Started by @BookAddict

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“Mhmm. Oh, we’re here.” Arianna said, jumping a little. She looked around then looked back at Sage, “So, what do you want to do?”

Sage tapped his foot nervously. "oh… I dunno…" he replied, wincing inwardly.


"Yeah, I guess," Sage replied. He was too nervous to be hungry but he wasn't going to tell Arianna that. "Are you?" he asked.


\ hey. really sorry this week has been absolutely hectic… ok let's revive this thing! \
"Ok then." Sage answered, looking down. "So… have you got a preference for which cafe thing you want to go to?" He scuffed his foot along the ground.


\ i missed u 2. im so sorry these next few weeks are SO busy for me, but i'll try my best to come on when i can \
Sage looked up and saw Arianna blushed. Geez. Good job Sage! He congratulated himself. He'd made things so awkward Arianna felt uncomfortable.
"I… uh… I like the cafe with the blue window hanging things. I can't remember the name."


(It’s fine! But hey at least you’re alive! :D)
Arianna chuckled, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “I don’t know the name either, but I know the way. C’mon. “ she said before walking off.
The arrived at a blue cafe with “hanging things”, Arianna stepped in front of the door, “This one?”