info Overview
Name - What is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s full name?

Angelo Hollyhock Ward

Other names - What other aliases does Angelo Hollyhock Ward go by?

Angel, Angst, Holly, Hockey

Role - What is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s role in your story?

Side character, oldest

Age - How old is Angelo Hollyhock Ward?


Gender - What is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s gender?

Cisgender male.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Angelo Hollyhock Ward have?

5 o'clock shadow.

Hair Style - How does Angelo Hollyhock Ward style their hair?

Tucked to the side.

Hair Color - What color is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s hair?

Dark brown.

Height - How tall is Angelo Hollyhock Ward?


Weight - How much does Angelo Hollyhock Ward weigh?

177 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Angelo Hollyhock Ward have?

  • Has distinct accent, but no one can tell where it's from.

  • Scars all over his arms. Callused hands.

Body Type

Lightly muscled.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s race?

Human, African-American.

Eye Color - What is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s eye color?

Light brown.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Angelo Hollyhock Ward have?

  • Insomniac. Goes to bed at sunrise.

  • Belligerent. Likes to argue. Never runs away from a fight.

  • Very volatile. Judgmental. Is very dramatic about anything and everything.

  • Has a chip on his soldier.


Average mag-twiner.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Angelo Hollyhock Ward have?

  • Plans an escape plan when nervous. A leader always has to be prepared for everything to go to hell in a hand basket.

  • Smiles scarily when mad. It scares people, which is very good.

  • Uses words from previous eras.

  • To freak people out, drinks cranberry juice from a bottle that says: The Blood Of My Enemies.

  • Always wears a watch & literally can’t function without knowing what time it is. Time is such a nebulous concept and it slips away so fast.

Motivations - What motivates Angelo Hollyhock Ward most?

To live up to his father's expectations of be a leader.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Angelo Hollyhock Ward have?

Intrinsically dissatisfied with life.

Talents - What talents does Angelo Hollyhock Ward have?

Ambitious. Spiteful. Skilled diplomat. Inspiring. Proficient in swordplay. Knows way too much on how different types of poison work.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Angelo Hollyhock Ward have?

Ranting. Practicing swordplay. Picking locks and exploring forbidden areas.

Personality type - What personality type is Angelo Hollyhock Ward?

Angelo has a strong, dominant personality. He knows what he wants, and how to get it, but also when to be kind. He's inspiring to those who get to know him. He has to be strong, in part to live up to his father's expectations, but also because he doesn't know what else he can be.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s favorite color?


info History
Birthday - When is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s birthday?

July 28. Leo.

Background - What is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s background?

  • Nuclear family (one mom and one dad), oldest.

  • Very organized room.

  • Lots of responsibility put on his shoulders at young age.

  • Father was always grooming him to one day take over the kingdom.

  • Liked fighting, charging into battle, not the ruling. Didn't care for a fancy throne or crown.

  • Brought it up once, that he didn't want to be king. He wanted to be a general. It was the only day the king ever left bruises that stayed for a week afterwards on his children.

Education - What is Angelo Hollyhock Ward’s level of education?

College, junior.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Angelo Hollyhock Ward have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

- Hollyhock = Ambition.
- In their family, their father favored Angelo moreso than the other kids, and it showed.
- Angelo liked the attention, but not when he screwed up and his dad got mad at him. Not helping is that Angelo is very volatile, to the point that he struggles not to get angry all the time.

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