Started by @BookAddict

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Aubrey nodded silently from her seat, which was pretty far from Arianna. She felt like Arianna had walked away because of her, and she felt guilty.


Sage was watching for everyone to come out of the Senate meeting, and he went toward Arianna as soon as she came out, determined to apologise for whatever he had done to upset her.


"Hey," he said. "Look, Ari, I'm not sure what I did to upset you earlier over at the forges but I'm really sorry…"


"Sorry, what?" Sage asked, confused. What was she on about? Everyone was supposed to adress her as miss? Since when?


Aubrey nodded as she walked over. "Hey why does Alexander get to make all the rules? It's not like he's the boss of us. He'snot over us in rank."


"Urgh, that doesn't even make sense!" Sage replied. "Why would he make people call you miss?!"

“Cause he’s a d-ck,” Valerie said again, walking up to them. “Wait, sh-t, his henaround?”