forum PJO OC RP for experienced RPers. (CLOSED) “Viva La Revolution, Biatch!”
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra grabbed Nikoli's arm before they could fully disappear into the shadows. "Please," she begged. Chiron trotted around, he could sense the former presence of a god. Her mother's voice spoke in her head Do not fail me Sierra. Maybe after this, you'll finally be accepted into this camp? Isn't that what you want, a home? "Elke, Nikoli, Raphael, Mel, please." Sierra, oh Sierra. Her mother's voice spoke again. It would be a shame if Macaria faded, a shame when her siblings and parents wreak havoc on the world. It would be a shame if you could've prevented that. I will leave you with a choice. Sierra's vision clouded, she gripped Nikoli's arm to prevent herself from falling over.

She could see three paths. There was one where she stood alone in Black Wood, another where she and the Misfits scaled a mountain, the last she was staring at an unknown force, a magical dagger in hand. You can decide to stay here in Camp Half-Blood, convince your friends to go on the quest with you, or you can go alone, but we both know you won't make it out if you go alone.

"Please, come with me," Sierra withheld her tears and looked at the ground, attempting to blink them away.

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Tears started to bloom in Nikoi's eyes, tears that seemed to shine with golden dust if you looked close enough, they tried to pull away. "I don't want to, she told me that I was supposed to stay. I can't go out there and take more people!" Their voice was quiet, but panicked. Nikoli hadn't left camp since they arrived, which was many years ago. Sierra had seen them on their first day at camp, they had hands stained dark red and their body was covered in a too big and ratty hoodie. They wouldn't speak for months, not until their Mother told them things. They only said one thing that their mother said, not anything else. But it was pretty easy to guess that they're rambling about one of the things their mom told them.

@larcenistarsonist group

"Nikoli!" She grabbed their face, forcing them to look at her. Their dark brown ones locked onto her violet ones. "I won't go without you, and I have to go." If it means I can finally feel welcome, Sierra thought to herself, I'd do anything. "We'll be okay, we'll be just fine."

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"I can't! She promised me I'd be safe if I stayed here, but if I leave I won't be protected. They'll find me and they'll kill me for what I did!" They were shaking, full body trembles as they tried to break away. The shadows started to send out little tendrils, sensing Nikoli's panic and wanting them to be back home, safe, in the shadows, in the night.

@Becfromthedead group

Raphael cleared his throat.
"Um… well… I'll be there, and I'll make sure you guys stay safe, okay? If we have to go, you'd better believe that I'm not letting anyone die on my watch," he promised, "That includes you, Nikoli."
He ran a hand through his hair. Those were big words…

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra suddenly became aware of the people watching. "Thanks Raph," She stopped. Sierra wasn't one to give nicknames and was surprised she had shortened the healer's name. "Let's go somewhere where not all eyes are on us." She grabbed Nikoli's wrist and led them through the forest, the rest of the Misfits following behind her. She stopped and sat down on a rotting lot in the middle of Black Wood. Nobody would eavesdrop here.

"My mother came to me," She admitted. "She told me that it's essential that we go on this quest, so many lives depend on it. I know that you guys don't want to leave camp." Sierra glanced at Nikoli and Elke. "But I don't think we have a choice."

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(So I’m thinking Mel should kinda just… disappear from the RP. Everyone keeps going too fast for me to keep up and I can’t usually find a way to thread Mel in at this point. If anyone wants to use the character in the future, they are free to do so, but…)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(It’s fine, really. I should’ve guessed it would have gone fast with so many people contributing and I just don’t have the time amongst my other RPs and my irl situation right now to keep up.)

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Sierra suddenly became aware of the people watching. "Thanks Raph," She stopped. Sierra wasn't one to give nicknames and was surprised she had shortened the healer's name. "Let's go somewhere where not all eyes are on us." She grabbed Nikoli's wrist and led them through the forest, the rest of the Misfits following behind her. She stopped and sat down on a rotting lot in the middle of Black Wood. Nobody would eavesdrop here.

"My mother came to me," She admitted. "She told me that it's essential that we go on this quest, so many lives depend on it. I know that you guys don't want to leave camp." Sierra glanced at Nikoli and Elke. "But I don't think we have a choice."

Nikoli held their hands together, deeply swallowing before saying "Alright. I'll go. But if any chance I see one of the people who were hunting me, I'm going to the shadows. I don't care if it's a coward move."

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra nodded, "That's fair."

She took a shaky breath and laced her hands together in front of her. Emotions definitely were not her strong suit. "Are you guys up for a quest or not?"


Elke just sighed, knowing that she was probably making a rather foolish choice, but she felt like it was the right thing to do. She was yet to actually see what the possible outcomes would be, and well she was just going to see if she was making the right choice. "You know what, I-I'll go with you, but I'm going to pretty much be dead weight, I'm just saying."

@Becfromthedead group

"I'm sure we'll be fine. I mean, a literal goddess said we should go on this quest, so there's gotta be a reason for that, right?" Raphael tried to reason.
He wasn't so sure himself, but he did understand that they had to go. That there was no choice in the matter at all.
"Aaaanyway, do we have any idea what this quest entails?"