info Overview
Name - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s full name?

Andrea Magnolia Ward

Other names - What other aliases does Andrea Magnolia Ward go by?

Andy, Ree, Eerie, Mags, Leah

Role - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s role in your story?

Part of main cast.

Age - How old is Andrea Magnolia Ward?


Gender - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s gender?

Cisgender girl.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Andrea Magnolia Ward have?


Hair Style - How does Andrea Magnolia Ward style their hair?

Curly, shoulder length.

Hair Color - What color is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s hair?


Height - How tall is Andrea Magnolia Ward?


Weight - How much does Andrea Magnolia Ward weigh?

115 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Andrea Magnolia Ward have?

  • Likes to be prepared, so she always wear some hair ties. Wears a ring her best friend, Cole, made for her.

Body Type

Wiry, mesomorph, rectangular body shape.

Skin Tone

Dark brown.

Race - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s race?

Human, African-American.

Eye Color - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s eye color?

Tawny brown.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Andrea Magnolia Ward have?

  • Naive and dangerously curious. As the youngest, Roane tried to keep her from Nia and Angelo's fights. He wasn't always successful, and as a result Andrea has learned some things she isn't sure about. She was sheltered, and as a result, is too curious for her own good.

  • Easily aggravated when stressed, and will snap at someone before feeling bad about it.

  • Wholly driven by her emotions.


Nonverbal Learning Disorder, an EMT.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Andrea Magnolia Ward have?

  • Writes with right hand but does everything else with left.

  • She doesn't think about things very hard, instead taking it as they come. When she does think harder, she twirls her ring while doing so.

  • Andrea prefers to listen to what happens around her, but whenever she's nervous, she hums. When she's nervous, she prefers to hear her own voice as a reminder that she's okay.

  • Andrea doesn't get mad often. But when she does, she tenses her jaw and squints at the person in question.

  • Beautiful handwriting.

  • Speaks softly and airily.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Andrea Magnolia Ward have?

  • Disagrees with people who try to lead because they're all manipulative.

  • Hates mean girls because they're all dramatic and encourage fighting.

Talents - What talents does Andrea Magnolia Ward have?

  • Good speaker. Can identify any type of flora.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Andrea Magnolia Ward have?

Andrea likes discovering. She loves to talk and listen to people, discovering their lives and what makes them tick. She likes to observe people's auras at the same time. But Andrea will go into nature anytime she can- animals' auras are less demanding than peoples', plus she gets to take pictures!

Personality type - What personality type is Andrea Magnolia Ward?

A usual youngest sibling is easygoing and fun-loving, sociable and a class clown. Andrea is the opposite of all of these.
Andrea is extremely curious to a fault, and always wants to know everything about anything. She loves and sees the potential in everything, and is extremely empathetic. However, while Andrea will root for the underdog, she isn't willing to be one. She hates conflict, and will do anything to avoid it. This is a leftover from her days when Nia and Angelo would fight in front of her.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s favorite food?

Salmon toast and asparagus. Her parents made it for Christmas morning every couple of years.

Favorite possession - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s favorite possession?

A little glass ring with dandelion seeds inside. Cole gave it to her, saying that she could make a wish on them. She wears it everyday.

Occupation - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s occupation?

  • High school student, freshman.

  • Wants to be

Job - What job does Andrea Magnolia Ward have?

Selling pretty calligraphy/origami birthday cards (

info History
Birthday - When is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s birthday?

October 6. Libra.

Background - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s background?

  • Andrea is the youngest of four in a nuclear family (a mother and a father).

  • Contrary to most youngest kids, she never wanted to stand out. Andrea was quiet and observant, while her older siblings took the attention and fights.

  • Due to seeing potential in everything, she's gone through some bad experiences due to misjudgments. Andrea has had to break off several friendships and relationships before. This has scarred her deeply. In more recent years, she's less talkative, and more reluctant to make new friends.

  • Her older brother Roane tried to prevent her from seeing Nia and Angelo fight, but he wasn't always successful. As a result of those memories, Andrea hates conflict and will do anything to avoid it.

  • She loves her older siblings in different intervals. She has conflicting feelings with her oldest brother Angelo. He often took the lead when the four went on adventures, but when they got home and got in trouble for staying out too late, would pass the blame to the other three.

  • She also has a conflicting relationship with Nia. She loves her older sister, but Nia is brash and dramatic at times. They clash sometimes.

  • She just loves her older brother Roane. He was quiet like her, and understood when she needed to get out of the house and away from everyone else.

Education - What is Andrea Magnolia Ward’s level of education?

High school, freshman.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Andrea Magnolia Ward have?


history Changelog
edit Notes

  • External: green (love of people, animals, nature), muddy blue (fear of future, speaking the truth), dark muddy yellow (fatigue/stress from trying to learn everything at one time)

  • Core: bright pink (sensual, affection, sensitive, compassion), turquoise (sensitive, compassionate), white (reflecting other energy and protection. Signal truth, purity, and healthy individual)

  • Due to having an EMT, she unconsciously uses her bodily magic- by seeing people’s auras.

  • Asexual.

  • Magnolia = Love of nature.

  • In same school as Emma and Scarlett. Feels very sad for Emma, and likes to leave anonymous notes everywhere to make her feel better.

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