Started by @BookAddict

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Aubrey's face darkened. "I wish I could do something about Alexander. He threatened to kill me yesterday because I went easy on a new girl during training."


Sage raised an eyebrow. "Super classified VIP info? Is that a thing? Like Reyna get's up and says "Now senators, I just want you to know that this next part is Super classified VIP info?" Really?"
Then he registered what Aubrey had said. "What!" he cried.


Aubrey nodded. "He's mad. Like, crazy-mad. I can't stand him. He thinks that he's better then the rest of us centurions, just because he's actually been on a quest. I've been on a quest, it's not really something brag worthy other than 'I survived'."


Aubrey sighed. "Alright, I've got a meeting to go to. See you guys later. I promise to tell you everything I learn." Then she ran towards the Senate, scared of being late.


As Arianna took a seat, by another centurion who was she was friendly with. Too bad Alexander was already first, taking a seat beside the praetors, he stared menacingly at her. Arianna wanted to leave.


“Alright, before we begin. I would like to say that everything in this meeting is not allowed to be discussed to anyone outside. Unless, we-“ Reyna motioned towards her and the other praetor, “- bring it up. Understood?”