info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Step Into Oblivion

Description - How would you describe Step Into Oblivion?

SiO is the original universe from which all other alternate universes branch out from, as multiverses are confirmed as canon and had/have a plot purpose. This universe focuses on the worlds of Alusterial and Lore. Dark high fantasy.

Genre - What genre best describes Step Into Oblivion?

High fantasy

date_range History
gavel Systems
edit Notes
  • person Owner
  • person Velika Unleashed

    Created universe about 4 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
This universe contains...
3 continents reorder
explore Continents close
explore Leviathia
explore Neberos A land where live or die by the sword is the only law, evil runs rampant, a nation besieged by enemies within... Heroes and villains, good and evil, honor and loyalty, disorder and betrayal rule. N...
explore Setrius Divide The Setrius Divide gets its name from being the "middle sibling"; these are literally the middle lands separating Leviathia from Neberos. It is separated from Neberos by oceans of magma and divided...

1 country reorder
flag Countries close
flag Darkovia Appropriately named for its perpetual darkness, Darkovia is home to both the Vampire clan and Werebeast packs. These two rivals fight an endless battle for superiority despite the true threat linge...

2 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Adrasteia Celera Adrasteia is the leading deity of the Pantheon of Alyth and is known as the Goddess of the Dark Moon. She is commonly depicted wearing black and silver armor with her trusted flame lance in hand, a...
ac_unit Tunare Kerona The Mother of All, creator of the multi-verse/universe.

2 planets reorder
public Planets close
public Alusterial Alusterial is the oldest planet in the universe and was the first to be created by the Mother of All, Tunare. It is the home planet of the Mother Spirits and their forces, the largest of which are ...
public Lore Lore is a large planet overseen by the pantheon of Alyth. However, since the Universal War, only one deity remains in Alyth and she may have plunged the world of Lore into a realm of darkness. The ...

4 races reorder
face Races close
face Angelkin An Angel is a divine humanoid celestial creature with feathered wings and a natural affinity for white magic, that has been blessed by the Mother of Light. Angels have three subspecies: Seraphim, S...
face Dwarf A Dwarf is a short-heighted humanoid that dwells in mountains and in the earth and is variously associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting. A dwarf can only be born to other dwarves. ...
face Draconian A Dragon is a large, magical reptile with four limbs, wings and a devastating elemental breath. Through the use of Dragon Magic, Dragons are able to have a human form and communicate with other cre...
face High Elf A High Elf is a humanoid with pointed ears that has a deep connection to the worlds' ley lines. They were proficient with magitech, supplying the world with magitech weapons and items, and were cap...

This universe was created by Velika Unleashed on with 2 contributors.

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