Started by @BookAddict

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“Just curious.”

"Oh ok." Sage responded, still confuzzled. He looked over to see a waiter bringing over their chocolate milkshakes.


Sage smiled and thanked the bored looking waitress before taking a sip. It was just as good as he'd remembered.
"I wonder what Cato and Valerie are up to?"
\ can i call her val? XD \


Sage smiled and thanked the bored looking waitress before taking a sip. It was just as good as he'd remembered.
"I wonder what Cato and Valerie are up to?"
\ can i call her val? XD \



(I’m calling her celerie so. .-.)
“Probably doing mischief.”

"Most likely." Sage agreed. He wasn't sure if it was discourteous to suggest this but the awkwardness between them was almost a physical presence and Sage wanted to go find Cato and Val, who would probably ease the awkwardness. It was stressful being alone with Arianna. "Do you want to go find them after we've finished?"


\ aaah so sorry! \
Sage grimaced. "Oh. Ok." He could tell that she could tell that he was uncomfortable and gods he was messing this up so bad.


After mentally slapping himself a few million times, Sage decided to attempt another conversation.
"So what did the Senate say about the quest?" he queried.


"Uh… no…" Sage mumbled. "I've never really asked anyone about what happened in a Senate meeting before, cos I never really knew anyone in the Senate. You've only been centurion for like a week or something."


“No not really, but they call it that,” Arianna shrugged, ”it’s literally common sense.”

"Oh. So you can't tell me?"