info Overview
Name - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s full name?

Nia Wisteria Ward

Other names - What other aliases does Nia Wisteria Ward go by?

Wisty, Ria

Role - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s role in your story?

Side character, second oldest

Age - How old is Nia Wisteria Ward?


Gender - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s gender?

Cisgender woman.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nia Wisteria Ward have?


Hair Style - How does Nia Wisteria Ward style their hair?

French braided updo.

Hair Color - What color is Nia Wisteria Ward’s hair?


Height - How tall is Nia Wisteria Ward?


Weight - How much does Nia Wisteria Ward weigh?

170 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nia Wisteria Ward have?

  • Has distinct accent, but no one can tell where it's from. Lower-pitched voice, crisp alto.

  • Likes to answer a question with a question.

  • Always has broken nails with dirt underneath them.

Body Type

Big-boned, strong, mesomorph.

Skin Tone

Dark brown.

Race - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s race?

Human, African-American.

Eye Color - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s eye color?

Light brown.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Nia Wisteria Ward have?

Quick to anger, takes a while to be able to calm down and listen.


ADHD, inattentive type. Takes medication.

Talents - What talents does Nia Wisteria Ward have?

  • Nia loves to cook, especially using vegetables and herbs from her garden.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Nia Wisteria Ward have?

Meditating. Tending to her garden.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s favorite possession?

Enchanted dagger. Andrea's gift for her 13th birthday.

Favorite color - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s favorite color?

Navy blue and camouflage.

Occupation - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s occupation?

Originally a soldier. Now a waitress and worker at a plant nursery.

Religion - What religion does Nia Wisteria Ward practice?


Favorite weapon - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s favorite weapon?

Gauntlets, baselard.

info History
Birthday - When is Nia Wisteria Ward’s birthday?

February 4. Aquarius.

Background - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s background?

  • Nuclear family (one mom and one dad), middle of four siblings.

  • Always needed to be the rational one (Angelo was getting groomed by their father and Andrea was an ever-loving mess ay).

  • Thankfully, always had Roane to back her up. Got stuck on Earth, but at least here she could actually fight in real wars.

Education - What is Nia Wisteria Ward’s level of education?

College, sophomore.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Nia Wisteria Ward have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Heterosexual.

  • Wisteria = endurance.

  • As the second-oldest, always has a bone to pick with Angelo and the war tactics to do it with. She really likes to fight, but her father never noticed because he was grooming Angelo, and she was a girl.

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