forum PJO OC RP for experienced RPers. (CLOSED) “Viva La Revolution, Biatch!”
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@larcenistarsonist group

Just to keep track of characters:

AAAAAGGGHH-HECK-YES-SPOOKY-SEASON - Sierra Quinten, she/her, daughter of Hecate
becfromthedead - Raphael Bailey, he/him, son of Asclepius
Clanthe - Elke Sernsby, she/her, daughter of Crius
Icefire - Ethan James Frost, he/him, son of Gaia
Whisper-Of-A-Scream-Because-Inktober - Mel Bjornsen, genderfluid, child of Phobos
Woodlandcryptid - Nikoli Riego, genderqueer, child of Nyx

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I can start and those who haven't done their character can post it as we go!
Also, I decided that Nikoli now has their head shaved/ hair cut real short becuase I want to cosplay them >:3

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Nikoli climbed up a tree in the forest, a bag filled with some books, sandwich bags, a couple pens, and more than a few bones they had found on the way to the tree. It was capture the flag soon and they were planning on staying up in the tree the entire time, maybe throw some axes at cabins they didn't like. It would be a bit boring, sure, but it meant they didn't get the looks from Chiron and the campers that happened whenever they asked to do an activity.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Phobos sighed as he strapped on his minimal armor, waiting to be harassed as usual by which side wanted him to join…. but once they were done using him, they would just toss him to the side as usual and treat him like a complete monster… he sniffed a bit, trying to keep from crying. All the “normal” campers would also make fun of his gender identity and harass him for not choosing one thing…

@Becfromthedead group

Raphael finished putting on his armor and scoffed. They trained all the time. Absolutely all the time. There was no additional need for this dumb game where usually a lot of people got hurt, and he had to help clean up the mess. Not to mention, occasionally a camper would get pissed and refuse to accept treatment from him, on the basis of him not being an Apollo kid. He was literally Apollo's grandson, but he supposed it was more the lack of status than his actual abilities or lineage.
Humming to himself, Raphael walked the edge of the woods. He watched the other campers go about their business, wondering which team he'd be with. Either way, it probably meant sticking to the sidelines, avoiding getting his hands dirty.

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Soon enough, it was time for capture the flag to start. Chiron clapped his hands and began to speak loudly. "You know the usual rules, they still apply. Forest is free reign, of course. It's Athena versus Ares." He called out, before the sound of a horn rang out and everyone began to run toward the forest.

Nikoli rubbed their eyes and grabbed a throwing axe from the shadows, deciding to be prepared. No one really came to this part of the forest unless they were running from something, confident in their abilities, or their team leader was batshit insane and said 'Hey, I'm going to send you to the most dangerous part of the forest, don't die.'


((It's been a while since I've made a female character, so here goes))

Name: Elke Sernsby
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Most likely bisexual, but to be quite honest, she really doesn't know. She rather just love who she wants to love without having to put a label on it.
Godly Parent: Crius
Weapon(s): She prefers to avoid weapons, but if she had to use one, it'd be a dagger, just to protect herself. To be honest, she hates having to do anything when it comes to weapons or fighting. She likes to just help with planning with battles and things of that nature, but her opinions and ideas are never listened to due to her father.
Powers (if any): Elke can somewhat foresee the future, to a degree. In a way, she's an over-glorified fortune teller. She can see the changes in the stars and from that predict the outcome of a fight -to a degree- or at times a person's future -again to a degree. But she really doesn't like to use her powers that often, it tires her out, making her just feel sluggish and rather loopy, and the more she uses her powers, the less accurate she is. But normally, her predictions can be very accurate, and even though they always are, no one listens to her opinion, or whatever she has to say to begin with when, and when she's right she gets oh so frustrated. The other campers normally claim her ideas, or things of that nature, which just frustrates the heck out of her since she was right, or at least had a decent prediction to begin with.
(Ack I'm sorry, my brain is just not working today, I'll fix this later))
Personality / Short Backstory: She tends to sort of be a bit outspoken at times, and when she first came to the camp, that got her into a lot of trouble. Turns out, kids who already seem to have had a semi-rough life don't want to hear about someone else's problems, or even their ideas. Elke continued to try and make and such, I mean, she loves people, but she started to just lose that happiness of trying to make friends when she was rejected by the other campers. Over and over and over. But she should be used to this by now. Her parents weren't the greatest , and she had quite a few siblings. Her mother kept the secret of her real father for a while, but eventually her siblings figured it out, then let her father know which got her kicked out of the house. The life she had once known was gone, and here she was, now living at a camp with a bunch of people who don't even like her, like at all. She has tried to make the most of this life, but, she's pretty much given up, what's the point of trying to make friends and trying to fit in if itjust doesn't work?

