Started by @BookAddict

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"Yeah." Sage agreed. "Ari, I know the senate meeting was confidential and everything, but are there any thoughts on who's going on the quest? Just a teensy bit of info. A yes or no."


Arianna bit her lip and looked down, shifting her weight from one side to another. “Well, Alexander isn’t going. Despite his best efforts.”


Cato felt stoopid. “Right. Yeah. Well, I will go make a better device, then. Wanna come?” He asked Valerie.

“Yeah, sure,” she said, snapping out of her thoughts (mostly along the lines of ‘omg Sage and Arianna are so cute together the smol children are ahhh-‘).


Arianna bit her lip and looked down, shifting her weight from one side to another. “Well, Alexander isn’t going. Despite his best efforts.”

"Ha! SUCKER!" Sage cried.

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(Lol no, I'm just your friendly neighborhood stalker)


Cato felt stoopid. “Right. Yeah. Well, I will go make a better device, then. Wanna come?” He asked Valerie.

“Yeah, sure,” she said, snapping out of her thoughts (mostly along the lines of ‘omg Sage and Arianna are so cute together the smol children are ahhh-‘).

“Alright. This way. Catch you later?” He asked Sage and Arianna.


Cato and Valerie wandered off in the direction of the forges. “I ship it,” Cato said suddenly, pointing a finger behind him in the direction of Arianna and Sage. “But I can;t think of a good ship name…”