info Overview
Name - What is Children of Six Mothers's name?

Children of Six Mothers

Description - How is Children of Six Mothers usually described?

One of the oldest religions, cultivated by tribes.

date_range History
Origin story - How did Children of Six Mothers first come into existence?

Religion of Six Mothers became a thing long before Ziophiphere had it's borders set, even before it became a peaceful land.

forum Beliefs
Teachings - What values does Children of Six Mothers teach?

Back when everything was covered in black waters, when there was no day and night, when deadly creatures roamed the earth without a destination, Six Mothers were first to take care of humans, protecting them for dangers of monsters. They showed people where they will be safe, and created a wall made out of ice, and border made of ocean to protect their people.

Places of worship - Where does Children of Six Mothers worship happen?

Menhirs set up around Frozen Lands,

account_balance Traditions
location_on Spread
edit Notes
Country chevron_right Religions link linked Children of Six Mothers

Deity chevron_right Religions link linked Children of Six Mothers

This religion was created by Gabriela on

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