info Overview
Name - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s full name?

Roane Hyssop Ward

Other names - What other aliases does Roane Hyssop Ward go by?

R, Ron, Hissy

Role - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s role in your story?

Side character, third oldest

Age - How old is Roane Hyssop Ward?


Gender - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s gender?

Cisgender male.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Roane Hyssop Ward have?

5 o'clock shadow.

Hair Style - How does Roane Hyssop Ward style their hair?

Cropped short. Buzzcut.

Hair Color - What color is Roane Hyssop Ward’s hair?

Dark brown.

Height - How tall is Roane Hyssop Ward?


Weight - How much does Roane Hyssop Ward weigh?

175 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Roane Hyssop Ward have?

  • Has distinct accent, but no one can tell where it's from. Calm baritone voice, very nice to listen to.

  • Callused hands. Tapestry of scars over forearms.

  • Looks much older than he actually is.

Body Type

Lightly defined muscles, mesomorph.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s race?

Human, African-American.

Eye Color - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s eye color?

Calculating dark brown.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Roane Hyssop Ward have?

  • Can get too caught up in an argument.

  • Can get very arrogant about a topic that he thinks he knows well. Has to be baited into it though.

  • Is manipulative when he wants to be. But it happens more often than not. Roane at least /tries/ just to manipulate the late night drunkards into leaving. But a lot of times he manipulates an argument so that he's right, or that he's the good guy. It's a leftover from his days of trying to one up Angelo.

  • Allergic to chocolate. It very much sucks.



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Roane Hyssop Ward have?

  • Licks lips and starts to fiddle in pockets when nervous. As a kid, couldn't really show he was nervous; their dad, when everyone else saw him, didn't approve.

  • Reddens and gets scathingly sarcastic when mad. A defense mechanism to not be proven wrong. Usually scares away customers then.

  • Smiles gently when happy. Roane always likes to be proven wrong on how stupid humankind can be.

  • Talks to animals.

  • Regularly looks up at the stars.

Motivations - What motivates Roane Hyssop Ward most?

To find his siblings.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Roane Hyssop Ward have?

Doesn't like drunkards. Ironic, considering his job. But that means he can cut off those who would get too drunk and be...unsavory.

Talents - What talents does Roane Hyssop Ward have?

Figures out how people work quickly. He's a people watcher, and is good at analyzing what people say. Good memory. Friendly. Ambidextrous. Good cook. Mellow.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Roane Hyssop Ward have?

Figuring out how the Internet works. Talking. Trying different recipes. (Really likes making different types of tea.)

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s favorite food?

Anything he can grab. Favorite drink is water.

Occupation - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s occupation?

Bartender. $10.36 p/hr, $21,550 per year.

Politics - What politics does Roane Hyssop Ward have?


Religion - What religion does Roane Hyssop Ward practice?


Favorite animal - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Roane Hyssop Ward have?


Favorite weapon - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s favorite weapon?

His mind.

info History
Birthday - When is Roane Hyssop Ward’s birthday?

February 7. Aquarius.

Background - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s background?

  • Nuclear family (One mom and one dad), middle of four siblings.

  • Obsessively organized room.

  • Him and Clara were opposites, yet together as the tag-team of rationality.

  • He was the rational one, who could wade in a fight and side with Clara or fight her.

  • He was always the one monitoring and breaking up his siblings' fights.

Education - What is Roane Hyssop Ward’s level of education?

College, freshman. Major was Biobehavioral Health. Dropped out.
Didn't like nor understand the material.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Roane Hyssop Ward have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Grey-Aromantic.

  • Hyssop = sacrifice.

  • His father had agreed to name him after his mother's father, who was from Western Germany; Ronne.

  • Peacemaker. Always tried to stop Nia and Angelo from fighting, and tried to keep Andrea away whenever they squabble.

  • Other half of Nia, so to speak. He's the brains, Nia's the brawn.

  • Always admired Nia for being a poetic warrior, as he dubbed her, rational and brash.

  • Swordplayed with Angelo and aura fights with Nia- has several scars on his sides and tiny ones peppering his stomach.

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