forum PJO OC RP for experienced RPers. (CLOSED) “Viva La Revolution, Biatch!”
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(hey, I have an OC that's a son of Gaia, can I use him or no?)

Uh, I'd wait for Whisper to come back. I'd say go ahead but make sure not to make him overpowered, but since both me and Whisp are running this, I'd like to wait for them to approve :)


(alright! I'll wait for Whisper, but the dude really isn't all that OP. I mean he used to be, since in all fairness he was originally made when I was 13, but I've revamped him quite a few times, and I'd like to think that his strengths and weaknesses are pretty well balanced)

Deleted user

That's fine lol, I think the rps getting a bit full so I'm gonna say we close it now :)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(hey, I have an OC that's a son of Gaia, can I use him or no?)

Uh, I'd wait for Whisper to come back. I'd say go ahead but make sure not to make him overpowered, but since both me and Whisp are running this, I'd like to wait for them to approve :)

A son of Gaia would be amazing! Just yeah, not overpowered please!


(hey, I have an OC that's a son of Gaia, can I use him or no?)

Uh, I'd wait for Whisper to come back. I'd say go ahead but make sure not to make him overpowered, but since both me and Whisp are running this, I'd like to wait for them to approve :)

A son of Gaia would be amazing! Just yeah, not overpowered please!



Name: Ethan James Frost
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: He doesn't really know? Pan, most likely
Godly Parent: Gaia
Weapon(s): Sword, usually. Hand and a half size hilt, blade is made out of celestial bronze.
Powers (if any): (okay so, preface: he sounds really powerful if I just tell you his abilities, so this is basically…his powers and the weaknesses to them. If you think he's OP, please tell me and I will make changes) Anyways. So Ethan can control the earth, but only to a point. He can summon earth or stone, but too much at once and he passes out. He can speak to animals, but the larger the animal is, the harder it is to properly communicate with them; if the animal is magical, too, then it's even harder. He can heal people through touch, but it drains his own life force and can literally kill him. Also, he can be controlled by Gaia. Like, mind controlled. When this happens, his eyes turn pitch black. Also, (this isn't an ability but–) his body is heavier than it should be. Not like, fat, but like his weight doesn't match his body size, because his body is denser. For this reason, he sinks like a stone in water, and could easily drown since he isn't a strong swimmer.
Appearance: Ethan is a little taller than average height, with a slim form. He has sandy brown hair that hangs into his eyes just a little bit, and he does his best to keep it brushed back and out of his eyes. His eyes are a bright leaf green, that can almost appear yellow in some lights. He is white, with a bit of a tan, and very light freckles scattered across his nose and cheekbones. He has dimples, and the one in the right cheek is slightly deeper than the one in the left, giving his smile a bit of a lopsided look. He has long, slim fingers, and a little bit of a gangly appearance. He typically wears a t-shirt and jeans, usually with a sweater of some sort thrown over top. He wears a gold ring on the pointer finger of his left hand, and often twists it around when fidgeting.
Personality: Ethan is typically a rather quiet person, and he isn't all that easily pissed off, in all honesty. He tends to be very patient, but once he's had enough, he's had enough. Once he's angry, that anger can be hard for him to rein back in. So basically if you've managed to piss him off, congratulations. You're going to die (maybe). He's intelligent and quick-witted, often trying to diffuse tension with a wellaimed joke, but this same quick wit can turn very sharp if he does start to get riled up.
Short Backstory: Ethan was found outside of an orphanage. Gaia had managed to take human form for a while, and had gotten pregnant with a human man during that short time. Even after that time ended, she basically grew Ethan in a womb hidden deep in the Earth. When it was time for him to be born, she spat him out onto the surface in a wicked basket, wrapped in a woolen blanket. He was found by someone from the orphanage, and taken into the orphanage. They found a small paper with a name on it: "Ethan". They gave him the middle name, and he was adopted at five years old by a couple, Mr Henry Frost and Mrs Laura Frost. They had no children of their own, and raised him until he was 8 years old. When he was 8, Laura died in a car wreck. After that, Henry began to turn neglectful towards the young boy. Ethan was found by a faun when he was 14 and his abilities were just beginning to surface. He was brought to camp, and eventually claimed by Gaia. His parentage, however, has caused him to be shunned by the majority of camp.

(I hope he's alright? I can change anything if it needs to be, I don't mind)

@Becfromthedead group

Name: Raphael Bailey
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Godly Parent: Asclepius
Weapon(s): Dagger, bow and arrows
Powers (if any): He can transfer some of his energy to other people as a healing measure. It speeds up the healing process in another's body (if anyone has seen BNHA, think sort of like Recovery Girl, except the energy is coming from him). This does not mean he can reanimate the dead. He also does not have unlimited energy, so it can take a toll and leave him with serious side effects if he's not careful. He also has an almost supernatural sense for figuring out injuries and illnesses, but it looks more like intuition than power.
Appearance: 5'11, broader frame, but he's got a fairly "average" body type, as far as muscle goes. He has dark blonde curly hair, amber eyes, and a light tan complexion. He ususally wears jeans and a hoodie, in fairly neutral colors, and has a considerably "bland" sense of style due to a lack of care in that area. He wears glasses- a pair of square tortoiseshell frames.
Personality: Raphael is a little rough around the edges, not the sweet, warm kind of person you might expect a healer to be. He's likely to tell someone to suck it up- not because he's dismissive and not a good healer- but because he can literally sense what's wrong with a person, and if it's just some bruising, he doesn't really care all that much. Raphael is also incredibly clingy when he gets close to someone, but he finds it very hard to build intimate relationships to begin with. He's afraid of abandonment above all. While not really a peacemaker, Raphael typically avoids fighting, as he's not the type who likes to get his hands dirty. He pretends not to care a lot of the time, and other times he actually doesn't care. Very tough exterior, but generally a helpful and maybe even sweet person once you've proven yourself.

Short Backstory: Raphael had a lot of things fairly easy compared to some of his peers. He grew up with a mother who treated him alright, even if she was a bit emotionally detached from him. His powers weren't super prominent, as he didn't have much reason to use them most of the time. The tipping point- what sent him to CHB- was when he was about 11 years old and in a car accident with his mother. He accidentally used some of his healing powers on her wounds, and that was when she decided Raphael needed to leave. She'd never really intended to have a kid in the first place, especially not one she could never understand. He was lucky enough to not have been orphaned. Sending him off to camp shouldn't have been a big deal. Except it was. Raphael fell out of touch with his mother. He genuinely hated the Hermes cabin, as it made him feel like even more of an outcast. Raphael always tended to take the sidelines in battle, typically opting for healing roles when he could, so it was assumed for a while that he was Apollo's kid. When Asclepius claimed him, an illusion of the god's staff appeared over him- a simple wooden rod, entwined with a single snake. "That's a weird-looking Caduceus." "Gods, I can't believe his own father doesn't even like him." Of course, an Athena kid stepped in and explained that this wasn't Hermes' Caduceus, but in fact the Rod of Asclepius. Either way, Raphael would be stuck in the Hermes cabin for a whole lot longer, even if he logically should've moved into the Apollo cabin. Even then, he wasn't accepted that much by the Apollo kids to begin with. (Sorry if this is incoherent. I'm trying to think, but everything kind of threw itself on the page.)