Started by @BookAddict

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So just thought Camp Jupiter deserved it's own RP since CHB has like 100 XD. There could be some interesting possibilities here!

  • Characters:
    1 per person
    Fill out the profile below
    Years at Camp:
    God you are descended from:
    Rank and Cohort:
    Powers and talents:
    Other (weapons, backstory):

    Try to have a kinda equal ratio of male/female
    NO Mary-Sues/Gary Stus –> any decent character has flaws!
    Interesting backstories! (I love interesting backstories MWAHAHA… sorry) Backstories don't have to be in the profile, you can reveal them throughout the RP if you want. Idm.
    We can have some Big 3 demigods, but please don't have like HALF of them big three kids. It's annoying
    Remember some of the peeps at CJ are legacies, or children of minor goddesses. Your character does NOT have to have a massive arsenal of auto-wins to be an interesting character.
    Don't reuse old characters.
    Character ages 12-18
  • In terms of content, let's keep this about the same as the series itself so I guess around PG13 -romance is allowed, with some kissing etc. but nothing explicit. No swearing. Try not to make the gore really gory XD
  • You must, absolutely MUST have read the PJO and HOO series to join this. I'm sorry but otherwise, it's gonna get REAL confusing. (if you haven't read them, please go read them, they're amazing, you won't regret it. I promise)
  • If a RPer is gone for an extended amount of time (like a day), it's ok to make their character do some stuff, as long as it isn't TOO drastic
  • Try for a few sentences if possible in your posts (it doesn't have to be all the time, but sometimes a good juicy paragraph really helps the RP). And please make sure your posts make grammatical sense.
  • Please ask before shipping characters
  • It is ok to mention characters from the actual series, but please don't have them playing a massive part as I'm not sure any of us would be able to do them justice :P
  • Please ask before joining

Geez sorry, that's a lot of rules, but I got one more…



Name: Sage Laski
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Years at Camp: 3
God of descent: Trivia (the roman Hecate) was his grandmother
Rank and Cohort: 4th Cohort. Just a regular legionnaire - not a centurion, not on probatio. he is working towards being picked as a 4th cohort messenger.
Powers and talents: Sage is talented with archery, but not so much sword fighting. Can do some magic –> has some pig balls from Lou Ellen XD. he is not strong at magic but is fiendish in the way he uses it.
Flaws: Sage can be really fiery. he won't necessarily wait to hear the full story to make a judgement. he's nice when he's calm, but can be rude, mean, forceful and horrible when he is angry.
Personality: Fiery temper, socially awkward, can be funny, doesn't talk much about what worries him
Looks: darkish skin, black eyes, black hair.
Other (weapons, backstory): wears a glowing green amulet, backstory shall be revealed later!


Name: Austin Paul
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Years at Camp: 5
God descended from: Is a legacy of Mercury and Mars (mum was a daughter of Mercury, dad was a son of Mars.)
Rank and Cohort: Second Cohort, works as a messenger
Powers and talents: Smart and good at convincing people, also pretty good at lying and stealing (but doesn't use those often).
Flaws: Can be extremely bossy and sometimes arrogant. Doesn't like talking about sentimental or emotional things, and tries to avoid any topic like that.
Personality: Uptight, smart, gets annoyed easily, hates being ignorant, always working hard, quiet but not shy, sometimes sarcastic, serious
Looks: Blond, greyish green eyes, lightly tanned skin
Other (weapons, backstory): Backstory will be developed and usually uses a longsword or his wits as a weapon


(sure! basically the roman camp is a whole lot more disciplined and has legacies (so a god was your grandparent) if you pull up a map on google you should be able to figure it out and hopefully stuff will come back to you as we RP, but feel free to ask questions. I just didn't want people with NO clue in the RP XD)


(you can join! basically there a five cohorts in Camp Jupiter. Instead of sleeping in cabins, they sleep in their cohorts. they do acitivities with their cohorts, war games, chores, sleeping, eating etc. Rank is just whether they are on probatio (still need to prove themselves before they are fully accepted into the legion), legionnaire is just a normal member, centurion means you (along with one other) are in charge of your cohort –> all centurions are senators, who basically make the decisions, and then the top is the two praetors who are in charge of the whole legion. check out the link I posted before if you don't understand my explanation XD)


(yeah, that sounds cool to me! i don't think they talk about that in the books but why not! sounds interesting! can't wait to see your character!!!!)