Started by @BookAddict

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“Oh. Okay. Um, bye,” Cato said, waving slightly. The waiter left, and Cato turned to Valerie, fishing for literally anything he could think of to change the subject. “So, what do you think about the prophecy?”


“I honestly don’t even remember,” she laughed, looking up. “But yay! Prophecy! Maybe I’ll get out of this stupid camp for once. I love it and all but it gets tiring after a while.”


“Yeah. I just want to do something, you know? I’m wasting away in the stupid forges, but it’s the only thing I’m good for,” Cato said.


Arianna chuckled and nodded, “Chocolate in general is pretty exceptional.”

"Definitely." Sage grinned. His grin slipped off though, as he remembered all the messed up stuff that was going on. Alexander was trying to ruin Arianna's life, the augur was possessed, hope was in a cage or whatever.


Wow. Arianna had literally just read his mind. Gods, he hoped she wasn't a mind reader. That would be so embarrassing. Realising that he was rambling to himself, he tried to gather his unruly thoughts. "I guess it's a bit scary…" Sage admitted. "Especially given that it sounds like descendants of Trivia have to go on the quest…"


“You think you’ll get to go on a quest?” She asked.

"I don't know…" he confessed. "But it said, mists in the prophecy, so at least two descendants of Trivia will go I guess. Hey, it said stars as well! Isn't that you? You're probably one of the only descendants of Urania in the whole camp!"


"Well, either stars or star I can't remember which." Sage answered. Hey at least they were finally having a decent conversation about something.


Sage managed to stop a grin from spreading across his face. Arianna wanted to go on a quest with him! His elation faded as he realised it was probably just a throwaway comment.
He forced a laugh. "Yeah. Well I mean it mightn't be either of us but I just have a feeling."


Arianna shrugged, “Hypothetically speaking, if we were to go on the quest. Alexander is probably going to do everything to stop that from happening.”


Sage rolled his eyes. "I HATE that dude. I mean I don't understand what his actual issue with us is?! I mean, what did we even ever do?"


“Sure,” Cato said, raising an eyebrow. “Maybe we can finally use my eavesdropping device.”

“Guess we’re off then?” She asked, standing up.

“Yep,” Cato said, mirroring Valerie. He walked over to the trash can, deposited his empty coffee cup in it, and followed her out.