info Overview
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Ziophiphere Realm

date_range History
gavel Systems
edit Notes
  • person Owner
  • person Gabriela

    Created universe about 4 years ago

This universe contains...
11 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Ivý Oracle of Winter
group Xinjiai Empress of Sylazora
group Aseraell Oracle of Autumn
group Aen
group Otso Wicked Witch
group Cynthia Princess of Graenne and the greatest runaway
group Xayden Unlucky Traveller
group Lil Mae Oracle of Spring
group Rynder Oracle of Summer
group Pandragon Ruthless King of Graenne
group Aarysei King's Slave

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Pouch of Kig'embijraa'n sand Small pouch used by religious people to help them concentrate during prayer, especially when praying to Vileyi.
emoji_events Nithing (pole) Pole used for cursing and revenge.

7 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag Sylazora Country/continent with the biggest population of Syrinx in the Ziophiphere
flag Milos
flag Frozen Lands Lands covered by eternal snow, inhabited by two tribes.
flag Sria Little island close to Sylazora
flag Fayev Country going through big problem of naming it's new King.
flag Sirin
flag Graenne The most influential country in the whole world, ruled by old and ruthless king.

6 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Grassland Oabbi Six legged creature roaming on fields of Fayev
pets Common Vyvern Smaller cousin of Dragons
pets Lagun
pets Lunar Civet Rare, nocturnal mammal associated with Godess Vileyi
pets Glowing Luna Moth Unique fluorescent insect, adored by religious humans.
pets Meer (Palm) Civet Smaller and more friendly cousin of Lunar Civet

5 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Six Mothers
ac_unit Deius and Amogus
ac_unit Drakai Godess of chaos, filth and war
ac_unit Vileyi First and only mortal-turned-god, and one of the most important Deities.
ac_unit Dehmai First and most important God in human religion.

1 group reorder
wc Groups close
wc Oracles of Four Seasons Group of four individuals who had been picked by Gods themselves to read the future of their land through changing seasons.

1 landmark reorder
location_on Landmarks close
location_on Death Valley Isthmus connecting Main continent with Frozen Lands

1 lore reorder
book Lores close
book Basic Knowledge of Magic Book created after years of research on origins and rules of magic and energy in the Ziophiphere Realm.

1 magic reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Life-Merging Spell One of the oldest spells, created long before The Borders were set. Now, after world noticed real consequences of it, it has been forbidden and using it is punishable by torture and death.

3 religions reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Religion of Sria
brightness_7 Children of Six Mothers One of the oldest religions, cultivated by tribes.
brightness_7 Divinitists The biggest and most known religion in Ziophiphere

2 towns reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city Cafelle Capital city of Sirin
location_city Gyithic Capital city of Graenne

1 tradition reorder
today Traditions close
today Festival of Four Seasons Six day long festival to celebrate existance of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Ziophiphere Realm appears in the following documents

This universe was created by Gabriela on with 2 contributors.

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