info Overview
Name - What is Cole Koshi’s full name?

Cole Koshi

Other names - What other aliases does Cole Koshi go by?


Role - What is Cole Koshi’s role in your story?

Part of main cast.

Age - How old is Cole Koshi?


Gender - What is Cole Koshi’s gender?

Cisgender boy.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cole Koshi have?

Light mustache.

Hair Style - How does Cole Koshi style their hair?

Swept back from forehead and straggly, falls into his eyes a lot.

Hair Color - What color is Cole Koshi’s hair?


Height - How tall is Cole Koshi?


Weight - How much does Cole Koshi weigh?

130 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cole Koshi have?

  • "American" accent, middle-pitched breathy bass, cracks a lot.

  • Smells like ink.

Body Type

Thin, slightly well-developed, ectomorph.

Skin Tone

Sandy brown.

Race - What is Cole Koshi’s race?


Eye Color - What is Cole Koshi’s eye color?

Jet black.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Cole Koshi have?

  • Holds grudges like there's no tomorrow.


Average mag-twiner. (Reconsider)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cole Koshi have?

  • Carries a notebook everywhere to record new poetry.

Motivations - What motivates Cole Koshi most?

  • Worry and fear of loved ones getting hurt

  • Protectiveness over who he considers his

  • Pranking those he sees as 'wronging' him

Talents - What talents does Cole Koshi have?

  • Extremely good at disappearing. He's notoriously quiet; it isn't unusual to find him in the highest point of a room with no discernible way of getting to that access point.

  • Good at parkour.

  • Dependable and timely.

  • Observant and knows how people tick.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cole Koshi have?

Doing parkour & writing poetry. Hanging out with Andrea and/or his dad. Exploring. Observing people & reading psychology books.

Personality type - What personality type is Cole Koshi?

Cole knows he's not 'socially good' - as in he's manipulative, rageful, gets revenge, etc. But nobody besides his dad and Andrea care for him so why should he follow their rules? Playing by the rules didn't help - tell teach he's being bullied? They brushed him off and Cole came home that day with a new busted lip. Scold the teacher for not interfering in Andrea being harassed? Sent to the principal's office with a note. Nobody actually cares; it's just 'social niceties' or whatever the hell.

On the surface, Cole appears to be a quiet if dependable boy. Underneath, he's a manipulative but caring boy.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Cole Koshi’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Cole Koshi’s occupation?

  • High school student, freshman. Mail courier, $8.25 p/hr.

  • Wants to be

Politics - What politics does Cole Koshi have?


Religion - What religion does Cole Koshi practice?


Favorite animal - What is Cole Koshi’s favorite animal?

Dolphins (because of their cunning and cute nature).

Job - What job does Cole Koshi have?

Mail courier.

Favorite weapon - What is Cole Koshi’s favorite weapon?

His brain.

info History
Birthday - When is Cole Koshi’s birthday?

May 4. Taurus.

Background - What is Cole Koshi’s background?

  • Adopted from Indiana

  • In foster care for a while (age 5-10) before the Koshis adopted him

  • Cole's relationship with his parents are good. He wonders about his biological mother and father sometimes but loves his parents all the same.

  • Maybe one day, he could or should look for his biological parents. But that day is way in the future...

  • Andrea is Cole's best friend. She's his go-to for a critique of his poetry or whenever he feels like he messed something up. Cole is Andrea's guard, almost, whenever she goes into the forest.

  • They are not, will not date. Neither of them feel like that for the other. However, people rarely believe them, and it's a great source of annoyance for the both of them.

But if he gets in trouble his parents will be contacted which they’re th ‘finally good ones’ so to speak instead
Quiet, try to fly under the radar all the time, seeming smarter/showing off just gets him in trouble, learned how to hide it at early age

Super protective, esp makes sense w being adopted & accepted by someone (Andrea)
How does Andrea feel abt him doin that? If comes from negative home situation, may appreciate him standing up 4 her bc nobody else does but also annoyed by it

Education - What is Cole Koshi’s level of education?

High school, freshman.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cole Koshi have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Aromantic.

Cole's Poems
Moonlight hides our strengths
and shows our weaknesses.
It hides the curves, and brings out our flaws
We will always be flawed
but maybe here, under Mother Moon
we can be content with that.

You, my dear, are utterly radiant under the moonlight
Silver slides down your shoulders
and shrouds you in a cloak of eternal night
Stardust decorates your hair and shines in your eyes
The moon herself comes down
and clothes you in a veil of moondust
You are an utter goddess.

I will always love you
As long as the moon cycles
and the sun moves
and the stars twinkles
never doubt my undying love for you

Inside of you are better worlds
Bigger and better and stronger
You’re a world unto yourself
Of untold depths and secrets

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This character was created by Luna/Stella on

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