saw it before you posted somethin)