info Overview
Name - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s full name?

Scarlett Arielle Lyon

Other names - What other aliases does Scarlett Arielle Lyon go by?

Scar, Letty

Role - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s role in your story?

Part of main cast.

Age - How old is Scarlett Arielle Lyon?


Gender - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s gender?

Cisgender girl.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?


Hair Style - How does Scarlett Arielle Lyon style their hair?

Wavy and loose.

Hair Color - What color is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s hair?

Fiery orange.

Height - How tall is Scarlett Arielle Lyon?


Weight - How much does Scarlett Arielle Lyon weigh?

158 lbs. Overweight, needs to be 136 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?

  • Middle-range, bubbly alto voice. Wears glasses.

  • Freckles across shoulders, straight line down back = looks like a T.

  • Style: whatever she feels comfortable wearing. Sometimes leather and sometimes sun dresses.

Body Type

Hourglass. Big upper half, endomorph.

Skin Tone

Type III: sometimes mildly burns, tans uniformly.

Race - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s race?

Ethnicity: French.

Eye Color - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s eye color?

Sea blue.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?

  • Reckless. It's a combination of being an adventure seeker and looking ahead at the consequences, and of not heeding advice. As a result, she's had way too many brushes with death.

  • Insecure. Thinks she isn't as good as Emma. (Why is in Notes)

  • Short temper.


ADHD- Hyperactive. Anxiety.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?

  • Overflows with joy when happy. She's like the winds of a tornado; you can't help but by drawn in by its sheer ferocity. She's happy most of the time, tickled pink to be alive.

  • Bounces legs, picks at cuticles/nail polish when nervous. Usually when getting back tests, or worrying about her twin.

  • Closes down when mad. She adjusts her glasses, then proceeds to shut down the person in a verbal assault. (Example in Notes.)

  • Snorts while laughing. Moods can easily switch in the blink of an eye.

  • Likes to mess with fidget cubes. Always has a few in her backpack.

Motivations - What motivates Scarlett Arielle Lyon most?

Living life to the fullest, and weathering the bad days. (Example in Notes)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?

Hates gossipers.
(Why in History)

Talents - What talents does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?

Smart like her twin Emma, figures things out by messing with them. Making friends and networking, person to person. Enthusiasm.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?

Talking with people. Filming cool videos of herself and friends doing parkour. Researching things she gets curious about.

Personality type - What personality type is Scarlett Arielle Lyon?

  • Scarlett is like a whirlwind; she stays in one place for a while, talking to people and doing things, then leaps away to do something else. She leaves a path of satisfaction and/or annoyance behind her.

  • She's a naturally upbeat and empathetic speaker, always happy to see people and talk with them. However, she can often go off on tangents and forget to let the other person speak.

  • Scarlett is a social butterfly, but likes to hang out with most, if not all, the cliques. She loves to hear the latest news from the rich kids, hang out with the skater kids, or debate with the smart kids.

  • Scarlett is curious, always wanting to know what something means, and the reason of why it means that. She loves to ask questions in class, and teachers either like or hate her.

  • However, she can be unobservant. She doesn't realize when she is too much for some people (like introverts), or when someone finds her annoying. So Scarlett is used to people yelling at her to shut up, or just walk away from a conversation. She takes it all into stride, but inwardly, berates herself for doing it.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s favorite food?

Scallops. Seafood, really. And gulab jamun. (She's that "tries anything" character). And boba tea.

Favorite possession - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s favorite possession?

Real silver bracelet with real rabbit foot, little book with a 3-leaf clover, and mini horseshoe charms. Gift from Emma.

Favorite color - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s favorite color?

Sunshine yellow.

Occupation - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s occupation?

  • High school student, freshman. Auto mechanic, $8 p/hr.

  • Wants to be a motivational speaker.

Politics - What politics does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?


Religion - What religion does Scarlett Arielle Lyon practice?


Favorite animal - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s favorite animal?

