info Overview
Name - What is Pouch of Kig'embijraa'n sand’s full name?

Pouch of Kig'embijraa'n sand

Item Type - What type of item is Pouch of Kig'embijraa'n sand?


Description - Describe Pouch of Kig'embijraa'n sand.

Small pouch used by religious people to help them concentrate during prayer, especially when praying to Vileyi.

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Materials - What is Pouch of Kig'embijraa'n sand made out of?

Leather pouch full of Kig'embijraa'n sand, beach where supposedly Vileyi fell to earth and fell in love with Aen.

Doesn't have any magical value, but can have spiritual value to religious people.

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Deity chevron_right Relics link linked Pouch of Kig'embijraa'n sand

Religion chevron_right Artifacts link linked Pouch of Kig'embijraa'n sand

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