Started by @BookAddict

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“Happy being so,dwhere else,” she agreed, looking around. “I mean, I might as well have grown up here. Just a few weeks after losing my parents.”


“Yeah…” Cato breathed, looking over the camp from their position on the forge’s hill. “I actually can’t remember ever living anywhere but here. And yet I only have seven lines on my arm.”


Sage was confused. "I didn't know you were amnesic!" He'd been super bored, and this morning had been so awkward that he had went to find val and cato instead of ari.


(Lol no, I'm just your friendly neighborhood stalker)

\ you can join if you want. i reopened it cos a lot of people have left so now its just 4 characters. do u wanna join? or just keep stalking? idm either way \


“Nope. It’s okay, guys, really. I’ve made my peace with it. I guess I could ask someone who’s been here eight years, but….” Cato trailed off. “I think only the praetor has been here that long. And really, I’m fine.”


“It was more like ‘oh look half-dead new kid. should i be concerned. does this usually happen.’ You were half-dead,” she said, repeating herself.


“As alive as I can be,” Cato said, subconsciously touching the brace on his leg that kept him mobile. Realizing what he’d just implied, he quickly moved his hand and added, “But hey, maybe this quest will give life some meaning! If we go on it, I mean.”