Started by @BookAddict

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Sage walked into the cafe and sat down at a table, tapping his foot nervously. Gods he was making such a fool of himself! He picked up a menu and tried to concentrate on it.


Valerie glanced up as someone else walked in. It was Cato, so she waved.

Cato waved back and walked over to the table. “Mind if I join you?” He asked.


//awkward lack of conversation

“So,” she started after he sat back down. “How come you just collapsed during Capture the Flag?”

//I cant actually remember what it’s called so


“Um. Well. My leg sometimes… acts up, I guess. It’s not just the result of being crippled.” Cato stopped talking, realizing he may have said too much.


“Well, thanks, I guess. I inherited it from Vulcan. Can’t get it to go away, so I locked it in a brace and hope it doesn’t hurt too bad,” Cato said, shrugging.


“It’s job is to allow me to walk. I just installed a pain relieving device that should inject my ankle with pain suppressant when necessary.”