Alright, his eye color is brown, but what shade of brown? Chocolate? Mocha? There are plenty of shades of brown to get confused and unsure! About his hairstyle, what do you mean by 'floppy' exactly? I think you should give him maybe a few more flaws! Here is a list of flaws for characters you can use! – He doesn't have any hobbies? Like, non at all? He doesn't cook, play a certain sport, clean, read, nothing? In his background, did he have any friends? What was his relationship like with his parents? What did he do for fun. Somewhere you mention something about bullies? Tell about them!
Good luck with your character and story! Hope I helped!
No name? Or is her name literally 'unknown?' Alright, so her average weight for someone her height is around 145-190 lbs! Give her more mannerisms!! Most people have a lot of mannerisms! For example, I pop my knuckles when i'm in an awkward situation or nervous. Here is a list of mannerisms you can use! — For her motivation, who, or what, is she trying to get back the ones she loves from? I think you should go a little more in-depth on her flaws, and give her a few more possibly. I'll post what I put for my antagonists flaws and hopefully give you an idea of what I mean lol! "VERY deceiving and manipulative, could probably convince you you were a cat if she wanted to. It is a good thing for her on her part, but not for everyone else who is trying to stop her. She tends to act innocent and pretend she is the good guy and the others are the bad guys. She is very egotistical and acts very selfish and self centered. She also lies, A LOT!" Explain a little about her flaws, like I did. I think you should give her some hobbies and talents along with those that aren't all about killing and being evil. That will make her seem more realistic! Maybe she likes to watch the sun set, or maybe she loves cooking! Something that everyone could do! Wow, it seems like everything is between her and Luna huh lol?
I think she could be a really good antagonist if you work on her a bit! Hope I helped and good luck! <3
Identifying marks would be something like dimples, freckles, scars, glasses maybe, colored streaks in their hair, etc! Just so you know! His eyes would be one I guess! Hmm, his motivation is a bit confusing. How is his motivation his boredom? I would think trying to stop being bored would be more of a motivation! I think you should go a bit more in-depth with his motivations; like, explain them, why he might act fake, how bad he lies, etc! His background is interesting though.
I couldn't find much wrong with him, he seems like a good character! Good luck!
Might as well haha I've not had any criticism on these guys before so I'd like to hear something new :)
This guy is the most fleshed out in my head, but I haven't necessarily written down everything that I have on him quite yet. Just let me know what's missing and I'll definitely consider it!
Can you possibly provide a link to a website that can give you average weights for a person? I noticed you comment on people getting it wrong a lot. I wondered how you know how much they should weigh. The one I used didn't seem very realistic and wasn't very accurate. Thank you!
These are my 3 main characters, and I was wondering if they're developed enough and believable. Do they seem like they could all get along well as best friends?
Is there anything wrong that sticks out?
Hi! Could you review my character? Gladwin Her discription isn't done and neither is her world :O, but hopefully theres enough in there to get an idea. Thanks!
First, how long is his pony tail exactly? And what shade of brown are his eyes? There are plenty shades of brown to get confused, just like there are plenty shades of green and blue! His flaws are a little confusing. How can he be over confident but be insecure at the same time? All of those basically contradict each other. I recommend thinking that through a bit more. Maybe you could say he acts arrogant and loud because he is insecure? Are his jokes he makes good and funny? Or are they bad and make people sigh? In his occupation you say he is a Chaser, what is a Chaser exactly and what do they do? Who is Tasper to him? His friend? Sibling? Cousin? What do you mean by 'he reads about them in books and he thinks they're unreal.' Is it just because they are so cool or because he honestly thinks they are unreal? No birthday? Is it just unknown atm? In his background you mention something about dragons, what is "the dragons?" And what did he learn to shoot? Guns? Bow and arrows? Something else?
I like him! Good luck with him and the story! <3
Thank you so much! I'll take all of your advice into consideration. To clear up the stuff about Tasper, Chasing, and Dragons –it's all in the universe. If I tried to explain everything in the individual character profiles i'd take ages. Otherwise thanks for the advice!
I think you should give her more of an exact weight instead of saying she is thin. The average weight for someone her height is 120-160 lbs! So if she was underweight, she should be around 100-150 lbs. If she is just skinny, then in the 120s! Is her hair jet black? Maybe it has a tint of grey? Explain! Hmm, she stomps her foot when nervous? Do you mean like taps her foot? Because I would think stomping her foot would be when she is angry. I also think she should have a bit more mannerisms. What does she do when she is scared? When she is excited? Is there something she says a lot? For example, one of my characters constantly says "Fight me" and things like that xD. I think you should also give her a few more flaws, she should have at least 5 or 6! Here is a list of flaws I use when creating characters! —
I like her! She seems like a really interesting character! Good luck and hope I helped!
I think you should give him some more mannerisms! What does he do when hes excited? When hes scared? Is there something he tends to repeat often? For example, one of my characters constantly says 'fight me' or 'I'll fight you' lol. In his personality trait, you say he is insecure, i'd put that in his flaws too!
Hmm, I couldn't find much to critique about him! Good luck and hope I helped some!
So he has heterochromia? This is a very cliche trait that many people give their characters, just so you know. Is it common for his race to have heterochromia or is it not? And what shade of blue and green are his eyes exactly? Is his blue eye Ocean? Sky? Pastel? Is his green eye forest green? Sage? Moss? Where does he have his freckles? One his cheeks? Arms? Shoulders? His mannerisms aren't exactly mannerisms, more of his personality. A mannerisms is a 'habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving." So for example, bouncing when excited would be a mannerisms, popping knuckles when nervous would be another. Or saying something a lot would also be one! My character constantly apologizes even if she hasn't done anything wrong, that would be a mannerism! Here is a list of mannerisms I like to use for my characters! — He is the last of his kind too eh? That is also extremely cliche and i'd be extra careful when right something like that because many people hate tropes like that. So I would try and write it the best you can and think some thing through also. How can he be 'a bit of an alcoholic?' You're either an alcoholic or you're not. So instead of saying that, i'd say 'he likes to drink every so often' or something like that. He saves all young girls because they all remind him of someone. Or do all young girls remind him of someone. I hope you get what I mean lol. A lot of people do this, and this is my personal opinion, but instead of putting the Myers briggs thing, i'd explain his personality in depth. Put his flaws, his pros, cons, thoughts, feelings, etc! On his background, you left out his childhood. What about his mom and dad? What was their relationship like? And his sister? Did he have any other siblings? Did he have any close friends? Any major childhood event that affected him? And why do humans hate his kind so much? There has got to be a reason! There is always a reason for hatred. What was the girls name that he found?
Good luck with your character and hope I helped you!
I'm a bit confused by her weight. What is 'stone?' The average weight for someone her height is 120-155 lbs! I think you should give her a few more mannerisms. What does she do when shes scared? Excited? Does she have any phrases she says a lot? How does she speak to people she dislikes? I think you should give her a few more flaws too. Is she childish? Immature? Arrogant? Maybe she is blunt. Here is a list of flaws I like to use when I create characters! — I suggest giving her at least 5-6 individual flaws! Her background seems to be unfinished. Some tips I have for that are making sure you explain everything. Her relationship with everyone around her, including parents, if she had/has any friends, any major events in her life that affected her, what she thinks about certain things like school and her home, and plenty more!
Her picture is adorable! I really like her, good luck with the character and story!
Hey, here's the link to my first full character profile! I'd really appreciate it if someone could critique it for me. Thanks! Sorry to bother you guys.
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