info Overview
Name - What is Religion of Sria 's name?

Religion of Sria

Other names - What other names is Religion of Sria known by?

Good life- Bad Death religion; Religion of Balance

date_range History
Origin story - How did Religion of Sria first come into existence?

Religion of Sria is named after it's place of origin, which is Sria Island. It naturally spread to it's neighbouring lands, which was Sylazora and Paurica. Some even suggest, that it travelled as far as to Frozen Lands, when it spread and merged with beliefs of local tribes, creating another similar religion- but it isn't confirmed to be true.

forum Beliefs
Teachings - What values does Religion of Sria teach?

Religion of Sria is a belief in only two gods- God of Life and God of Death. Both of those deities are androgynous (are portrayed in art both with feminine or masculine features) and faceless, each one carrying two masks- one with happy and one with sad expression.
They are said to protect the balance of everyone's existence, (both in life on earth and life after death).

Prophecies - What prophecies does Religion of Sria teach?

-For every good possesion you decide to keep only to yourself, there will be one bad punishment you'll struggle on your own with in afterlife.

-If your life was full of pain and grief, your afterlife will be the relief you've been waiting for.

Places of worship - Where does Religion of Sria worship happen?

Sria folks believe, that the most powerful places are sites of battles or crimes- the bigger and more brutal, the closer to their gods it is. That is where believers usually ask gods questions or explain their decisions to them (most of the people do it to justify keeping or buying valuable items (not weapons)).

Vision of paradise - What does the Religion of Sria vision of paradise look like?

Paradise looks like endless headland, with sea water being in a color no one on earth is able to describe. It is supposed to be a place where you don't feel too hot or too cold anymore, but you can feel pain if you want to- but you cannot die. All of your relatives and companions, that also experienced "bad death" are going to meet you there, to celebrate your coming.

When you go deeper into the land, you can see that on the other half of headland is a place where hell is. You can see dead plants and tortured souls that are in there, but you can't cross the line to get inside.

account_balance Traditions
Rituals - What rituals are common with Religion of Sria ?

When you're hunting for prey you're going to eat during a huge celebration, it is ideal to kill it with more then two arrows (or two blows). Right after animal dies, you're suppose to say:

"K'ir nah ttusah, k'ir nah krttu'ah, k'ir nah csehn ch'at
butur hah her vah, cseo hah carcir nah can tr'aat."

(which can be loosely translated to:
Don’t weep, don’t cry, don’t fear the pain
It was brought upon you, therefore it’s not in vain. )

Traditions - What traditions are common with Religion of Sria ?

Some folks believe, that the more painful death you die, the more great things are going to happen to you in the afterlife. It created a tradition around Sria's people, to inflict as much pain as possible to folks who are about to die, in order to secure their rich and happy life-after-death. As it is not well understood by other cultures, this practice can be only observed on Sria Island and in two coastal towns in Sylazora.

It's up to individual if he's willing to inflict pain to unconsensual creatures in "for their own good" the name of his own religion, or if they are willing to do it only to people who asked for it.

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