forum PJO OC RP for experienced RPers. (CLOSED) “Viva La Revolution, Biatch!”
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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"Damn, didn't even get the chance to fight anyone. All I did was threaten and kidnap someone, that's like a sugar rush vs a cocaine high." Nikoli pouted, sighing dramatically. "But you got the banner, right?"

@Becfromthedead group

(See you around! Sorry you had to leave though.)
"We were just about to grab it," Raphael replied, "Did you want to do the honors?"
He gestured at the flag, which was completely unguarded.
"A bit eager to fight, I see. Why not just participate in the game instead of sneaking around? Your goal seems about the same as everyone else's."

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"Hmm, I spend enough time sneaking around and hiding, I'd like to fight one of these days. And by fight I do mean take out my anger by brutally injuring them close to death, as one does." Nikoli flashed Raphael a smile that was full of pointed teeth as they walked up to the flag and grabbed it, tying it around their neck like a superhero cape. "Let's go then!"

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra kicked Nikoli's leg. They shot her a glare and Sierra rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna go check up on Elke. Meet me in Black Wood. I'll take di Angelo with me." She maneuvered the boy so she was carrying him fireman style. For her size, Sierra was surprisingly strong. She waved a hand, dropped the dagger she had conjured earlier and trekked off into the forest. She wanted to go alone while the rest of the crew made sure nobody was following.

About halfway to Black Wood, Nico stirred. If he was awake, he didn't say anything.

"You're dying." His phrase wasn't a question. Di Angelo said it like a stone cold fact, which it was. Sierra grit her teeth and stayed silent. Her hold on the son of Hades gave her the advantage, so even if he tried to attack, she would defeat him in seconds. "You aren't going to ask how I know?"

She shook her head. "I mean, it's only obvious that I have a curse. With the blood of three goddesses running through my-"

"Wait." Nico shifted and Sierra tightened her grip. "Three goddesses?"

"Nike and Nemesis were my grandparents' mothers. Hecate was mine. It only makes sense."

"Your daggers-"

"My own weapon is killing me." Her voice was bitter and venomous. "And if I touch any other weapon, bad things happen to someone else." She paused, stopping her hike through the woods. Tears threatened her eyes, but she refused to let them spill. "Bad, bad things."


"I don't need your pity," She snapped. Her fingernails dug into Nico's skin and he yelped. Almost immediately, Sierra loosened her grip on the Ghost King. "And if you tell anyone-"

"Lemme guess, you'll kill me?" Nico sighed and stopped trying to get away from Sierra.

She nodded. "Now shut up, we're nearing Black Wood."


Elke heard the other's run off, and although she didn't want to have to do any more running or fighting, at least for now, she knew that it wouldn't be right for her to just stay behind. So she began to head to Ares part of the camp, she figured that they would most likely be there at the moment and that it would be safe for her to get into that area as well. She saw them grab the flag and ran into the camp with the Athena flag in her hands. When she stopped, she doubled over panting a little bit, then handed the person nearest to her the Athena flag, "Got it guys." She wheezed, rather out of breath.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra grabbed the Athena flag from Elke and the rest of the crew neared with the Ares flag. She dropped Nico on the ground and he let out a small oof. She heard the confused gasps as the Apollo campers reached for the Mist Athena banner, only to have it dissolve in their hands. The furious cries from the Ares campers echoed through the forest once they discovered their absent flag. She heard Chiron asking Annabeth and Clarisse what happened, but both of them seemed clueless. "Who wants the great reveal?" Sierra asked holding the flags out to whoever wanted to rub it in the rest of the camp's face.

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Nikoli smiled wickedly and held out their hands. "Gimmie, I'm gonna walk out of a shadow and set them on fire in front of their faces." They were way too excited about that. "Or just wave them around for cabin… We need a team name."

@Becfromthedead group

"Eh, I don't really give a shit. Just wanted an excuse to not sit around in those woods the whole match," Raphael said, disinterested.
Yet there was a slight smile on his face.
"We're not half-bad as a team, huh?"
His eyes wandered over to Niko.
"Why did you-? Never mind. Don't care."

@larcenistarsonist group

The comment about a team name hit Sierra strangely. The daughter of Hecate handed the flags to Nikoli. She looked around. Raphael had the gift of healing, Nikoli with an ability over the shadows, Mel could strike fear into any soldier, Elke who could foresee many things, and Sierra, the girl who could create magical daggers that killed her. "The Children of the Dark," She stated. Each of them had been through hell and back (not literally, only Nico had done that and he wasn't apart of their group) and had the guts to totally rub the camp's defeat in their face. "We are Children of the Dark."


Elke chuckled a little bit, "Nope, not me. I did my part, so now, I'm done. And, about the team name," she said, looking over at Niko, "I don't know if that's really necessary. Maybe we could work together as a team, but we don't use a name or whatever." She said with a shrug, as if she really didn't care, which she didn't. If that's what they wanted, they could go ahead and do whatever they wanted, it wasn't for her to say. But when she heard Sierra say a name, her smile reappeared a little, "Hhm, well, I like that, I guess, sounds sorta spooky though."

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"Oh no, we're all friends now. You aren't getting rid of me until the day you die, I may be immortal but it needs further testing." Nikoli gave a sweet smile before snatching the flags and stepping into the shadows. "Y'all wanna make a dramatic entrence with me?"

@larcenistarsonist group

Sierra rolled her eyes. She was a sucker for anything cheesy. Whether it was well, cheese, or a stupid rom-com or even a stupid name. Nobody would really expect that from the brooding daughter of Hecate which is why she loved cheese so much more. She loved to shock people. "Nikoli," She turned to her best friend. They had always been the one to reach out and talk to her, no matter her background. "Let's make a hell of an entrance." She draped the Athena flag over her shoulders and linked arms with the child of Nyx.

@Becfromthedead group

"I'll come with you if everyone else is in- but uh… I don't have any flashy powers or anything, so you're just gonna have to deal," Raphael said, still trying to sound like he didn't care.
However, he had to admit the comraderie was a very nice change of pace. Even if it was just for one day.


Elke shrugged her agreement, linking arms with Raphael, "Come on, it'd look stupid if we just walked behind them." She said as she pulled him over to the other, linking her other arm with Niko's. "This ought to be one fabulous entrace." Elke said, her voice filled with excitement, is was rare when she was included in things like this, but she was enjoying it.

@Becfromthedead group

"Alright, alright, no need to drag me there," Raphael sighed, a bit defeated, "What exactly do you guys plan to do when you say 'grand entrance' anyhow?"
He pulled his arm loose of Elke's and glanced across the group of people.
"Also, why is he here? I know you said something about a hostage, Nikoli, but- but c'mon, my dude."

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"We had to put up a fake banner and bone boy was there when we stole it, plus, shock value." Nikoli smiled widely, a light blush of adrenaline dusting their cheeks. "And it's simple, we're going to go through the shadows so they don't see us coming, we'll spit Nico out before us, then walk out and show the banners."

@larcenistarsonist group

Nico di Angelo made a strange noise and Sierra kicked a pressure point, causing him to black out again.She grabbed his foot, slightly dragging him against the dirt. She looked back at her, uh, teammates. "Ready when you guys are."

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Nikoli laughed again. "Come on, come on, come on, come on!! Let's go!!" They cheered, bouncing on their feet. "I can't wait to see their faces when they realize that the campers who they fucked over so many times have finally pulled one over 'em!"