Started by @BookAddict

people_alt 5 followers


Name: Arianna Aire
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Years at Camp: 6
God you are descended from: Urania
Rank and Cohort: Centurion, Second Cohort (I seriously hope this is fine.)
Powers and talents:; persuasive and has good memory.
Flaws: She is stubborn and a goody-two-shoes. (If these are bad flaws, I’ll change them.)
Personality: Prideful, sly, observant, clever, and natural leader.
Looks: Dyed her hair plum, actually brown, brown eyes. (Woah she looks like the average human.) Slightly tanned, lean, and tall.
Other: (weapons, backstory): Dual long swords & throwing knives; tbd; she’s studying to be a doctor.

@Becfromthedead group

Name: Aurelia Andrews
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual, also bound by oath to be an eternal virgin
Years at Camp: 7
God you are descended from: Daughter of Vulcan
Rank and Cohort: Medic, was a legionnaire (I'm not sure if medics have a cohort, but if so, she can be in cohort 2)
Powers and talents: immune to fire, and can somewhat control fire, but few people are aware of it
Flaws: overly proud, holds grudges sometimes
Personality: Kind, gentle, smart and knows it, takes pride in everything she does
Looks: Curly pale brown hair, light skin, amber eyes, small frame, 5'2
Other (weapons, backstory): I'll come up with a backstory later; usually she doesn't fight, but if she does, she usually prefers daggers or a semi spatha


(nuuuuuuu. well i guess the people who join will just have to mainly make boy characters XD. or i can change Sage to a boy if needed)


(this is what I mean. camp Jupiter is so underrepresented! if you make a CHB rp, 10 people join. If you make a CJ rp, 3 do. it's just SAD.)

Deleted user

(Seems cool, what is it about, what's a camp jupiter?)

Deleted user

(… you know what Camp Half-Blood is, but not Camp Jupiter? AbIgAiL dArA, hOw?!)

(I don't know, okay!)


(Seems cool, what is it about, what's a camp jupiter?)

rubs hands together "My friend, prepare for your life to be forever altered! What's a Camp Jupiter? It's only the ROMANISED version of Camp Half Blood that features in the Heroes of Olympus!"