Butterfly (change, freedom).

Job - What job does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?


Favorite weapon - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s favorite weapon?

Swiss Army knife.

info History
Birthday - When is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s birthday?

June 4. Gemini.

Background - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s background?

  • Nuclear family (One mom and one dad). Identical twin of Emma.

  • Parents are nice but distant. Their dad was usually home, and helped Emma and Scarlett with their homework. However, he often got distracted. But when he was moody, he got angry easily, and Emma and Scarlett learned to stay out of his way (Dad has ADHD, combined).

  • Mom is always working. They don't see her very often, except on the weekends. She's more like a friend that pops in, greets them, and then goes to bed on the weekdays, than a parent.

  • With not really having a mother around, Scarlett doesn't really know how to use makeup, not that she cares. She had to deal with her first period and other womanly needs by herself.

  • She's extremely independent, except for with Emma. Scarlett is extremely clingy with Emma, which has resulted in her twin pushing her away. It's a constant-tug-of-war relationship with the two.

  • Both parents knew that the twins had ADHD. They explained what it was to them, and told the twins that they didn't have that much money. Parents were only able to get some medication for the twins, citing it for "emergencies".

  • Had a pet dog named Rose, whom unfortunately passed when Scarlett was 10. After that, was terrified of the concept of death and was too scared to own another pet.

  • ADHD, hyperactive type. Aware that's why she’s usually bouncy and all over the place. Okay with it. Doesn’t take meds; that’s when the low days begin.

  • As a child, was always the out kid. Bouncing and crazy, it took her a while to learn people's boundaries and how to interact without the other kids eventually crying.

  • Always bouncing off the walls all her life. At age 9, her "friends" gave Emma and ultimatum: her or them. They had kicked Scarlett out of their group because she was a 'fatty'. Scarlett was immensely relieved when Emma chose her.

  • At age 12: Cerise came upon the skater scene and loved it. From there she shifted through different scenes throughout the years: prepster, rocker, emo (we don't talk about that one), hipster, cheerleader, flirt.

  • Got her heart broken quite a few times, as well as some bones. Went through several friend breakups, and endured slut-shaming and vicious teachers. But in the end, Scarlett came out on top.

  • At age 15, finally settled between the skaters, preps, and stupid darers.

  • However, she still compares herself to her twin. (Emma is more smart, way smarter than me. I'm just a dumb airhead next to her i bet she hates me oh no)

Education - What is Scarlett Arielle Lyon’s level of education?

High school student, freshman.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Scarlett Arielle Lyon have?

A ragdoll cat named Lily.

history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Theme Songs: Skyscraper, Warrior - Demi Lovato; Oh No!, Homewrecker - Marina and the Diamonds; Run the World (Girls) - Beyonce; Unique - Lenka.

  • Bisexual.

  • Wears dark orange glasses. Loves sugary drinks; actually help her concentrate.

  • Grades in the middles, mostly C+s and Bs.

  • School nickname: "Firefox"

  • Forever optimist. Always looks on bright side of things, but always too late that she realizes the consequences.

  • Has had a couple of boyfriends and girlfriends. Never went farther than kissing. Some were nice, but just not a good fit. But others had tried to grope her, so buh-bye.
    Currently, okay with being single. People still ask her out however.

  • Has insomnia and pulls all-nighters, pulling lots of pranks or doing homework.

  • Very proud of Emma's good grades. But also somewhat jealous because it's natural for Emma; she's smart in that way. It takes Cerise lots of work to keep up her Bs and Cs.

  • Dislikes the days that she crashes back down into reality. Being on a “high” through life always follows by a fall. The days that she feels less than stellar, she hangs out with the dare artists more. She gets a little less happy and more known to go on a rage.

  • What do people like about her? She's optimistic, almost dangerously so. She's a cheerer-upper, you just can't be sad around her.

  • What do people dislike about her? She eventually beomes too much. And a lot of times Scarlett doesn't read into that until it's too late.

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