@larcenistarsonist group

(Hey just to let you guys know, on Mondays and Tuesdays I'm not active from 6AM to around 4PM, every other day of the week I'm active all day usually, mostly in the afternoon and evenings though)

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra trudged through the forest. The sun was beginning to set, but you would've never known. The thick canopy and the trees the size of houses blocked practically all light. This was the section of the forest not even the most daring Ares campers set foot in. The campers had nicknamed it Black Wood. She held a dagger in her hand. It was simple, all black and the handle and blade seemed to be one piece. You wouldn't think much of it until you saw the faint purple glow radiating off of it. The horn for Capture the Flag blew. They had ten minutes until the game started. Team Ares and Team Athena had set up a camp on the opposite ends of the forest, but both teams veered far away from Black Wood. The Hecate Cabin had sided with Athena because of their ability to manipulate the Mist. All part of the wise children's strategy. Sierra wasn't accepted there. They all watched her as if she would stab them in the back if they gave her the chance. She hated it. She didn't regret her choice by joining Kronos in the war. She wasn't proud of it either. Before she got too lost in her thoughts, a slight rustle above her caught her attention.

Sierra chucked the dagger towards the nearest limb on the tree to her right. She glared at where the dagger had stuck in the tree, a face barely visible in the faint purple glow.

"Nikoli," She stated. "You should know better than being in Black Wood."

@Becfromthedead group

Raphael hid in the branches of a bush, clutching his dagger so tightly that his knuckles were going white. They had tasked him with patrolling the Black Woods for injured teammates. He was most concerned with keeping his cover at the moment, and he found himself shrinking down even more when he heard voices. A fight would have been unwelcome at best. He would rather just let the enemy be on their way, truth be told. That wasn't his job to stop them.
Though focused on hiding, he listened in to the conversation, just to see if the people involved were saying anything of interest.

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"I basically live out here, Sierra, I literally sleep out here most days. If anyone should know not to be in here, it's you. However, I won't complain if you want to keep me company." Nikoli hummed, setting their bag on the sturdy branch where they were sitting before jumping down, landing in front of Sierra. They ended their jump with a dramatic bow, their favorite axe landing in their hand a second after they hit the ground.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra rolled her eyes, internally wishing for her dagger to disappear. The knife in the tree fell out of the bark and shattered like glass when it hit the forest floor. The pieces of magical material flew in all directions but passed harmlessly through Nikoli's legs. "Capture the flag's starting soon," She muttered, turning away from Nikoli and walking deeper into Black Wood. "I'm sure the Ares Cabin needs you." Sierra kicked a stone away. "The Athena Cabin sure doesn't need me," She muttered under her breath.

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Nikoli followed Sierra, humming as they walked behind her. "Nah, Chiron has just short of banned me from participating in camp activities. Plus, the Ares kids don't like me, I bit one the other day." They swung their arms as they spoke, reaching a hand into a shadow and grabbing their bag.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Surprisingly, for once, no one asked for Mel’s alliance. He was relieved. Now he could just wander through the forest and ignore the game. …..Or perhaps…. His cobalt blue eyes gleamed with mischief. He’d destroy this game altogether…. Even Chiron usually refused to punish him due to his abilities, so this was perfect…. he went into the woods after the rest, simply walking towards where he believed the first flag was hiding.

@Becfromthedead group

Raphael emerged from the foliage when he was more certain it was safe, and that the people outside were probably not interested in hunting him down.
He stood out in what would've been plain sight for Sierra and Nikoli, but he was debating on actually saying anything- specifically asking for protection while he just did his job.


Elke had offered her help to the the team she had been chosen by, but of course no one wanted her help, so she decided that as usual she would just do her own thing. She didn't really want to play the game to begin with, but for some reason she had been chosen and placed on a team. But she wasn't about to play or help, not that she was a bad team player or anything, but this part of the game wasn't something she did. But still, she headed into the Black Forest. Although it was known for being dangerous or something like that, she still enjoyed going there for solace and safety from the other campers. She started walking to her normal hiding spot, but stopped in her tracks when she heard voices.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra looked at Nikoli. Their shadow abilities were strange, but she had seen stranger. The horn blew once again, signaling the start if the game. She got an idea. "Nikoli," she faced them. Even though they hardly talked, Sierra considered Nikoli her best friend. The daughter of Hecate had gotten either the best or worst idea in Camp Half-Blood history. Sure, it was crazy dangerous but if done correctly, no one would speak ill of her again. "Let's steal both flags."

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Nikoli paused for a moment then rubbed their hands together diabolically, a glint forming in their eyes. Those who knew them well enough/ were on the other side of their wrath knew this look as something dangerous and entirely too chaotic. "Yes!" They hissed, voice almost vibrating with excitement. "We should get some other people in on this… Mel? Elke? They're both pretty rad."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Mel paused when he heard a few voices conspiring and eavesdropped for clues to the flag when he heard it was Nikoli and Sierra. He stepped out of the shadows. “I was actually already on my way to do that. I’d be glad for a team.” He grinned, leaning against a tree and flipping his hair out of his face with his fingers.

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Nikoli launched themself at Mel, wrapping him up in a bear hug. "Mel Mel!!" They laughed giddily. "We're gonna fuck them up!!" Nikoli and Mel had talked like what, ten times since they had gotten to camp? Definitely not enough times to warrant the flying hug or the nickname, but then again, this was Nikoli, they were a wild card.