info Overview
Local name - What do the people of Neberos call it?


Other names - What other names is Neberos called?

The Shadow Continent

Description - What is Neberos's description?

A land where live or die by the sword is the only law, evil runs rampant, a nation besieged by enemies within... Heroes and villains, good and evil, honor and loyalty, disorder and betrayal rule. Neberos are the dark lands of the Mother of Darkness, and is home to the ever expanding Shadow Empire, Darkling Woods (which extends across the higher grounds overlooking the shores facing the Setrius Divide), and Darkovia - the country in which demons, vampires and werewolves thrive.

Darkling Woods surrounds the western coast of Neberos, separating the shoreline from the mainland, acting as the first act of defense from outsiders. Legend states that Tunare split above the shoreline of Neberos over the forest. As her soul splintered into five pieces and her desire for the End of all manifested and became D'Gon Shards, her body, corrupted by the dark core of Salega, fell into the forest. Her then foul blood seeped into the land, corrupting every seed and every root. The once-pristine forest was transformed by the flood of disease and venom. Deep within Darkling Woods, misshapen beasts roam in ever-growing numbers... As if answering some unheard call.

The Shadow Empire expands across the entire continent, but the Palace of Darkness lies near the center of Neberos. Composed entirely of dark crystal, the Palace is easily the largest establishment in Alusterial, reaching far beyond the clouds above ground, and extending half-way underground toward the planet's core. MS magic keeps the planetary plates from rupturing the palace, especially the lower levels. All of the halls are tall enough to accommodate an adult dragon, rooms are large, spacious, and extravagant, and the palace itself roughly takes up the size of Georgia, with a large garden towards the east. The Tower of Darkness lies to the east of the palace, closer to Darkling Woods.

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face Culture
local_florist Nature
fireplace Climate
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